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3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?
>I do
Emperor Ja'alk — 11/03/2022
1: What government do you represent?
Liberation Police State
2: What is your title in that government? Lord Franz Von Steiner
3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic?
To keep part of a Great Republic so I can have contacts in need of help ps fair new Nation
Patrick Barber — 11/03/2022
I'm sorry, what government do you represent? I don't see a region named "Liberation Police State"
Pav — 11/03/2022
I assume they used the wrong form
Patrick Barber — 11/03/2022
Perhaps, but the name also doesn't match any nations, so I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Citizenship Application
1. I found the Kodiak Republic through my telegrams
2.I have not had any defined ranks in any regions nor governments since I am quite new to NationStates
3. My main nation (assuming we're meaning my own nation) is Evorric
4. I swear to abide by the laws and regulations, I promise to treat members with respect and I understand that breaking the laws or rules will have consequences
Jeeve — 14/03/2022
1: What government do you represent?
United Kingdom
2: What is your title in that government?
Ambassador would be the only one relevant to this position.
3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic? See Klaus's post.
Indusse — 15/03/2022
1: What government do you represent?
2: What is your title in that government? Founder / Prime Minister
3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic?
We had been on a Diplomatic crisis lately and is coming back. We gained some of them recently and is slowly coming back to the stage so we feel we need more allies and people we could mingle with.
Fantastic Mr. Foxclaw — 16/03/2022
1: What government do you represent?
2: What is your title in that government?
Director of Foreign Affairs
3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic?
Our founder Emi has suggested for me to reach out to Kodiak for an Embassy.
ampro — 27/03/2022
1: What government do you represent?
The United Socialist States of Brasate
2: What is your title in that government?
3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic?
Because we want to have a better economic advancement and medicine advancement, also we wanna share our great comunity! ⚒️
People's Republic Of Chuja Myeon — 28/03/2022
1: I got a Telegram Inviting me to the region
2: I have been with my last nation (Ousaka), but it got deleted due to in-activity, so it really doesn't count
3: My main nation is the "People's Republic Of Chuja Myeon"
4: I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community
Her Fiance — 28/03/2022
Diplomat Application(apologies if I got the wrong one and being I am my own nation I’m still learning the quirks)
1: The Democratic States of Krahao Lown as Democratic Socialists
2: President(Founder)
3: As a new nation I’ve been searching out for new relationships since this country is new and I’ve been wanting to meet others and establish a relationship with the region suggested by Kodiak when I decided to first move in the region , keep integrity, and make sure we have all a fun time together
Parteh from Partehstan — 28/03/2022
Citizenship Application
1: Telegram inviting me ; joined a little bit later
2 - Within the last hour, I’m the president of the Federation of Partehstan
3 - The Federation of Partehstan
4 - Yes
Federal Republic of Dogeland — 28/03/2022
Citizenship application
1. got invited in-game and it was the first region to message me
2. idk what that means but I'm the federal president of dogeland
3. My nation is the Federal Republic of Dogeland
4. yes
perrysmarts — 31/03/2022
Diplomat Application
1. The armed republic of reno
2.president guys where the first ones to message my nation, plus you guys seem fun and laid back.👍
The Commonwealth of Free Poland — 31/03/2022
Citizenship application (1.) Found it by looking at my telegrams, (2.) Didn't have a goverment title, (3.) My nation is The Commonwealth of Free Poland and (4.) I Do swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community.
!!𝓐𝓫𝓬 — 01/04/2022
Citizenship application:
1. There was an invite in my telegram. It seems fun so I joined
2. I do not have a government title ( I'd be changing it if I know how )
3. Nation is Republic of Katonn
4. yes I will follow the laws and legulations
Stulland I guess — 01/04/2022
Citizenship Application:
1. Just joined the Discord even though I joined the Kodiak 3 weeks ago
2. I do not have a government title (yet)
3. I do not have 100m+ population (yet again)
4. I am in the WA
5. My nation name is Stulland or Democratic Republic of Stulland
6. Decently Active
7. I am a Democracy
8. All laws and regulations will be followed
Tarmus — 07/04/2022
Citizenship Application
As nation I'm a Sultanate of Tarmus
1 I got the recruitment telegram
2 I was not
3 My main nation and WA nation is another nation - Principality of Duragorod
4 I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community
Dan_Stevenson — 07/04/2022
Citizenship Application
1. I found the kodiak republic through the telegram
2. No, I’m a new player
3. The Republic of Reighfyl
4. I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly. I promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community.
Dimaria (Kavelarn) — 08/04/2022
1: Through telegram
2: I'm a new player, few days old
3: People's Republic of Kavelarn
4: I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community
Svetlana Sinklär [Vichnaya] — 12/04/2022
1: Found via a telegram sent to me a few weeks earlier, though I have waited to expand my nation before actually applying here.
