The World

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki



Arnland sits on the southern tip of the Torrikan peninsula. Originally part of the Skolkan Empire, it gained independence in 622AB. Arnland is a multi‐party democratic republic with open elections. There are currently seven political parties with varied representation in the National Assembly, two of these—the center right and the social democrats—have dominated the political landscape for the past 25 years. Arnland’s foreign policy supports the country’s strategic goal of maintaining its independence. The Arnish maintain neutrality in the region while fostering diplomatic—and in some cases military—relations with their regional neighbors. The regional and international relationships maintained and the priorities that are placed in maintaining them change as the ruling parties change, and are a major cause of internal political tension. Osterland Union has been in negotiations with Arnland over membership but has yet to enter into any formal agreement.


Bothnia is a socialist state; although officially there are three main political parties, in reality the Socialist Party of Bothnia dominates the political environment—in effect allowing the other two parties to exist to offer the illusion of choice for the population. Relations with other former Skolkan Empire countries are good except for that with Torrike, which has been strained over Bothnia’s growing claims on the island of Gotland.

The essence of Bothnia’s defense policy is to defend the State and the achievements of the Bothnian people against all aggressors and threats, whether external or internal. To this end, the purpose of the military is to prepare, plan and execute the total defense of Bothnia, in conjunction with all other agencies of the Bothnian State. The policy allows for all methods to be used to ensure the survival of the State and does not preclude preemptive actions or actions limited to the territory of Bothnia. As such, Bothnia’s military is sizeable, with some 120,000 troops in service and theoretically, another 1,000,000 eligible to be mobilized from the Reserve.

The deterioration of relations with Torrike and the expansion of competing international alliance blocs forced Bothnia to reevaluate its status in the region. It increasingly sees Donovia as an ally and a useful counterbalance to the influence of the Rolyce Treaty Organization and the Osterland Union. Bothnia is also wary of the motivations of the Unnstadria following their admission into Rolyce Treaty Organization; as a result, Bothnia perceives “threats” from multiple entities.


The United Republics of Donovia is the largest country in the world, spanning 11 time zones across Osterland. The Potemkim Mountains divide Donovia from North to South stretching from Arctic climates to the more moderate steppe near the Sea of Pytor. Fertile plains and plateaus can be found west of the Potemkims, while to the east the Rhezev region consists of frozen tundra in the north giving way to heavy forest and open steppe as you move south.

Once considered one of the world’s premiere powers, The United Republics of Donovia is still a global power capable of exerting its influence over its neighbors through military might and threat of invasion.

Donovia perceives itself as the guardian of traditional values and as a counterweight to the intrusion of liberal culture. Donovia seeks to reshape the current world order by undercutting liberal influence and using subversive tactics to induce regional instability and create opportunities for itself. While nominally a republic, it operates as an authoritarian state, with much of its global influence derived from the fact that it is a nuclear power.


Framland is a prosperous country to the east of Torrike; it stretches from the Bothnian Sea to north of the Arctic Circle. The country is a multi‐party constitutional monarchy with open elections and political power vested in the prime minister. Its population enjoys freedom of speech and expression, and its relatively stable economy ensures a reasonable standard of living. The Framish people clearly consider themselves XR01, but are hesitant to become a member of the XO01, seeing it as compromising their national identity.

While maintaining good relations with the rest of XR01 nations, Framland is extremely aware of the strategic visions of Bothnia and Torrike. Their claims to power and land within the region create the potential for confrontation with Framland. Notwithstanding these perceptions, Framland cultivates and enjoys good relations with both of its larger neighbors. It is a member of the UN and continues to build its relationship with both XA01 and XO01 , albeit keeping the latter two at arm’s length. Framland and Donovia have normal political relations with growing economic and cultural exchanges, especially on a regional basis; however, they both foster an age‐old distrust, and have diverging attitudes toward democracy and human rights.

