Individual Income Tax Act 630
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
(Redirected from The Individual Income Tax Act (Inter))
An act to fund government expenditure from individual revenues.
Passed on 26 Sep 2021 with 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 0 Abstain,
AMENDED by the Amendment: The Individual Income Tax Act (630)
AMENDED by The Pay Your Own Way Tax Reform, 667
Article 1 - The Income Tax
- 1.1 - Creates a progressive tax on all earnings by citizens of the Republic set at the median annual tax rate of 37%, and sets Income Tax Brackets as follows:
- 1.2 – The first ₣15,000 of Income shall be tax free
- 1.2 - ₣15,000 - ₣30,000 shall be taxed at 20%
- 1.3 - ₣30,000 - ₣60,000 shall be taxed at 37%
- 1.4 - ₣60,000 - ₣120,000 shall be taxed at 56%
- 1.5 - ₣120,000 and over shall be taxed at 72%
Article 2 - The Small Enterprise Creation Investment Credit
- 2.1 - Permits a 0.50 florin-per-florin deduction from earned income for investments into any Kodiaker-majority-owned Small or Medium Enterprise (SME) established within the last 10 years.
- 2.2 - The deduction may be applied to personal income or personal capital gains or both in ratio at the discretion of the taxpayer.
- 2.3 - Establishes a maximum deduction of 150,000 florins per year.
- 2.4 - Defines Small or Medium Enterprise as defined by the Hiring Subsidies and SME Loans Act 651.
Article 3 - The Health Insurance Credit
- 3.1 - Permits a 0.125 florin-per-florin deduction from earned income for payments or premiums toward any insurance plan contracted to at least 11 months or longer.
- 3.2 - The deduction may be applied to personal income, or personal capital gains, or both in ratio - at the discretion of the taxpayer.
- 3.3 - Establishes a maximum deduction of 25,000 florins per year.
Article 4 - The Education Fee Credit
- 4.1 - Permits a 0.25 florin-per-florin deduction from earned income for tuition or fees used for any Kodiaker between the ages 4 and 18 to attend a non-state educational institution.
- 4.2 - The deduction may be applied to personal income, or personal capital gains, or both in ratio - at the discretion of the taxpayer.
- 4.3 - Establishes a maximum deduction of 25,000 florins per year.