2: Currently the President (Founder) of Vichnaya
3: The Federal Republic of Vichnaya, though it can also be referred as the Vichnayan Federal Republic
4: I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat fellow members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that any breaches in Kodiak laws or rules will result in disciplinary actions that could result in a temporary or permanent exile.
יואו יואו — 12/04/2022
1: Through telegram
2: No, i'm a new player
3: The United Socialist States of Zipzip
4: I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community
Sturmgeist89 — 13/04/2022
1. A telegram.
2. Nah new player.
3. The Empire of the Vaterlandische Front
4. I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community.
Pandor X — 13/04/2022
1. In TDR.
2. I was Consul for Toxic TDR.
3. Pandora Union.
4. Yes I do
GushenMaster — 15/04/2022
1. in the telegram
2. No, I’m a new player
3. Portuguese union
Fam — 22/04/2022
1. The Telegram as well as word of mouth
2. No
3. Civia Welephilostopia
4. Yes I do
The Republic of Belarusisoya — 22/04/2022
1. Telegram 2.I am a veteran 3.Main nation Net Cas 4. Yes I do.
Enderbro — 24/04/2022
1. From the telegram 2.No I am new player 3.Endertalia 4. yes
autosiri — 27/04/2022
Citizenship Application:
1. A telegram.
2. No, I am a new player.
3. The Republic of Aldernat
4. Yes, I do.
MrManson — 01/05/2022
1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?
Recruitment Telegram.
2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?
- This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
- Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.
I was Thane of Regional Affairs for Wintreath. I moderated the regional message board, I banned many puppet nations of previously banned individuals, banned some openly racist and nazi nations, reminded people to follow the rules and the regional message board etiquette. I started a "weekly fun poll" on the regions page through the polling system, in-fact my last poll is still on the region's page as of the time of answering this application for another 1 day and 9 hours.
3: If you are a NationStates player what is your Main NS nation, and if different, what is your World Assembly Nation?
Main nation is Acyria.
4: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?
I do.
Hat Kiddo — 07/05/2022
1. How did you find the Kodiak Republic?
A: I found it by the telegram
2. Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?
A: No, I am a new player
3. If you are a NationStates player what is your Main NS nation, and if different, what is your World Assembly Nation?
A: My main country is The Thunder Dragon Council.
4. Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?
A: I do.
Cazadonia — 08/05/2022
1. By telegram
2. No I was just a citizen of TDR
3. The Commonwealth of Cazadonian
4. I do
imrudrajaiswal — 09/05/2022
Found it on nation states
The Kingdom of Awadh Kingdom
South Boston Irishmen (SBI) — 10/05/2022
1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?
- I was here a number of years ago
2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?
- I have served as the Foreign Minister of UK recently, and currently serve as the WA Delegate of that region.
3: If you are a NationStates player what is your Main NS nation, and if different, what is your World Assembly Nation?
- My main nation and WA nation is South Boston Irishmen, my nation in Kodiak is SBI 13
4: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?
- Yes
Stosal — 14/05/2022
1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?
- Telegram
2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?
- This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
- Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.
- No
3: If you are a NationStates player what is your Main NS nation, and if different, what is your World Assembly Nation?
-My NationStates nation is Stosal, I don't know what the World Assembly is xD.
4: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?
- YesYes
Emperor Rechi of Nuru — 15/05/2022
1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?
2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?
- This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
- Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.
~Yes, I am head of the goverment, and military system
3: If you are a NationStates player what is your Main NS nation, and if different, what is your World Assembly Nation?
-My NationStates nation is Nuru, my WA nation is also Nuru
4: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?
ChickenWaffle (Quezonia) — 17/05/2022
1. By telegram
2. No
3. The Republic of Quezonia
4. Yes
Drewwww (Danslandia) — Yesterday at 09:40
1. By Notices/Telegram.
2. No.
3. The Republic of Danslandia (I Guess The Republic of Danslandia??)
4. Yes
Snezikia — Yesterday at 13:23
1. Got a message in nationstates
2. No, I think I almost got a role for being a diplomat though
3. Snezikia
4. Yes
Targetpainted — Today at 11:20
1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? I found the Kodiak republic after receiving a recruitment telegram from New Asden I believe.
2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government? No, I've never been part of another government, not even another region.
3: If you are a NationStates player what is your Main NS nation, and if different, what is your World Assembly Nation? My Main NS nation is Myguystan and it is my WA nation.
Patrick Barber — Today at 11:21
4: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?
Targetpainted — Today at 11:21
I do.

