The Navy

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Section 1: Formation

1.1 - The Department of the Navy is separately organized under the Secretary of the Navy. It operates under the authority, direction, and control of the Minister of Defense.
1.2 - The Navy, within the Department of the Navy, includes, in general, naval combat and service forces and such aviation as may be organic therein. The Navy shall be organized, trained, and equipped for the peacetime promotion of the national security interests and prosperity of the Kodiak Republic and for prompt and sustained combat incident to operations at sea. It is responsible for the preparation of naval forces necessary for the duties described in the preceding sentence except as otherwise assigned and, in accordance with integrated joint mobilization plans, for the expansion of the peacetime components of the Navy to meet the needs of war.
1.3 - The Navy consist of-
  1. The Fleet
  2. The Naval Air Service
  3. The Coast Guard
  4. Naval Reserves

Section 2: Regulations

2.1 - The Executive Chancellor may prescribe regulations for the government of the Navy


Section 3: Authorized Strength

3.1 - The Navy shall be authorized 40,000 sailors of all ratings
3.2 - The naval combat forces of the Navy shall include not less than 12 operational destroyers and not less than 30 other combat ships, of which not less than 10 shall be submarines. For purposes of this subsection, an operational ship includes a ship that is temporarily unavailable for deployment due to routine or scheduled maintenance or repair

3.3 - The Coast Guard shall be authorized 20,000 personnel of all ratings

Section 4: The Fleet

4.1 - The Fleet is the active component of the Navy that consists of persons whose continuous service on active duty in both peace and war is contemplated by law, and of retired members of the Fleet.
4.2 - The Fleet includes-
  1. the officers and enlisted sailors of the Fleet;
  2. the professors, director of admissions, and cadets of the San Chico Naval Academy; and
  3. the retired officers and enlisted sailors of the Fleet.

Section 5: Rank and Grades

5.1 - The commissioned grades in the Navy are the following:
  1. Admiral.
  2. Vice admiral.
  3. Rear admiral.
  4. Captain 1st Rate.
  5. Captain 2nd Rate.
  6. Captain 3rd Rate.
  7. Lieutenant 1st Rate.
  8. Lieutenant 2nd Rate.
  9. Ensign.
5.2 - The enlisted grades below the rank of ensign are the following:
  1. Chief Petty Officer
  2. Petty Officer 1st Class
  3. Petty Officer 2nd Class
  4. Petty Officer 3rd Class
  5. Specialist 1st Rate
  6. Specialist 2nd Rate
  7. Sailor 1st Rate
  8. Sailor 2nd Rate
  9. Sailor Recruit
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