Armed Forces of Kodiak: Difference between revisions

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[[| Notable Commanders]]
[[| Notable Commanders]]
===Bromannikhan Kingdom===

===Kodiak Revolution===

===Forminov Coup Attempt===

===The Great Interregnum===
===The Great Interregnum===

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=='''Service Branches'''==
=='''Service Branches'''==
The Kodiaker Army remains the dominant branch of the armed forces. The army is composed of a full time active force of seven divisions and an organized reserve componant of six divisions that operate to maintain readiness of personnel that have completed their service contracts and obligations. Newly introduced legislation will transfer two of the active divisions into the reserve and further increase the pool of available forces being trained annually at the expense of full time services. Additionally, the new Standby Defense Force, a provincial guard force that relies on citizen militias to provide emergency response for internal distasters and security is currently in the midst of being formed and taking on new requirements from the exisiting army.

The Army's training methodology is conflicted between old doctrinal practices of "maneuver to fire" vs "fire to maneuver". Despite reforms and influcences of global organizations such as the United Regional Allaince into its institutions, the vast majority of the Old Guard remains entrenched and continues to groom successive generations of officers in the school of the older mentality. A small pool of officers that advocate for a transition remain sidelined for higher appointments or command opportunities.

The Kodiaker Navy has continued to suffer manning crisises and equipment standard issues after decades of neglect. Successive administrations have promised to rebuild the navy but often pass on ship construciton in the face of social programs. At present the Navy operates nine surface ships and eight diesel submarines. Most of the Navy's ships are approaching thirty years old and lack modern weapon systems or sensor arrays. The transfer of older ships to the Coast Guard reduced the burdeon of maintaining some of the worst ships however the shortage of ships has dreased the Navy's overall operaitonal use.

The small naval committment during the Communard Civil War highlighted the mismangaement and lack of combat capability of the navy. The Navy suffered multiple ships lost during the brief encounters which rebel ships.

===Air Force===
===Air Force===
The Air Force continues to maintain its abilities with a modest sized fleet of servicable planes and trained pilots. Due to active combat in the Darrent War, the Air Force has a high degree of combat experienced pilots at the field grade and general officer levels. The Air Force's role is heavily focused on Air Superiority of the homeland with a lesser focus on air to ground capability. While the Air Force does include a number of multi-role aircraft, these are mostly organized and fitted for air-to-air combat. Leaving the Army to conduct its own combat air support through its divisional helicopter units.

=='''Ranks and Insignia'''==
=='''Ranks and Insignia'''==
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