Revision as of 11:51, 19 May 2022

Galvazinger: CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1. I found Kodiak Republic through a recruitment telegram in the first months of my NationStates gameplay

2. I have not been an executive officer in any other regional government before, since this is the only region I voluntarily and actively joined.

3. I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in my temporary or permanent ejection from the community.

1 30 September 2021 [14:38] CJC2095: CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1:Through classmates and interest in trying to find a well put together group of nations. 2:I have not been any form of a government official or worker for any nations in the past year. 3:I do solemly swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the GA, I promise to treat others with respect, and understand that my actions may have the consequences of temporary or permanent ejection.

1 [18:37] Spiritualandia: CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?

I recieved a telegram within the first minutes of playing.

2: Currently are, or in the last year have, you been an executive officer in another government?

    - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
    - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.

No. I literally started playing approximately 10 minutes ago.

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in my temporary or permanent ejection from the community?

I do.

1 1 October 2021 [12:28] The Republic Of Borks: CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?

I recieved a invite from spritualand within the first 2 minutes of playing.

2: Currently are, or in the last year have, you been an executive officer in another government?

    - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
    - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.

No. I started playing 2 minutes ago.

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in my temporary or permanent ejection from the community?

I definitely do.

1 3 October 2021

11:27] roasterman: CITIZENSHIP- 1. via join message 2. no 3. yes [21:50] 👻 Guinevere🎃: Citizenship 1. I got a message from one of you to join your guild 2. No? But I play politics and war a d my position is a captain 3. Yes [03:22] President of Uniqua (Uniquia): Citizenship 1. I got a telegram and was asked to join 2. No but I'm President of my Country in Politics and War lol 3. Yes ofc [22:27] Samakores Muutres of MA: ..Citizenship 1. I got a telegram 2. Nnnopeee. But I am the President and also Founder of my nation in P&W. 3. Absolutely [06:26] Sarco suchia: Citizenship a telegram i dont really wanna not have allies 2.i am the president i thin(im somewhat new) 3.yes for now i want to have some allies that can teach me a thing or 2 [12:55] ☪・What is "sns n" upside down?: 1: got telegram which is annoying 2: im leader ig 3: yes

VSterminator7 — 28/10/2021 1. I found it on the Region search

2. No

3. I swear. Ostrait — 30/10/2021 Citizenship Application 1. Region search & recruitment message

2. No

3. I swear The Greatest of All Time — 31/10/2021 Citizenship Application. 1. Region Search & recruitment message 2. No 3. I swear The Democratic Republic of Karr — 01/11/2021 Citizenship Application.

