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=== Article 1 - Introduction ===
:1.1 - This Act willmay establishbe acited comprehensive national health service foras the Kodiak"Universal RepublicHealthcare thatAct (651)".
:1.2 - The purpose of this Act is –
::1.1.1 - is universally available to all residents of Kodiak without discrimination;
::1.2.1 - to establish a comprehensive and universal national healthcare system for the Kodiak Republic;
::1.1.2 - is free at the point of service; and
::1.2.2 - to ensure that all citizens have access to high-quality healthcare services that are free at the point of access; and
::1.1.3 - shall be referenced in this Act, and henceforth known as the Universal Health Service (UHS).
::1.2.3 - to provide for the regulation and administration of healthcare services in the Kodiak Republic.
:1.2 - Upon the implementation of this Act, The Public Hospitals and Healthcare Act (635) is henceforth repealed.
:1.3 - In this Act, "theunless Minister"context refersotherwise to the Minister of State for Health and Education.requires
::1.3.1 - "the Minister" means the Minister of State for Health and Education, or any person appointed by the Minister to perform the functions of the Minister under this Act;
::1.3.2 - "UHS" means the Universal Healthcare Service henceforth established by this Act;t
:1.4 - Upon the implementation of this Act, The Public Hospitals and Healthcare Act (635) is henceforth repealed.
:1.5 - Upon the implementation of this Act, it shall henceforth be illegal to provide any treatment associated with acute illness outside the scope and commission of the UHS within the Kodiak Republic.
=== Article 2 - Duties of the Minister ===
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::2.4.3 - the treatment of such persons; and
::2.4.4 - the supply of contraceptive substances and appliances, including the making and recovery of charges for such substances and appliances.
:2.5 - It shall be the duty of the Minister to bring before the General Assembly a report on the functioning of the UHS, where it is deemed appropriate and reasonable by the Minister and the Executive that such a report would not compromise the national interests of the Kodiak Republic.
=== Article 3 - Provision of funds ===
:3.1 - The Minister may allocate funding to the UHS as they deem necessary to fulfill all obligations and provisions outlined by this act.
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::3.2.2 - are over the age of 18.
:3.3 - Any persons who independently finance a private health insurance plan may apply for a tax rebate equal to the cost of their insurance premium not exceeding an amount of ₣1,000 per annum.
=== Article 4 - Entitlement to access ===
:4.1 - All persons within the territories of Kodiak shall have a natural and uninfringeable right to access the services of the UHS.
Line 81 ⟶ 88:
=== Article 8 - Local Health Authorities ===
:8.1 - There shall be established by the Minister Local Health Authorities, henceforth referred to as LHAs, for each constituency within the Kodiak Republic for the purpose of –
Commission of secondary and tertiary care on a local level in consultation with CACs under the guidance of PHAs.
::8.1.1 - commissioning secondary and tertiary care on a local level;
=== Article X - Clinical Advisory Committees ===
::8.1.2 - ensuring the delivery of adequate healthcare services to meet the needs of the local population;
CACs provide clinical advice for the bodies of LHAs who may not be specialists in the area of commission and need further guidance to make correct decisions.
::8.1.3 - developing and implementing local healthcare policies and plans, in conjunction with the relevant Provincial Health Authority; and
== Secondary and Tertiary Healthcare Services ==
::8.1.4 - coordinating the resources of the UHS, local governing authorities, charitable organizations, private healthcare service providers, and other stakeholders in the provision of healthcare within a constituency.
:8.2 - The LHAs shall be empowered to –
::8.2.1 - commission secondary and tertiary care from healthcare providers through the use of Secondary and Tertiary Care Service Contracts;
::8.2.2 - work in collaboration with their respective Provincial Health Authority to ensure the adequate distribution of resources and funding; and
::8.2.3 - request the support of Clinical Advisory Committees as necessary to inform and guide the commissioning of secondary and tertiary care.
=== Article 9 - Clinical Advisory Committees ===
:9.1 - The Minister shall establish Clinical Advisory Committees, henceforth referred to as CACs, for the purpose of –
::9.1.1 - providing clinical advice for LHAs, PHAs, and NHA;
::9.1.2 - advising on the commissioning of specialist services and treatments;
::9.1.3 - ensuring the best utilization of healthcare resources; and
::9.1.4 - guiding the bodies of LHAs, PHAs, and NHA to make the best clinical decisions.