The Framland Defense Force is unusual in the region in that it is all volunteer and as such is also the smallest force in the region by a considerable margin. Notwithstanding size, the armed forces in general, and the army in particular, have considerable operational expertise gained through deployments in support of AoN and other international military missions. In keeping with the country’s modern and Liberal outlook, the armed forces are completely apolitical. The Framish government uses its armed forces as a useful diplomatic tool to build stability throughout the world.


Otso sits on the easternmost edge of the region. Previously part of a larger Otsobothnia, it has been an independent nation since the end of The Great War. Otso is a constitutional monarchy with open elections and three prominent political parties. The country prides itself on being neutral not only within the old Skolkan region, but also in regards to XO01 and XA01. In reality, the government and populace tend to have Donovian sympathies. Donovia originally utilized Otso as a buffer between itself and the wider alliance of Torrike and Bothnia. The recent souring of the relationship between Bothnia and Torrike created the opportunity to use Otso as a stepping stone to advance Donovia’s influence in the region.

Otso’s main political and military aim is to contribute to regional stability through the application of a firm and fair policy of neutrality. Otso considers itself as setting an enlightened example and support for the AoN is a key pillar of this policy. A primary component of this is to ensure that any dispute is brought to arbitration at the earliest opportunity and full engagement of the relevant international bodies is actively pursued.

Otso has a small population and its armed forces are correspondingly small. The basic structure is built with a single service (defense forces) and specialist branches (land, air, naval). The forces are largely conscripted, with a professional core; the ratio of regular personnel to conscripts varies depending on the complexity of the assigned task. On completion of service, conscripts have a reserve liability until their 50th birthday.


Torrike lies furthest west in the region and represents the heartland and remnant core of a once considerably larger and more powerful political entity, the Skolkan Empire. The country’s formal political system is a democratic republic, with both President and Parliament being subject to periodic election. However, Torrike’s power structure is highly centralized and features appointment rather than election to most offices, with control of patronage resting with the President. Parliament is dominated by the Torrike Unity Party, either alone or in coalition with the Torrikan Nationalist Party. There are formal and informal mechanisms for dealing with political dissent that are used ruthlessly when needed; however, most Torrikans are content with their system, and those who oppose current policies have little traction.

The basis for the country’s foreign policy is the overriding principle that Torrike is the natural regional leader and that the other nations should align themselves under its benevolent guidance. Frictions are high between Torrike and Bothnia due to the latter’s recent Gotland Island claims, despite it being in Torrikan waters. This is further exacerbated by the improving relationship between Bothnia and Donovia, putting not only the Torrikan concept of resurrecting a Torrike-led empire in jeopardy, but also strengthening Bothnia’s position within the region. Torrike has increasingly come to regard XA01 as an aggressive, expansionist, and interventionist political entity that poses a potential strategic threat to the country’s regional ambitions. Framland is considered a reliable neighbor, albeit one with a differing international outlook.

The Torrikan Armed Forces are modern, structurally sound, and well equipped. As a largely conscript force, national service is used to identify suitable candidates for long-term service and the reserves. All adults are subject to conscription and must complete an induction period that provides basic military training and an assessment period for identifying potential future leaders. The armed forces have always had a highly intellectual approach to warfare, seeking to maximize their effectiveness through a vigorous analysis of strategy and tactics. However, the Torrikan Armed Forces have little actual operational experience and have only exercised with Framland and, to a lesser extent, Arnland. Otsonian military observers monitoring Torrikan exercises have found them to be somewhat rigid in their operations and tactics.


Gulf of Bothnia Cooperation Council (GBCC)

The major regional entity is the Gulf of Bothnia Cooperation Council (GBCC), an intergovernmental political and economic union. Member States consist of all countries of the Gulf of Bothnia: Arnland, Bothnia, Framland, Otso, and Torrike; Donovia has Observer status.

The GBCC members have an established security cooperation agreements with Donovia. The agreement ensures annual training and exchanges with a focus on equipment, military doctrine, counter-terrorism, arms control, and broader government cooperation. The GBCC has been working with Donovia and other western countries on buying counter-UAV technology, robotics, and training.

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