The Constitution of the Seventh Republic of Kodiak
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The Constitution of the Seventh Republic of Kodiak
We, the people and states of the most serene Republic of Kodiak, do hereby accept and exalt this Constitution as the ruling document of our society. For the furtherance of democracy, integrity, equality, and community as the pillars of our Republic. We stand united beneath these timeless and immortal principles of duty with love to a community whose work goes on, whose hope still lives, and whose dreams shall never die.
Article 1 - The Legislature
- 1.1 - The legislative power shall be vested in a unicameral General Assembly, which shall consist of the selected representatives of the individual Federated States of the Republic of Kodiak.
- 1.2 - The Assembly shall have the power to pass by majority vote edicts concerning any area of the Republic, and all treaties, declarations of war, or similar pursuits must be approved by a majority of its membership before going into effect.
- 1.3 - The Assembly shall make its own rules of order.
- 1.4 - The Assembly shall be moderated by a President, an individual selected from the voting members of the Assembly, by the members, and to serve at the discretion of the members.
- 1.5 -The General Assembly shall pass edicts that shall form Codes of Law, organized by the President of the Assembly and Chief Justice, that shall form the basis of statutory law in the Kodiak Republic.
- 1.6 - Any member of the Assembly may offer a proposal, and all proposals shall receive due consideration.
- 1.7 - The Assembly may pass edicts by a majority vote after no less than forty-eight hours consideration by the membership, and once passed, an edict shall be enacted.
- 1.8 - All officials of the Serene Republic shall hold an oath to serve the people of Kodiak, and may be impeached for the violation of this oath, in addition to corruption, fraud, sedition, crimes against a person, crimes against humanity, or other crimes determined by the assembly. All motions to remove an official require a minimum of 2/3 vote of the General Assembly to pass, unless a higher standard is determined by the Assembly.
Article 2 - The Executive
- 2.1 - The General Assembly shall elect from its voting members a Chancellor to lead the executive and this Chancellor serves at the discretion of the majority of the General Assembly.
- 2.2 - The Chancellor may not also serve as the President.
- 2.3 - The Assembly, with the guidance of the Chancellor, shall elect Ministers to lead the executive departments.
- 2.4 - The Chancellor may, in the case of vacancy, temporarily appoint an executive minister until the Assembly finalises approval of a new minister.
Article 3 - The Judiciary
- 3.1 - The Judicial Power shall be vested in a High Court of the Republic, within which shall sit the senior judge from each province and led by a Chief Justice.
- 3.2 - The Chief Justice shall be selected by the colleague High Court Justices with a simple majority.
- 3.3 - Justices may be dismissed only by either retirement or a two-thirds majority of Assembly.
- 3.4 - The Judicial Power shall be defined as the power to hear and try cases both civil and criminal, to vet punishment, to issue subpoenas and warrants, to rule on conflicting or vague pieces of legislation, and to rule laws or parts of laws unconstitutional, by which act said laws or parts of laws shall be null and void.
- 3.5 - The High Court may not rule on law that does not exist, nor make binding decrees on areas in which there is no established statute.
- 3.6 - The Court shall decide on guilt, innocence, punishment, and on opinions of jurisprudence.
Article 4 - The Guarantees
- 4.1 - Citizens of the Republic shall enjoy the right to fair and speedy trials and due process of law, as well as the right not to stand trial twice for the same offence.
- 4.2 - Citizens shall be presented with warrants before themselves or their property is molested, and shall be confronted with all charges, witnesses, and evidence against them.
- 4.3 - Citizens of the Republic shall enjoy the right to free speech, press, and freedom from discrimination, unless such activity is in violation of another citizen's rights.
- 4.4 - Citizens of the Republic shall enjoy the right to petition their government.
Article 5 - The Amendment Process
- 5.1 - Amendments to this constitution may be presented by any member of the General Assembly, must be considered for a minimum of seventy-two hours, and shall require for approval a two-thirds majority vote.
Article 6 - Enactment of this Constitution
- 6.1 - This constitution shall be considered enacted when it has achieved a two-thirds approval in the Interim General Assembly and the Assembly has amassed a minimum population of 15 members in good standing.