:9.2 - The CACs shall be composed of –
::9.2.1 - clinical experts and specialists from relevant fields of medicine and healthcare;
::9.2.2 - representatives of the relevant LHAs, PHAs, and NHA; and
::9.2.3 - other stakeholders as deemed appropriate by the Minister.
:9.3 - The CACs shall be empowered to –
::9.3.1 - provide clinical advice and guidance to LHAs, PHAs, and NHA;
::9.3.2 - provide recommendations for the commissioning of specialist services and treatments;
::9.3.3 - ensure the best utilization of healthcare resources; and
::9.3.4 - ensure the implementation of best clinical practices.
== UHS Trusts ==
=== Article X - Provision of services by the Minister ===
=== Article X10 - TransferUHS ofHospital assets to the MinisterTrusts ===
:10.1 - There shall be established by the Minister, a number of publically owned corporate bodies to be henceforth referred to as UHS Hospital Trusts, as the Minister deems appropriate and reasonable, for the purpose of providing high-quality, hospital-based secondary and tertiary healthcare services to the people of the Kodiak Republic upon the commission of such services by the empowered authority.
:10.2 - The UHS Hospital Trusts shall be empowered to –
::10.2.1 - acquire, hold, and dispose of property and assets, both moveable and immoveable;
::10.2.2 - appoint and employ staff, including medical, nursing, and administrative staff;
::10.2.3 - receive donations and funding through private means; and
::10.2.4 - enter into contracts for the provision of healthcare services both secondary and tertiary to the public with the relevant commissioning body.
:10.3 - Each UHS Hospital Trust shall consist of –
::10.3.1 - a board of directors, consisting of no more than nine members, five of which must be non-executive directors, all to be appointed by the NHA;
::10.3.2 - a Chief Executive Officer, to be appointed by the board of directors; and
::10.3.3 - other officers and employees, to be appointed by the board of directors, as required for the efficient performance and function of the UHS Hospital Trust.
:10.4 - A UHS Hospital Trust cannot –
::10.4.1 - provide any such healthcare service that is funded by private means, including co-payments; or
::10.4.2 - provide any such healthcare service that it is not commissioned for by contract with a relevant empowered authority.
=== Article X11 - PublicUHS Teaching Hospital Trusts ===
:11.1 - There shall be established by the Minister, a number of publically owned corporate bodies to be henceforth referred to as UHS Teaching Hospital Trusts, as the Minister deems appropriate and reasonable, for the purposes of –
::11.1.1 - providing high-quality, hospital-based secondary and tertiary healthcare services to the people of the Kodiak Republic upon the commission of such services by the empowered authority; and
::11.1.2 - providing high-quality, hospital-based clinical education for students of clinical subjects requiring practical placement at associated State Universities as established by the Kodiak Higher Education Rebuild Package (649).
:11.2 - The UHS Teaching Hospital Trusts shall be empowered to –
::11.2.1 - enact all powers of UHS Hospital Trusts as outlined in 10.2.1 - 10.2.4; and
::11.2.2 - appoint and employ relevant staff for the instruction, mentorship, and teaching of students.
:11.3 - Each UHS Teaching Hospital Trust shall consist of –
::11.3.1 - a board of governors, consisting of no more than nine members, five of which are to be appointed by the NHA, the remaining four by the combined decision of any associated State Universities;
::11.3.2 - a Chief Executive Officer, to be appointed by the board of governors; and
::11.3.3 - other officers and employees, to be appointed by the board of governors, as required for the efficient performance and function of the UHS Teaching Hospital Trust.
:11.4 - A UHS Teaching Hospital Trust cannot –
::11.4.1 - provide any such healthcare service that is funded by private means, including co-payments; or
::11.4.2 - provide any such healthcare service that it is not commissioned for by contract with a relevant empowered authority.
=== Article X12 - SecondaryUHS andEmergency tertiary health service contractsTrusts ===
:12.1 - There shall be established by the Minister, only where absolutely necessary, and under the guidance of a committee consisting of members from the Ministry of Health and Education, the NHA, and the relevant PHAs and LHAs, a number of publically owned corporate bodies to be henceforth referred to as UHS Emergency Trusts, as such a committee deems appropriate and reasonable, for the purpose of providing high-quality, hospital-based emergency healthcare services to the people of the Kodiak Republic upon the commission of such services by the empowered authority.
