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''A bill to'' ''establish a comprehensive health service for Kodiak.''
ACTIONED on ## MONTH YEAR with ## Aye, ## Nay, ## Abstain
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=== Article 1 - Introduction ===
:1.1 - This Act will establish a comprehensive national health service for the Kodiak Republic that –
::1.1.1 - is universally available to all citizens of Kodiak without discrimination;
::1.1.2 - is free at the point of service; and
::1.1.3 - shall be referenced in this Act as the Kodiak Health Service (KHS).
:1.2 - Upon the implementation of this Act, The Public Hospitals and Healthcare Act (635) is henceforth repealed.
:1.3 - In this Act, "the Minister" refers to the Minister of State for Health and Education.
=== Article 2 - Duties of the Minister ===
:2.1 - The Minister shall have power –
::2.1.1 - to establish a national and comprehensive health service that secures the improvement in the physical and mental health of the people of Kodiak;
::2.1.2 - to provide such services as they consider appropriate for the purpose of the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of illness;
::2.1.3 - to provide such services as they consider appropriate for the purposes of the implementation of the provisions of this Act; and
::2.1.4 - to create regulations that may provide for the making and recovery of charges for provisions implemented by this Act.
:2.2 - It is the duty of the Minister to provide throughout Kodiak, to such extent as they consider necessary to meet all reasonable requirements –
::2.2.1 - hospital or other necessary accommodation for the provision of healthcare;
::2.2.2 - medial, nursing, dental, and ambulance services;
::2.2.3 - facilities for the care of pregnant and nursing individuals and young children and they deem appropriate as part of the KHS;
::2.2.4 - facilities for the prevention of illness, the care of persons suffering from illness, and after-care of persons who have suffered from illness in coordination with the Minister of State for Social Services; and
::2.2.5 - any other service that may be required for the diagnosis and treatment of illness.
:2.3 - It shall be the duty of the Minister to afford the provision of medical and dental inspection at appropriate intervals of pupils in attendance at educational centres maintained by local education authorities and for the medical and dental treatment of any such pupil.
:2.4 - It shall be the duty of the Minister to afford the provision of family planning services, as they deem is appropriate to meet all reasonable requirements of this Act:
::2.4.1 - advice on contraceptive methods;
::2.4.2 - medical examination of persons seeking advice on contraceptive methods;
::2.4.3 - the treatment of such persons; and
::2.4.4 - the supply of contraceptive substances and appliances, including the making and recovery of charges for such substances and appliances.
=== Article 3 - Provision of funds ===
:3.1 - The Minister may allocate funding to the KHS as they deem necessary to fulfill all obligations and provisions outlined by this act.
::3.1.1 - Upon the implementation of this Act, the KHS will be granted a budget of ₣18.5 billion for the first year and will be henceforth subject to yearly budget review.
:3.2 - This Act will introduce a new flat income levy of 2% on all citizens who –
::3.2.1 - earn over 15,000 per fiscal year; and
::3.2.2 - are over the age of 18.
:3.3 - Any persons who independently finance a private health insurance plan may apply for a tax rebate equal to the cost of their insurance premium not exceeding an amount of ₣1,000 per annum.
=== Article 4 - Entitlement to access ===
:4.1 - All persons within the territories of Kodiak shall have a natural and uninfringeable right to access the services of the KHS.
:4.2 - All residents of Kodiak shall have access to the services of the KHS that are free at the point of contact.
::4.2.1 - Residents may be required to make co-payments towards any such services they have accessed as is deemed appropriate by the Minister through the creation of regulation under subsection 2.1.4.
== Health Authorities and Administration ==
=== Article X5 - Abolition of previous health authorities ===
:5.1 - With the implementation of this Act, all prior local health authorities will be henceforth dissolved.
::5.1.1 - This dissolution shall take place gradually over the course of a period not exceeding one year to allow for the creation of new authorities and the transfer of facilities, staff, property, and associated assets to such new authorities.
:5.2 - The staff, property, and associated assets of former local health authorities shall be divided between the Minister and local governing authorities such that –
::5.2.1 - facilities, staff, property, and associated assets for the provision of primary, secondary, or tertiary healthcare are transferred to the Minister; and
::5.2.2 - facilities, staff, property, and associated assets for the provision of community and social care are transferred to the local governing authorities.
:5.3 - Any facilities, staff, property, or assets transferred to the Minister will be distributed to the necessary parties according to the provisions of this Act.
=== Article X6 - National Health Authority ===
:6.1 - There shall be established a National Health Authority, henceforth referred to as the NHA, for the purposes of –
Specialist services, overall quality, direction, budget etc; Oversees the licensing of medications for use in Kodiak regulating price.
::6.1.1 - ensuring the overall quality of healthcare services provided by the KHS;
::6.1.2 - outlining an overall direction and administrative function for the KHS;
::6.1.3 - overseeing the national distribution of funding, facilities, staff, property, and associated assets afforded to the KHS by the Minister;
:6.2 - The NHA shall be empowered to –
::6.2.1 - commission specialist healthcare provision where it is appropriate due to the rarity or complexity of the diagnosis, treatment, or management of an illness or condition such that the commission of these services is only practical on a national scale; and
::6.2.2 - regulate and license medications, drugs, substances, and appliances for distribution within Kodiak, including –
::: setting limits on the maximum pricing that any healthcare provider may be charged for the purchase of such items; and
::: guidance for practitioners and healthcare providers on best practices for the implementation of such items to ensure a consistent national standard of practice.
=== Article X7 - Provincial Health Authorities ===
:7.1 - There shall be established Provincial Health Authorities, henceforth referred to as PHAs, for each province of the Kodiak Republic for the purpose of –
Commission of primary care; Oversee the integration between LHAs, Local Authorities and their services and charities; establish and administer CACs; support contract negotiations between LHAs and Care Providers;
::7.1.1 - overseeing the administration of Local Health Authorities;
::7.1.2 - providing support to Local Health Authorities;
::7.1.3 - coordinating the resources of the Local Health Authorities within any given province such that funding and provision are distributed in a way that reduces health inequalities; and
::7.1.4 - facilitating the integration of the KHS, local governing authorities, charitable organisations, private healthcare service providers, and other stakeholders in the provision of healthcare within a province.
:7.2 - The PHAs shall be empowered to –
::7.2.1 - commission the provision of primary healthcare from primary healthcare providers through the use of Primary Health Service Contracts;
::7.2.2 - establish and oversee the administration of Clinical Advisory Committees as necessary to inform and advise Local Health Authorities; and
::7.2.3 - provide delegates to aid in contract negotiations with healthcare service providers on behalf of Local Health Authorities.
=== Article X - Local Health Authorities ===
Commission of secondary and tertiary care on a local level in consultation with CACs under the guidance of PHAs.
=== Article X - Clinical Advisory Committees ===
CACs provide clinical advice for the bodies of LHAs who may not be specialists in the area of commission and need further guidance to make correct decisions.
== Secondary and Tertiary Healthcare Services ==
Line 41 ⟶ 90:
== Primary Health Services ==
=== Article X - Primary healthHealth serviceService contractsContracts ===
== Additional Health Services ==

