Title II - Health and Education

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Chapter One: The Office of the Ministry of Health and Education

Section One - Kodiak Education Board[1]

1.1 Establishes the Kodiak Education Board, headquartered in Rykkburgh with satellites in all major provinces, under the authority of the Ministry of Education.
1.2 The board is responsible for the oversight of funding arrangements, school quality standards, curriculum guidance,  and overseeing education licensing for private schools.
1.3 The board is responsible for coordinating with major provinces to ensure that all eligible students are legally enrolled in a school.

Section Two - Kodiak Industrial and Science Research Agency[2]

2.1 The Kodiak Industrial and Science Research Agency (KISRA) shall be established in the capital city of Rykkburgh. 2.2 - KISRA shall be responsible for coordinating research standards and policy between private and public entities within the Kodiak Republic.

Section Three - Public Health Service[3]

3.1 The Public Health Service (PHS), under the authority of the Minister of Health and Education, shall be established.
3.2 The PHS shall be administered by a Director of the PHS.
3.3 The PHS shall be tasked with the enforcement of all public health standards and all health-related statues under Title 2 of the Kodiak Law Code.

Section Four - Board of Medical Insurance[4]

4.1 The Ministry of Health and Education will establish the Board of Medical Insurance, which shall be staffed by doctors and other medical professionals.
4.2 The Board of Medical Insurance shall be empowered to review requests by any insurance company to deny or provide partial coverage for any medical insurance claim made. The Board of Medical Insurance is empowered to approve or deny these requests.
4.3 The Board of Medical Insurance shall be empowered to levy fines against insurance companies for non-compliance with or violation of any of the statues within this act, any act enforcing requirements on insurance companies, or any regulations passed by the Board of Medical Insurance.

Section Five - Kodiak Registry of Organ Donors[5]

5.1 The Kodiak Registry of Organ Donors (KROD) is established under the Ministry of Health.
5.2 The Registry's purpose is to maintain a list of all citizens willing to donate organs, either before or after death.
5.3 - While alive, only a lobe of the liver, a kidney, a lobe of the lung, and bone marrow can be donated. All other donations must be postmortem.
5.4 - The Registry is opt-in only. Written consent is required to register.
5.5 - The Registry is required to create a convenient and available way for citizens to register as organ donors.
5.6 - The Registry may not deny citizens the right to donate their organs unless there is a legitimate medical contraindication or the citizen cannot legally give consent.
5.7 - Donors may voluntarily withdraw from the Registry at any time, requiring verbal consent.

Section Six - Food, Occupational Health, and Safety Administration[6]

6.1 Establishes the Food, Occupational Health, and Safety Administration (FOHSA), headquartered in Rykkburgh with satellites in all major provinces.
6.2 - Accurate nutrition information labels are required to be placed on all ingestible products for sale in Kodiak that are produced or manufactured in Kodiak, or imported. FOHSA shall be charged with ensuring compliance.
6.3 - The FOHSA shall be charged with overseeing the administration of healthy, and free or reduced, school lunches throughout the nation as per the Ministry of Education Budget of ₣300,000,000 per quarter in the Nutritional Standards for School Meals Act, 649.
6.4 - The FOHSA shall be charged with ensuring the safety and minimum nutritional standards of food throughout the nation.
6.5 - The FOHSA shall be charged with issuing Food, and Occupational Health, and Safety Regulations that must be followed throughout the nation.

Section Seven - National Committee for Stem Cell Research[7]

7.1 The National Committee for Stem Cell Research (NaSCRL) is established under KISRA.
7.2 - The Committee’s purpose is to provide grants to Kodiak researchers currently developing stem cell technology.

Section Eight - Tertiary Education Standards Agency[8]

8.1 - Establishes the Kodiak Tertiary Education Standards Agency (KTESA).
8.2 - The KTESA shall be staffed by independent non-Ministry of Education executive staff and public servants.
8.3 - The KTESA shall be funded by the Ministry of Education for ₣125 million Florins per quarter.
8.4 - The KTESAs’ objective is to set tertiary education standards and assess and rank both state and private universities annually purely on education-relevant metrics. These assessments shall be published annually.
8.5 - The KTESA additionally shall assess and rank all state and private universities against international standards annually.

Chapter Two - Public Education

Section One - Definitions[9]

1.1 State School(s): Primary and secondary schools that are publicly funded by the Kodiak Government. State Schools may also be referred to as Public Schools.
1.2 Private School(s): Primary and secondary schools that are privately funded, and funded by school fees. Private schools include but are not limited to privately owned and run schools, religious schools or private schools sponsored by an established religious entity, and privately owned/run specialty schools.

