Child Safety and Health Act, 648
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Child Safety and Health Act, 648
An act to ensure the health and safety of children.
PASSED on 28 December 2022, with 16 Aye, 02 Nay, and 02 Abstaining.
Article 1 - Safety and Health
- 1.1 - If a parent/guardian deny a minor under care of such parent/guardian life saving or pain relieving medical treatment within the ability of said parent/guardian to provide, under a personal belief without facts, an inquiry about condition of said child is to be held with the personal say of said child if within the age of 12-17.
- 1.2 - If the inquiry proves necessary to save the life of, or make life Liveable (not in pain or heavy discomfort in the physical sense) for said child it will be the governments duty to provide such treatment to said child.
- 1.3 - The inquiry in question is to be conducted by the Ministry of Social Services.
Article 2 - Custody
- 2.1 - If said parent or guardian are considered to have put the child's life in danger from the result of said refusal to give such treatment. a investigation is to be held to see if said parent/guardian is fit to still have said child in their care. If the investigation proves that said parent/guardian is unfit the child will be removed from said parent/guardians custody.
Article 3 - Funding
- 3.1 - The provisions of this act shall be quarterly funded with ₣2,500,000 from the general fund of the Ministry of Social Services.
Written and Proposed by Jonn Stevens, MGA, DPK.