Voting and Elections

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Section 1 - Mail in Voting[1]

1.1 - Voters may elect to receive a mail in voting paper with pre-paid return envelope before the election.
1.2 - If deemed necessary, Federal Government may decide that voting papers are to be sent to each Kodiak citizen with a return address envelope included in the event of a perceived threat to the electoral process.
1.3 - Mail in voting is optional.

Section 2 - Personnel Background Checks[1]

2.1 - All personnel working for the Kodiak Electoral Commission (KEC) will undergo background checks to ensure security and safety of polling locations.
2.2 - Potential personnel who fail this check or decline/refuse to participate in the background check will not be employed.

Section 3 - Polling Location Protection[1]

3.1 - Security in the form of personnel and equipment is to be provided by the National Kodiak Police (NKP) to polling locations to ensure the safety and protection of citizens coming to vote in person.
3.2 - NKP officers providing protection to polling locations must undergo background checks to be eligible for deployment as electoral security.

Section 4 - Electoral Roll[1]

4.1 - Citizens eligible to vote are to be recorded on the Electoral Roll.
4.2 - An eligible voter is classified as any Kodiak citizen over the age of 18.
4.3 - The Electoral Roll is not available to the public.
4.4 - A citizen may only vote once and their name marked off the roll when they vote.
4.5 - The Roll is to be checked for integrity following each election.


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