Section Two - State Colleges[10]

Funding for The Star Path State Technical Colleges shall be provisioned under this act.

2.2 - The Star Path State Technical Colleges shall be funded and built by the Government. The Headquarters of The Star Path will be located in Rykkburgh. These Technical Colleges will be under the management of the Ministry of Education.
2.2.1 - All facilities built may be contracted out to businesses that are able to take on the responsibility of managing The Star Path State Technical Colleges. The Ministry of Education will have the responsibilities of setting requirements for businesses' to win these contracts.
2.3 - The Star Path State Technical Colleges skills taught shall be dictated by this Article of The Advanced Education Act more may be added to it by the Ministry of Education but nothing may be removed or modified unless it is by the General Assembly.
2.3.1 - Welding
2.3.1 - Under Water Welding
2.3.1 - Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
2.3.1 - Machinist
2.3.1 - Mining
2.3.1 - Truck Driving
2.3.1 - Material Handling (Warehouse Work)
2.3.1 - Agriculture Skills
2.3.1 - Carpentry
2.3.1 - Automotive Technology
2.3.1 - Collision Repair Technology
2.3.1 - Computer Information Technology
2.3.1 - Cosmetology
2.3.1 - Dental Assisting
2.3.1 - Early Childhood Education
2.4 - The Ministry Of Education shall be in charge of setting the requirements and paths for entrance and graduation into The Star Path State Technical Colleges. The Ministry of Education will also be responsible for determining the number of students enrolled in the Colleges yearly.
2.5 - The Star Path State Technical Colleges shall Provide housing and Food to all students who are staying in the facilities.
2.6 - Students shall not be removed from or rescinded facilities until they have been placed in an apprenticeship or employed for a period of 3 or more months, except in instances of academic failure or disciplinary expulsion.
2.6.1 - Housing shall be provided for the student for up to 3 months following graduation or termination of the student. Any housing and board fees must be repaid by the student within 12 months after leaving student housing.

Section Three - Public Schools [11]

3.1 All students are eligible for enrolment in a state school, fully funded by the Ministry of Education, and therefore all state schools shall not charge school fees.

Section Four - Public Libraries[12]

4.1 - All public libraries shall be owned and operated by the Ministry of Education, to be administered by local offices within each constituency.
4.2 - All public libraries shall be free for use for all citizens.
4.3 - Public libraries shall be built with the ability to serve a minimum of 25,000 citizens.
4.4 - Local government shall no longer be constrained from utilizing public funds to build, staff, and administrate public libraries.
4.5 - Any such facility shall, upon proper vetting by the Department of Education, be permitted to apply for a nationally funded public library to be funded under this act.

Section Five - Nutritional Standards[13]

5.1 - All state schools shall be provided with free breakfast and lunches should students or families wish to partake, free of charge.
5.2 - Meals shall be distributed by schools to pupils as per their own internal policy.
5.3 - The Ministry of Education will have a budget of ₣250 million per quarter to orchestrate catering and distribution per province.
5.4 - In consultation with the Ministry of Health, nutritional standards will be presented and adhered to by all school meal catering services.
5.5 - Nutrition guidelines will be published by the Ministry of Education for student and family information, as well as to provide guidance on meals for students should families wish to provide their own.

Chapter Two - Private Education

Section One - Private Schools[14]

1.1 Private schools may be granted an education license to operate by the Kodiak Education Board. Therefore, no private schools may operate without a license.
1.2 Private schools may charge school fees, but are not funded by the Ministry of Education.
1.3 The Kodiak Education Board reserves the right to rescind an education license should minimum education standards not be met by a private school.
1.4 In the event a license is rescinded, a school may reapply for licensing along with formal documentation on plans to address the shortcomings that led to the loss of license.

Chapter Three - Standards of Education

Section One - Minimum Standards of Education[15]