Revision as of 15:40, 3 February 2023

A bill to establish a comprehensive health service for Kodiak.

ACTIONED on ## MONTH YEAR with ## Aye, ## Nay, ## Abstain


Article 1 - Introduction

1.1 - This Act will establish a comprehensive national health service for the Kodiak Republic that –
1.1.1 - is universally available to all citizens of Kodiak without discrimination;
1.1.2 - is free at the point of service; and
1.1.3 - shall be referenced in this Act as the Kodiak Health Service (KHS).
1.2 - Upon the implementation of this Act, The Public Hospitals and Healthcare Act (635) is henceforth repealed.
1.3 - In this Act, "the Minister" refers to the Minister of State for Health and Education.

Article 2 - Duties of the Minister

2.1 - The Minister shall have power –
2.1.1 - to establish a national and comprehensive health service that secures the improvement in the physical and mental health of the people of Kodiak;
2.1.2 - to provide such services as they consider appropriate for the purpose of the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of illness;
2.1.3 - to provide such services as they consider appropriate for the purposes of the implementation of the provisions of this Act; and
2.1.4 - to create regulations that may provide for the making and recovery of charges for provisions implemented by this Act.
2.2 - It is the duty of the Minister to provide throughout Kodiak, to such extent as they consider necessary to meet all reasonable requirements –
2.2.1 - hospital or other necessary accommodation for the provision of healthcare;
2.2.2 - medial, nursing, dental, and ambulance services;
2.2.3 - facilities for the care of pregnant and nursing individuals and young children and they deem appropriate as part of the KHS;
2.2.4 - facilities for the prevention of illness, the care of persons suffering from illness, and after-care of persons who have suffered from illness in coordination with the Minister of State for Social Services; and
2.2.5 - any other service that may be required for the diagnosis and treatment of illness.
2.3 - It shall be the duty of the Minister to afford the provision of medical and dental inspection at appropriate intervals of pupils in attendance at educational centres maintained by local education authorities and for the medical and dental treatment of any such pupil.
2.4 - It shall be the duty of the Minister to afford the provision of family planning services, as they deem is appropriate to meet all reasonable requirements of this Act:
2.4.1 - advice on contraceptive methods;
2.4.2 - medical examination of persons seeking advice on contraceptive methods;
2.4.3 - the treatment of such persons; and
2.4.4 - the supply of contraceptive substances and appliances, including the making and recovery of charges for such substances and appliances.