1. Recruitment message. 2. I have not. 3. I swear, as is my duty. Father_Head — 01/11/2021 1: I found it by a telegram 2: I am a corporate police state dictator of Muruckia 3: Yes Visduc — 01/11/2021 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? Via being the head of government of an Embassy Region. 2: Currently are, or in the last year have, you been an executive officer in another government? Current Princeps Of Hyperico (Founder & Head Of State) Imperial Chancellor of New Western Empire (Head Of Government) Acting Syndicate Overseer of The Socialist Syndicalist Union (Head Of State/Acting Founder) Tribune of Warzone Europe (Member Of Legislative) Director Of External Affairs For RGBN (FA Minister) Overseer Of Interior (Internal Affairs Minister) Former Minister Of Foreign Affairs Of The Union Of Force (FA Minister) Governor Of Hyperion (Head Of Government) President Of RGBN (Head Of Government) Minister Of Activities For RGBN (Culture Minister) Deputy Consul Of New Western Empire (Deputy Head Of Government) Legate Of Hyperico (Head Of Government) Minister Of Foreign Affairs For Heart (FA Minister) 3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in my temporary or permanent ejection from the community? I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator may result in my temporary or permanent ejection from the community. Deleted User — 01/11/2021 1- My government is Verssel 2-No 3-yes and my duty to Kodiak republic River_is_an_idiot — 03/11/2021 1: I got a Telegram 2: No 3: Yes I will Nickdaa — 08/11/2021 Citizenship Application

1: I got a welcome Telegram 2: No 3: Yes I do New Asden — 12/11/2021 1: I got a telegram 2: No. 3: I swear The Empire of Rheiland — 12/11/2021 1: i got a telegram 2: no 3: I do The Democratic States Of Slatium — 12/11/2021 1: I got a telegram 2: No 3: I promise frenkimaster99 — 17/11/2021 1. Telegram 2. no 3. Yes of course Bean_Yam — 18/11/2021 1: I got a telegram 2. No 3. I swear Kala of Ravenfall — 18/11/2021 1. I got a Telegram 2. No 3. Yeah The empire of Salvakh — 22/11/2021 1:recruitment mensage 2:no 3:i swear GAF_User — 23/11/2021 1. By getting a telegram. 2. No. 3. Of course I swear. Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 23/11/2021 User left the server. Meikom — 23/11/2021 1: What government do you represent? I represent the Meikom government.

2: What is your title in that government? I am the founder.

3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic? Yes. Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 23/11/2021 Hello meikom. I just want to confirm; are you the nation of meikom, or do you represent a region named meikom that currently hosts an offsite government? Meikom — 25/11/2021 The nation of Meikom. twat — 25/11/2021 1. telegram message just joined 3.i swear Akecheta — 25/11/2021 Citizenship Application 1: How did I find the Kodiak Republic? - I received a telegram.

2: Currently are, or in the last year have, you been an executive officer in another government? - No, I have not.

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in my temporary or permanent ejection from the community? - Yes, I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set by The Kodiak Republic, and I understand the consequences of breaking any of the rules. Cava — 26/11/2021 DIPLOMAT APPLICATION 1: The Republic of Afghanistan-in-Exile

2: What is your title in that government? Provisional President

3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic?

My people need as many friends as possible during this dark troubling time npmaier3 — 26/11/2021 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1. Telegram 2. No 3. Yes Federal State of Trestkov — 01/12/2021 (My nation: Trestkov) Citizenship Application 1: How did I find the Kodiak Republic? I received a message.

2: Currently are, or in the last year have, you been an executive officer in another government? - No. But I have experience with HR and MR ranks.

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in my temporary or permanent ejection from the community? Yes, for the fatherlands.

Yilmiz Imperial Service — 07/12/2021 Citizenship Application 1. Several members of my former region moved here. I assume the grass is greener in Kodiak. 2. No. 3. Yes, I will comply. Deleted User — 09/12/2021 1.Invite to telegrams 2.No 3.Yes cmon, its me Kruitezia — 09/12/2021 Citizenship Application 1. I got bored, checked out my telegrams and boom im here now. 2. Nope, Not yet 3. I swear to the heavenly princeples that I will live my life abiding to these rules and laws heijeghetermh — 18/12/2021 1. Through invites 2. Not yet 3. Yes so help me god (yeyeyeyeyeyssysyss) Dragin Gaming — 20/12/2021 Diplomat Application 1. I represent Draginland 2. President? 3. yes 7starry7 — 20/12/2021 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?