1.1 - The Kodiak Education Board shall dictate requirements for all schools relating to minimum standards of facilities and education; which shall be publicly available for citizen viewing.
1.2 - This act establishes minimum standards that must be established and maintained by the Kodiak Education Board. However, the board may elect to introduce higher standards, or more detailed requirements to meet minimum standards.
1.3 - Minimum facility standards must adhere to:
1.3.1 - Having enough teaching facilities, and staff facilities to ensure a reasonable ratio of teachers to students as determined by the Kodiak Education Board.
1.3.2 - Schools providing adequate recreation, food, and school health care facilities.
1.3.3 - Schools providing space and facilities for physical education, and sports.
1.3.4 - All facilities must meet health and safety requirements, and appropriate air quality and climate control.
1.3.5 - All facilities must be accessible for disabled staff, students, and visitors.
1.4 - Education standards must meet requirements laid out for educational pathways, core curriculum, and national assessment as per Article 6 and 7.
1.5 - The Kodiak Education Board is required to publish requirements for meeting all key minimum education standards.
1.6 - Private schools, must adhere to minimum standards dictated by this act and requirements established by the Kodiak Education Board to retain their education licenses.
1.7 - All state and private schools will be inspected annually by the Kodiak Education Board to ensure adherence to school education and facility standards.
1.7.1 - All inspection results shall be published for public viewing.
1.8 - All state schools will publish 5-year plans for the improvement and maintenance of standards, in consultation with the Kodiak Education Board for public viewing. These may be updated as often as practically needed and on recommendations from the Kodiak Education Board annual inspections.
1.9 - The core curriculum for primary and secondary education must cover:
1.9.1 English
1.9.2 Mathematics
1.9.3 Science
1.9.4 Humanities and Social Sciences
1.9.5 Technology and Computing
1.9.6 Arts, Music, and Design
1.9.7 Health and Physical Education
1.9.8 Foreign and Other Languages
1.10 Schools are authorised to provide both required and elective courses to cover the core curriculum areas in consultation with the Kodiak Education Board to meet both educational and assessment standards.
1.10.1 Schools are authorised to select and choose which foreign language courses available to students with consultation with the Kodiak Education Board with due consideration to curriculum, needs, and availability of teaching staff.
1.10.2 All high schools must offer Kodiak Sign Language (KSL) as a language option to students.
1.11 Schools are authorised to deliver advanced placement courses in consultation with The Kodiak Education Board and Kodiak universities for Lower and Upper 6 students.

Section Two - Pathways to Education[16]

2.1 - The primary and secondary education pathways are divided into stages, with each stage ending with national assessment to determine students knowledge and skills, as well as assess preparedness for advancement which may identify students that require support.
2.2 - The key stages of education are defined as follows:
2.2.1 - Early Years (Ages 4 to 5), covering Reception/Preschool, for the purposes of preparing children for the school environment, learning and social development.
2.2.2 - Primary Stage 1 (Ages 5 to 8), covering Years 1 to 3, aka. Primary 1 to 3 (P1-3).
2.2.3 - Primary Stage 2 (Ages 8 to 11), covering Years 4 to 6, aka. Primary 4 to 6 (P4-6).
2.2.4 - Secondary Stage 1 (Ages 11 to 14), covering Years 7 to 9, aka Secondary 1 to 3 (S1-3).
2.2.5 - Secondary Stage 2 (Ages 14 to 16), covering Years 10 to 11, aka Secondary 4 to 5 (S4-5)
2.3 - The key stages identified in clause 6.2 are considered compulsory education, and all students must be enrolled as such according to their ages. Excepting special circumstances as negotiated with the student's school.
2.4 - Upon successful completion of Year 11 (approximately the age of 16), and final examinations, students are considered to have graduated from schooling with the Kodiak Secondary School Certificate (KSSC).
2.5 - For the purpose of preparation for tertiary education, advanced learning, and assessment for university enrollment, students may be optionally enrolled in the Upper Secondary education stage for an additional 2 years (Ages 16 to 18), known as Years 12 and 13, or Secondary Lower 6, and Upper 6.
2.5.1 - Students will be assessed in both years, although summative the Lower 6 assessment should additionally act as an indicator for student preparedness, and knowledge, as well as to identify any skills gaps for their chosen pathways.
2.5.2 - Lower and Upper 6 years of schooling shall allow flexibility for the student to specialise from amongst core and elective study areas related to their intentions for tertiary education.
2.5.3 - Upon completion of the Upper 6 stage of schooling, students graduate with the Kodiak Higher School Certificate (KHSC) and have considered to have met accreditation requirements for entry into tertiary education should they also meet the entry requirements of their chosen institution.

Section Three - Educational Rights[17]

3.1 - Students identified as performing exceptionally well academically shall be entitled to a separate and accelerated curriculum.
3.2 - Kodiak State Schools are by policy secular.
3.3 - Religion shall be taught in an academic fashion only.
3.4 - Students are entitled to accommodation for their familial religious belief, in-so-far as they do not interfere with the education of another student.