Article 3 - Provision of funds

3.1 - The Minister may allocate funding to the KHS as they deem necessary to fulfill all obligations and provisions outlined by this act.
3.1.1 - Upon the implementation of this Act, the KHS will be granted a budget of ₣18.5 billion for the first year and will be henceforth subject to yearly budget review.
3.2 - This Act will introduce a new flat income levy of 2% on all citizens who –
3.2.1 - earn over 15,000 per fiscal year; and
3.2.2 - are over the age of 18.
3.3 - Any persons who independently finance a private health insurance plan may apply for a tax rebate equal to the cost of their insurance premium not exceeding an amount of ₣1,000 per annum.

Article 4 - Entitlement to access

4.1 - All persons within the territories of Kodiak shall have a natural and uninfringeable right to access the services of the KHS.
4.2 - All residents of Kodiak shall have access to the services of the KHS that are free at the point of contact.
4.2.1 - Residents may be required to make co-payments towards any such services they have accessed as is deemed appropriate by the Minister through the creation of regulation under subsection 2.1.4.

Health Authorities and Administration

Article 5 - Abolition of previous health authorities

5.1 - With the implementation of this Act, all prior local health authorities will be henceforth dissolved.
5.1.1 - This dissolution shall take place gradually over the course of a period not exceeding one year to allow for the creation of new authorities and the transfer of facilities, staff, property, and associated assets to such new authorities.
5.2 - The staff, property, and associated assets of former local health authorities shall be divided between the Minister and local governing authorities such that –
5.2.1 - facilities, staff, property, and associated assets for the provision of primary, secondary, or tertiary healthcare are transferred to the Minister; and
5.2.2 - facilities, staff, property, and associated assets for the provision of community and social care are transferred to the local governing authorities.
5.3 - Any facilities, staff, property, or assets transferred to the Minister will be distributed to the necessary parties according to the provisions of this Act.

Article 6 - National Health Authority

6.1 - There shall be established a National Health Authority, henceforth referred to as the NHA, for the purposes of –
6.1.1 - ensuring the overall quality of healthcare services provided by the KHS;
6.1.2 - outlining an overall direction and administrative function for the KHS;
6.1.3 - overseeing the national distribution of funding, facilities, staff, property, and associated assets afforded to the KHS by the Minister;
6.2 - The NHA shall be empowered to –
6.2.1 - commission specialist healthcare provision where it is appropriate due to the rarity or complexity of the diagnosis, treatment, or management of an illness or condition such that the commission of these services is only practical on a national scale; and
6.2.2 - regulate and license medications, drugs, substances, and appliances for distribution within Kodiak, including – setting limits on the maximum pricing that any healthcare provider may be charged for the purchase of such items; and guidance for practitioners and healthcare providers on best practices for the implementation of such items to ensure a consistent national standard of practice.

Article 7 - Provincial Health Authorities

7.1 - There shall be established Provincial Health Authorities, henceforth referred to as PHAs, for each province of the Kodiak Republic for the purpose of –
7.1.1 - overseeing the administration of Local Health Authorities;
7.1.2 - providing support to Local Health Authorities;
7.1.3 - coordinating the resources of the Local Health Authorities within any given province such that funding and provision are distributed in a way that reduces health inequalities; and
7.1.4 - facilitating the integration of the KHS, local governing authorities, charitable organisations, private healthcare service providers, and other stakeholders in the provision of healthcare within a province.
7.2 - The PHAs shall be empowered to –
7.2.1 - commission the provision of primary healthcare from primary healthcare providers through the use of Primary Health Service Contracts;
7.2.2 - establish and oversee the administration of Clinical Advisory Committees as necessary to inform and advise Local Health Authorities; and
7.2.3 - provide delegates to aid in contract negotiations with healthcare service providers on behalf of Local Health Authorities.

Article X - Local Health Authorities

Commission of secondary and tertiary care on a local level in consultation with CACs under the guidance of PHAs.

Article X - Clinical Advisory Committees

CACs provide clinical advice for the bodies of LHAs who may not be specialists in the area of commission and need further guidance to make correct decisions.

Secondary and Tertiary Healthcare Services

Article X - Provision of services by the Minister

Article X - Transfer of assets to the Minister

Article X - Public Hospital Trusts

Article X - Secondary and tertiary health service contracts

Primary Health Services

Article X - Primary Health Service Contracts

Additional Health Services

Article X - Ambulance services

Article X - Pharmaceutical services

Article X - Dental services

Article X - Ophthalmological services

Article X - Mental health services

Written by Tom Westbrook.

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