A: I was sent a telegram shortly after starting the game.

2: Currently are, or in the last year have, you been an executive officer in another government?

    - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
    - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.

A: No, I am very new to NationStates.

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in my temporary or permanent ejection from the community?

A: Yes. Las Centura — 27/12/2021 1. I was sent a Telegram and Nation-state

2. No, I am brand new to the Game.

3. Yes Dvorak365 — 30/12/2021 Citizenship Application

1. Invite Telegram 2. No, I am very new to NationStates 3. I swear upon my honour Wills34 — 30/12/2021 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? I was invited via Telegram

2: Currently are, or in the last year have, you been an executive officer in another government? - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department. - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties. - I have not

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in my temporary or permanent ejection from the community? I do.

Signed Emperor of the Empire of Ufuto Wills34 KEX — 30/12/2021 Citizenship Application

1. I got an invitation via telegram 2. No, I'm a newbie 3. Yes, I will respect the laws Journey_RTG — 31/12/2021 Citizen Application 1. I got a telegram 2. I just got the game 3. I will respect and abide all laws in place Cyno — 02/01/2022 Citizenship application 1. Telegram discord link 2. Nope 3 yes. thiago9099 — 12/01/2022 Citizenship Application 1. i got an invitation via telegram in my first day via telegram 2 im newbie 3 yes i will respect the laws The Republic of Bohama — 12/01/2022 Citizenship application 1. Telegram 2. Im new 3.yes Kraut — 12/01/2022 1: What government do you represent? Kingdom of Gresika

2: What is your title in that government? Founder

3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic? I dont know, i just received an telegram of The Civil Administration of The Kodiak Republic Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 12/01/2022 Seeing that you are an individual player, and not a representative from another multi-member community, the correct form would be an application for citizenship (assuming you did in fact wish to become a member of our community). Would you like to apply for citizenship? Kraut — 12/01/2022 yes Ulrykk von Guelderlaand — 12/01/2022 I can process that now 🙂 Indomitable Republic of Kusaca — 12/01/2022 Citizenship application 1: I was sent a telegram and thought it looked interesting 2: No 3: I do

Keon — 09/02/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?

A friend suggested this region to me.

2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government? - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department. - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.


3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?

Yes Hanne — 14/02/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? I got a telegram by "The Kodiak Republic". 2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?

    - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
    - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.

No. 3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? Yes. Me First — 19/02/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? Telegram 2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?

    - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
    - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.

No 3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? Yes The Empire ofMazens — 19/02/2022 I want be assembly member Patrick Barber — 19/02/2022 If you would like to apply to participate in the government of the Kodiak Republic or request a diplomatic mask, please respond with the following information:

  • Please note that residents of the Kodiak Republic Discord must be at least 13 years of age or greater. Younger members will be ejected.
  • Also note that citizenship and diplomatic mask applications are archived on the Kodiak wiki after some time.

CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?

2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?

    - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
    - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? The Empire ofMazens — 19/02/2022 3 The Empire ofMazens — 19/02/2022 Yes Patrick Barber — 19/02/2022 sure. done MysteriousNationale — 20/02/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?

New player, just joined. Got a telegram to join.

2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government? - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department. - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.


3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?

Yes Nifleex — 25/02/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find out about the Kodiak Republic?

I received a telegram to participate.

2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government? - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department. - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties


3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?

Yes Yungly, CEO of Chest and co — 26/02/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? Telegram 2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?

    - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
    - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.

No, i havent been in nation states lately

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? yes Trase_Tres — 28/02/2022 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? Via email

2. Are you currently or were you an executive officer in another government last year? No

3. Do you swear to comply with the laws and regulations established by the General Assembly, promise to treat the members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that violation of the Kodiak laws or the rules of Disagreement may lead to corrective actions by the Moderator? Yes Undefined Sitting Object — 01/03/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? Telegram 2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?

    - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
    - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.

No, I have not.

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? Yes. mAyA — 01/03/2022 If you would like to apply to participate in the government of the Kodiak Republic or request a diplomatic mask, please respond with the following information:

  • Please note that residents of the Kodiak Republic Discord must be at least 13 years of age or greater. Younger members will be ejected.
  • Also note that citizenship and diplomatic mask applications are archived on the Kodiak wiki after some time.

CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?

2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government? - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department. - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?


DIPLOMAT APPLICATION 1: What government do you represent?

The Democratic Republic of Blessi

2: What is your title in that government?


3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic?

It is a way to grow as I benefit and receive benefits, and build a new future for the nation Rolf Michelsen (Critelia) — 05/03/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? Telegram

2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government? No

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? I swear. Klarenz I — Yesterday at 01:02 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?

Answer: Telegram

2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government? - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department. - Please note the government and then describe the position and its duties.

Answer: No

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?

Answer: Yes

Viktor de Orléans — 02/02/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? Made a new nation and got a sexy recruitment TG!

2: Currently are, or in the last year have, you been an executive officer in another government? - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department. - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties. Yes. I am the Emperor of the Sacred Marian Empire. Those duties include.....being the Emperor.

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in my temporary or permanent ejection from the community? Absolutely! Soviet Sultanate [15] — 03/02/2022 If you would like to apply to participate in the government of the Kodiak Republic or request a diplomatic mask, please respond with the following information:

  • Please note that residents of the Kodiak Republic Discord must be at least 13 years of age or greater. Younger members will be ejected.
  • Also note that citizenship and diplomatic mask applications are archived on the Kodiak wiki after some time.

CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? I was invited in a telegram.

2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government? - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department. - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties. No.

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? Yes. Snickers the Snek — 05/02/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? Telegram.

2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government? - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department. - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties. No.

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? Yes. Geo — 05/02/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? A friend of mine moved to the region after starting NS after getting telegram ad, I just joined it a while later cause why not lol

2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government? - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department. - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties. No

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?

Yes The Free state of Lorania — 06/02/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? little Birdie told me by Telegram

2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government? - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department. - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties. Head of the Department of Defense

3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? Yes

DIPLOMAT APPLICATION 1: What government do you represent? Department of Defense of Lorania

2: What is your title in that government? Head

3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic? Alliance Demoinis (Sons of 128) — 07/02/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? >Telegram 2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?

    - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
    - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.

>I have not 3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? >I do

Emperor Ja'alk — 11/03/2022 DIPLOMAT APPLICATION 1: What government do you represent? Liberation Police State 2: What is your title in that government? Lord Franz Von Steiner

3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic? To keep part of a Great Republic so I can have contacts in need of help ps fair new Nation Patrick Barber — 11/03/2022 I'm sorry, what government do you represent? I don't see a region named "Liberation Police State" Pav — 11/03/2022 I assume they used the wrong form Patrick Barber — 11/03/2022 Perhaps, but the name also doesn't match any nations, so I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Citizenship Application 1. I found the Kodiak Republic through my telegrams

2.I have not had any defined ranks in any regions nor governments since I am quite new to NationStates

3. My main nation (assuming we're meaning my own nation) is Evorric

4. I swear to abide by the laws and regulations, I promise to treat members with respect and I understand that breaking the laws or rules will have consequences Jeeve — 14/03/2022 DIPLOMAT APPLICATION 1: What government do you represent? United Kingdom 2: What is your title in that government? Ambassador would be the only one relevant to this position. 3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic? See Klaus's post. Indusse — 15/03/2022 DIPLOMAT APPLICATION 1: What government do you represent? India 2: What is your title in that government? Founder / Prime Minister

3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic?

We had been on a Diplomatic crisis lately and is coming back. We gained some of them recently and is slowly coming back to the stage so we feel we need more allies and people we could mingle with.

