The General Staff
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Section 1: Formation, Function, Composition
- 1.1 - There is in the executive part of the Ministry of Defense, a General Staff. The function of the General Staff is to assist the Minister of Defense in carrying out their responsibilities.
- 1.2 - The General Staff is composed of the following:
- The Chief of Staff.
- The Vice Chief of Staff.
- The Deputy Chiefs of Staff.
- The Assistant Chiefs of Staff.
- The Judge Advocate General.
- The Chief of Reserve Forces.
- Other members of the Army assigned or detailed to the Army Staff.
- Civilian employees of the Department of the Army assigned or detailed to the Army Staff.
Section 2: General Duties
- 2.1 - The General Staff shall furnish professional assistance to the Minister of Defense, Deputy Ministers of Defense. and the Executive Chancellor.
- 2.2 - Under the authority, direction, and control of the Minister of Defense, the General Staff shall-
- Prepare for such employment of the Armed Forces of Kodiak, and for such recruiting, organizing, supplying, equipping (including those aspects of research and development assigned by the Secretary of the Army), training, servicing, mobilizing, demobilizing, administering, and maintaining of the Armed Forces, as will assist in the execution of any power, duty, or function of the Minister or the Chief of the General Staff;
- Investigate and report upon the efficiency of the Armed Forces and its preparation to support military operations by regional commands;
- Prepare detailed instructions for the execution of approved plans and supervise the execution of those plans and instructions;
- As directed by the Minister or the Chief of the General Staff, coordinate the action of organizations of the Armed Forces; and
- Perform such other duties, not otherwise assigned by law, as may be prescribed by the Minister of Defense.