Chapter Four - Higher Education

Section One - Definitions [18]

1.1 - State Universities are university institutions where student tuition fees are fully state-funded by The Kodiak Republic government.
1.2 - Private Universities are university institutions where student tuition fees are not state-funded. This distinction does not exclude Private universities from receiving grants from the Ministry of Education that may be authorised by other legislative acts or government initiatives.

Section Two - State Funded Tuition[19]

2.1 - The Ministry of Education will set a schedule for the tuition fees payable for all undergraduate certificates and degrees, and postgraduate certificates and degrees.
2.1.1 - This schedule shall be indexed by the national consumer price index (CPI) annually as dictated by the Ministry of Education.
2.1.2 - The Ministry of Education may also adjust the tuition fee schedule on an annual basis based on the national demand for education within particular sectors or industries.
2.2 - All citizens of the Kodiak Republic shall have all necessary tuition fees paid by the state if attending a State University for any undergraduate degree up to a period of four years.
2.3 - Private Universities are not eligible for state-funded tuition, and are authorised to charge tuition fees.
2.4 - State Universities shall retain control of the education options provided to prospective students, the number of places offered, as well as entry requirements.
2.5.1 - The Ministry of Education in consultation with State Universities may provide guidance on maximum placements available for undergraduate students based on available funding and national demand.

Section Three - Kodiak Scholarships and Grants[20]

3.1 - The Ministry of Education is authorised to provide scholarships and grants to students to encourage location or economically disadvantaged students, minorities in particular sectors, and students with high potential. These scholarships and grants may be for undergraduate coursework or support for postgraduate research.
3.2 - The Scholarships and Grants provided by the Ministry of Education are separate from those provided by a university, and must be available to all universities.
3.3 - The Ministry of Education reserves the right to dictate the number of scholarships and grants available to each university, adjusting if required for provinces that have greater need.
3.4 - The scholarships and grants provided by the Ministry of Education in this article are offered only to State Universities.
3.5 - A budget of ₣150 million Florins per quarter is available for state-funded scholarships and grants.

Section Four - Pathways to Higher Education[21]

4.1 - Technical Colleges in consultation with Universities may offer diplomas as a pathway to university education.
4.2 - The Ministry of Education may offer tuition-free pathways in consultation with state universities and technical colleges in a packaged enrollment in a technical college with automatic advancement to the university portion of their education in order to secure a placement at a university, should they meet the requirements to advance.

Section Five - Higher Education Admissions Standards[22]

5.1 - All universities will be required to implement admission procedures that are merit focused and ensures that prospective students are equally able to enroll based on merit and available placements.
5.2 - Standardised national tertiary examinations will be administered by the Ministry of Education, with examinable content produced in consultation with universities.
5.3 - There will be two types of tertiary entrance examinations: 1) The General Tertiary Entrance Exam, and 2) Specialist Tertiary Entrance Exams. Specialist entrance exams are suitable for technical degrees, or specialist degrees that require a higher foundational competency in knowledge. Which exam would be required for different disciplines shall be determined by the Ministry of Education in consultation with universities.
5.4 - The aim of the tertiary entrance examinations will be to score and rank students for core competencies required for higher education. Universities shall determine the threshold required for entry to a degree.
5.5 - Universities shall also use high school education exam results for courses that are relevant to the discipline a student has applied for. Universities will determine the course requirements and these results will be used as a further differentiator between students.
5.6 - Universities must admit students on merit, with the highest scoring students first, until all available placements are filled.
5.7 - Applicants may undergo bridging courses from registered education providers, community colleges, or universities should they need to meet knowledge requirements. Results from bridging courses can be substituted for high school results.
5.8 - KTESA will administrate university admission with the ‘University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)’ that will allow an applicant to specify and rank order university and degree preferences.
5.8.1 - Applicants must be matched based on a student's suitability for a university and degree choice with their highest possible preference chosen if able. High school results and entrance examination results will be automatically submitted to UCAS.
5.8.2 - UCAS shall only present necessary information relevant for selection (e.g., national entrance exam scores, high school results) about an application to universities, and the university will be able to make an offer to the applicant through UCAS.
5.8.3 - Once an offer is accepted, the offered place shall be considered accepted by the university and the university shall send any relevant documents and additional enrollment administration instructions to the student directly.
5.8.4 - Should an offer be rejected, or a student otherwise elects to not enroll with the university, the available offer shall be free to be offered to another student.
5.9 - KTESA through UCAS will publish all requirements for applications, instructions, as well as key dates and deadlines.
5.10 - For specific courses, additional results, documentation or information may be set as a requirement with consultation with the Ministry of Education and KTESA.


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