Fantastic Mr. Foxclaw — 16/03/2022 DIPLOMAT APPLICATION

1: What government do you represent? Anteria

2: What is your title in that government? Director of Foreign Affairs

3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic? Our founder Emi has suggested for me to reach out to Kodiak for an Embassy. ampro — 27/03/2022 DIPLOMAT APPLICATION 1: What government do you represent? The United Socialist States of Brasate 2: What is your title in that government? Founder.

3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic?

Because we want to have a better economic advancement and medicine advancement, also we wanna share our great comunity! ⚒️ People's Republic Of Chuja Myeon — 28/03/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: I got a Telegram Inviting me to the region

2: I have been with my last nation (Ousaka), but it got deleted due to in-activity, so it really doesn't count

3: My main nation is the "People's Republic Of Chuja Myeon"

4: I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community Her Fiance — 28/03/2022 Diplomat Application(apologies if I got the wrong one and being I am my own nation I’m still learning the quirks)

1: The Democratic States of Krahao Lown as Democratic Socialists

2: President(Founder)

3: As a new nation I’ve been searching out for new relationships since this country is new and I’ve been wanting to meet others and establish a relationship with the region suggested by Kodiak when I decided to first move in the region , keep integrity, and make sure we have all a fun time together Parteh from Partehstan — 28/03/2022 Citizenship Application 1: Telegram inviting me ; joined a little bit later 2 - Within the last hour, I’m the president of the Federation of Partehstan 3 - The Federation of Partehstan 4 - Yes Federal Republic of Dogeland — 28/03/2022 Citizenship application 1. got invited in-game and it was the first region to message me 2. idk what that means but I'm the federal president of dogeland 3. My nation is the Federal Republic of Dogeland 4. yes perrysmarts — 31/03/2022 Diplomat Application 1. The armed republic of reno 2.president guys where the first ones to message my nation, plus you guys seem fun and laid back.👍 The Commonwealth of Free Poland — 31/03/2022 Citizenship application (1.) Found it by looking at my telegrams, (2.) Didn't have a goverment title, (3.) My nation is The Commonwealth of Free Poland and (4.) I Do swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community. !!𝓐𝓫𝓬 — 01/04/2022 Citizenship application: 1. There was an invite in my telegram. It seems fun so I joined 2. I do not have a government title ( I'd be changing it if I know how ) 3. Nation is Republic of Katonn 4. yes I will follow the laws and legulations Stulland I guess — 01/04/2022 Citizenship Application: 1. Just joined the Discord even though I joined the Kodiak 3 weeks ago 2. I do not have a government title (yet) 3. I do not have 100m+ population (yet again) 4. I am in the WA 5. My nation name is Stulland or Democratic Republic of Stulland 6. Decently Active 7. I am a Democracy 8. All laws and regulations will be followed Tarmus — 07/04/2022 Citizenship Application

As nation I'm a Sultanate of Tarmus

1 I got the recruitment telegram 2 I was not 3 My main nation and WA nation is another nation - Principality of Duragorod 4 I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community Dan_Stevenson — 07/04/2022 Citizenship Application

1. I found the kodiak republic through the telegram

2. No, I’m a new player

3. The Republic of Reighfyl

4. I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly. I promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community. Dimaria (Kavelarn) — 08/04/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: Through telegram

2: I'm a new player, few days old

3: People's Republic of Kavelarn

4: I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community Svetlana Sinklär [Vichnaya] — 12/04/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: Found via a telegram sent to me a few weeks earlier, though I have waited to expand my nation before actually applying here.

