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Answer: Yes
Viktor de Orléans — 02/02/2022
1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? Made a new nation and got a sexy recruitment TG!
2: Currently are, or in the last year have, you been an executive officer in another government?
- This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
- Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties. Yes. I am the Emperor of the Sacred Marian Empire. Those duties include.....being the Emperor.
3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in my temporary or permanent ejection from the community? Absolutely!
Soviet Sultanate [15] — 03/02/2022
If you would like to apply to participate in the government of the Kodiak Republic or request a diplomatic mask, please respond with the following information:
*Please note that residents of the Kodiak Republic Discord must be at least 13 years of age or greater. Younger members will be ejected.
*Also note that citizenship and diplomatic mask applications are archived on the Kodiak wiki after some time.
1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? I was invited in a telegram.
2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?
- This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
- Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties. No.
3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? Yes.
Snickers the Snek — 05/02/2022
1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?
2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?
- This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
- Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.
3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?
Geo — 05/02/2022
1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?
A friend of mine moved to the region after starting NS after getting telegram ad, I just joined it a while later cause why not lol
2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?
- This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
- Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.
3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?
The Free state of Lorania — 06/02/2022
1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic? little Birdie told me by Telegram
2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?
- This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
- Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties. Head of the Department of Defense
3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community? Yes
1: What government do you represent? Department of Defense of Lorania
2: What is your title in that government? Head
3: Why do you wish to establish relations with the Kodiak Republic? Alliance
Demoinis (Sons of 128) — 07/02/2022
1: How did you find the Kodiak Republic?
2: Currently are, or in the last year have you been, an executive officer in another government?
- This includes Head of State, Head of Government, or a Minister of a Department.
- Please note the government and the describe the position and its duties.
>I have not
3: Do you swear to abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the General Assembly, promise to treat members of the region with respect and dignity, and understand that breaking the laws of Kodiak or the rules of Discord may result in corrective action by a Moderator which may result in temporary or permanent ejection from the community?
>I do
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