:12.2 - The UHS Emergency Trusts shall be empowered to –
::12.2.1 - acquire, hold, and dispose of property and assets, both moveable and immoveable;
::12.2.2 - appoint and employ staff, including medical, nursing, and administrative staff;
::12.2.3 - receive donations and funding through private means; and
::12.2.4 - enter into contracts for the provision of emergency healthcare services to the public with the relevant commissioning body.
:12.3 - Each UHS Emergency Trust shall consist of –
::12.3.1 - a board of directors, consisting of no more than nine members, five of which must be non-executive directors, all to be appointed by the NHA;
::12.3.2 - a Chief Executive Officer, to be appointed by the board of directors; and
::12.3.3 - other officers and employees, to be appointed by the board of directors, as required for the efficient performance and function of the UHS Hospital Trust.
:12.4 - A UHS Hospital Trust cannot –
::12.4.1 - provide any such healthcare service that is funded by private means, including co-payments; or
::12.4.2 - provide any such healthcare service that it is not commissioned for by contract with a relevant empowered authority; and
::12.4.3 - enter into contracts for the provision of any healthcare service beyond the scope of providing hospital-based emergency care.
=== Article 13 - UHS Ambulance Trusts ===
== Primary Health Services ==
:13.1 - There shall be established by the Minister, a number of publically owned corporate bodies to be henceforth referred to as UHS Ambulance Trusts, as the Minister deems appropriate and reasonable, for the purposes of
::13.1.1 - providing high-quality, pre-hospital, emergency healthcare services to the people of the Kodiak Republic upon the commission of such services by the relevant empowered authority; and
::13.1.2 - providing high-quality, clinical education for students of clinical subjects requiring practical placement at associated State Universities as established by the Kodiak Higher Education Rebuild Package (649).
:13.2 - The UHS Ambulance Trusts shall be empowered to –
::13.2.1 - acquire, hold, and dispose of property and assets, both moveable and immoveable;
::13.2.2 - appoint and employ staff, including medical, nursing, administrative, and teaching staff;
::13.2.3 - receive donations and funding through private means; and
::13.2.4 - enter into contracts for the provision of pre-hospital emergency healthcare services to the public with the relevant commissioning body.
:13.3 - Each UHS Ambulance Trust shall consist of –
::13.3.1 - a board of directors, consisting of no more than nine members, five of which must be non-executive directors, all to be appointed by the NHA;
::13.3.3 - a Chief Executive Officer, to be appointed by the board of directors; and
::13.3.4 - other officers and employees, to be appointed by the board of directors, as required for the efficient performance and function of the UHS Ambulance Trust.
:13.4 - A UHS Ambulance Trust cannot –
::13.4.1 - provide any such healthcare service that is funded by private means, including co-payments; or
::13.4.2 - provide any such healthcare service that it is not commissioned for by contract with a relevant empowered authority.
=== Article X14 - PrimaryTransfer Healthof Serviceassets Contractsfrom the Minister ===
:14.1 - Upon the establishment of a UHS Trust, it shall be the duty of the Minister to transfer to said UHS Trust all facilities, property, staff, and associated assets that had been transferred to the Minister under subsection 5.1 of this Act, as is deemed relevant and appropriate for the establishment and effective function of said UHS Trust under the guidance of the NHA.
:14.2 - Wherein the Minister has authority over the facilities, property, staff and associated assets of an emergency department that was formerly owned by a private care institution prior to the , it shall be the duty of the minister to create a committee to take action to –
::14.2.1 - create a UHS Emergency Trust to which the facilities, property, staff, and associated assets shall be transfered, in the case and only the case that there are multiple such emergency departments which can be transferred to such a UHS Emergency Trust within a reasonable geographic area; or
::14.2.2 - return the facilities, property, staff, and associated assets to the private institution under a Special Health Service Contract commissioned by the NHA, wherein the private hospital must provide all services associated with emergency care and acute illness under UHS commission.
== Health Service Contracts ==
===Article Additional15 - Primary Health ServicesService Contracts ===
=== Article X16 - AmbulanceSecondary Health Service servicesContracts ===
=== Article X17 - PharmaceuticalTertiary Health Service servicesContracts ===
=== Article X18 - DentalSpecial Health Service servicesContracts ===
=== Article X - Ophthalmological services ===
=== Article X - Mental health services ===
''Written by Tom Westbrook.''


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