2: Currently the President (Founder) of Vichnaya

3: The Federal Republic of Vichnaya, though it can also be referred as the Vichnayan Federal Republic

4: I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat fellow members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that any breaches in Kodiak laws or rules will result in disciplinary actions that could result in a temporary or permanent exile. יואו יואו — 12/04/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: Through telegram

2: No, i'm a new player

3: The United Socialist States of Zipzip

4: I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community Sturmgeist89 — 13/04/2022 1. A telegram. 2. Nah new player. 3. The Empire of the Vaterlandische Front 4. I swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community. Pandor X — 13/04/2022 1. In TDR. 2. I was Consul for Toxic TDR. 3. Pandora Union. 4. Yes I do GushenMaster — 15/04/2022 1. in the telegram 2. No, I’m a new player 3. Portuguese union 4.Yes Fam — 22/04/2022 1. The Telegram as well as word of mouth 2. No 3. Civia Welephilostopia 4. Yes I do The Republic of Belarusisoya — 22/04/2022 1. Telegram 2.I am a veteran 3.Main nation Net Cas 4. Yes I do. Enderbro — 24/04/2022 1. From the telegram 2.No I am new player 3.Endertalia 4. yes autosiri — 27/04/2022 Citizenship Application:

1. A telegram. 2. No, I am a new player. 3. The Republic of Aldernat 4. Yes, I do. MrManson — 01/05/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?

Recruitment Telegram.

2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?

    - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
    - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.

I was Thane of Regional Affairs for Wintreath. I moderated the regional message board, I banned many puppet nations of previously banned individuals, banned some openly racist and nazi nations, reminded people to follow the rules and the regional message board etiquette. I started a "weekly fun poll" on the regions page through the polling system, in-fact my last poll is still on the region's page as of the time of answering this application for another 1 day and 9 hours.

3: If you are a NationStates player what is your Main NS nation, and if different, what is your World Assembly Nation?

Main nation is Acyria.

4: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?

I do. Hat Kiddo — 07/05/2022 CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION 1. How did you find the Kodiak Republic? A: I found it by the telegram

2. Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government? A: No, I am a new player

3. If you are a NationStates player what is your Main NS nation, and if different, what is your World Assembly Nation? A: My main country is The Thunder Dragon Council.

4. Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? A: I do. Cazadonia — 08/05/2022 1. By telegram 2. No I was just a citizen of TDR 3. The Commonwealth of Cazadonian 4. I do imrudrajaiswal — 09/05/2022 🔰-apply-here Found it on nation states No The Kingdom of Awadh Kingdom Yes South Boston Irishmen (SBI) — 10/05/2022 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? - I was here a number of years ago

2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government? - I have served as the Foreign Minister of UK recently, and currently serve as the WA Delegate of that region.

3: If you are a NationStates player what is your Main NS nation, and if different, what is your World Assembly Nation? - My main nation and WA nation is South Boston Irishmen, my nation in Kodiak is SBI 13

4: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? - Yes Stosal — 14/05/2022 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? - Telegram

2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?

    - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
    - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.

- No

3: If you are a NationStates player what is your Main NS nation, and if different, what is your World Assembly Nation? -My NationStates nation is Stosal, I don't know what the World Assembly is xD.

4: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? - YesYes Emperor Rechi of Nuru — 15/05/2022 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? ~Telegram

2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?

    - This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
    - Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.

~Yes, I am head of the goverment, and military system

3: If you are a NationStates player what is your Main NS nation, and if different, what is your World Assembly Nation? -My NationStates nation is Nuru, my WA nation is also Nuru

4: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? ~Yes ChickenWaffle (Quezonia) — 17/05/2022 1. By telegram 2. No 3. The Republic of Quezonia 4. Yes Drewwww (Danslandia) — Yesterday at 09:40 1. By Notices/Telegram. 2. No. 3. The Republic of Danslandia (I Guess The Republic of Danslandia??) 4. Yes Snezikia — Yesterday at 13:23 1. Got a message in nationstates 2. No, I think I almost got a role for being a diplomat though 3. Snezikia 4. Yes Targetpainted — Today at 11:20 1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? I found the Kodiak republic after receiving a recruitment telegram from New Asden I believe. 2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government? No, I've never been part of another government, not even another region. 3: If you are a NationStates player what is your Main NS nation, and if different, what is your World Assembly Nation? My Main NS nation is Myguystan and it is my WA nation. Patrick Barber — Today at 11:21 4: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? Targetpainted — Today at 11:21 I do.

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