Third Amendment to the Constitution of the Serene Republic of Kodiak

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An amendment to solidify the rights and protections of citizens.
ACTIONED on DAY MONTH YEAR with ## Aye, ## Nay, and ## Abstaining.


RECOGNISING that a majority of citizens’ rights are enshrined in the Kodiak Universal Rights, 650;

ACKNOWLEDGING that the existence of these rights outside of the Constitution puts them at risk;


AMEND the Seventh Constitution of the Serene Republic of Kodiak, as below;


1.1 - Amends section 4.1, reading “The people’s right to free, speedy trials and due process of law shall not be abridged.
1.2 - Amends section 4.2, reading “No person shall be put in jeopardy of life, liberty, or property twice for the same offence.
1.3 - Amends section 4.3, reading “All persons shall be presented with warrants before themselves or their property are molested, and shall be confronted with all charges, witnesses, and evidence against them in a manner they can understand.”
1.4 - Amends section 4.4, reading “All persons shall enjoy the right to free speech, press, and expression.”
1.5 - Creates section 4.5, reading “All persons shall enjoy the right to petition the government.”
1.6 - Creates section 4.6, reading “The right to life shall not be abridged except in the instance of reasonable and proportional action in response to unlawful violence.”
1.7 - Creates section 4.7, reading “No person shall be subjected to degrading or inhuman punishment or torture.”
1.8 - Creates section 4.8, reading “No person shall be held in slavery or be required to perform compulsory labour.”
1.9 - Creates section 4.9, reading “All persons have the right to liberty and security. No person shall be deprived of these rights unless under a lawful procedure.”
1.10 - Creates section 4.10, reading “All indicted persons have the right to legal counsel.”
1.11 - Creates section 4.11, reading “No person shall be punished under an ex post facto law.”
1.12 - Creates section 4.12, reading “No person shall be discriminated against on the basis of their sex, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, language, religion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth, or other status.”
1.13 - Creates section 4.13, reading “All persons have the right to public assembly.”
1.14 - Creates section 4.14, reading “All persons have the right to access education.”
1.15 - Creates section 4.15, reading "All citizens of the Republic have the right to safely participate in free and just elections.
1.15 - Creates section 4.16, reading “No person shall exercise their rights in such a manner to unduly and significantly damage another’s constitutional rights.”

Proposed by Coleman Ryle, MGA, JD.

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