The Air Force
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Section 1: Formation
- 1.1 - It is the intent of the General Assembly to provide an Air Force that is capable, in conjunction with the other armed forces, of-
- preserving the peace and security, and providing for the defense, of the Kodiak Republic, its possessions, and any areas occupied by the Kodiak Republic;
- supporting the national policies;
- implementing the national objectives; and
- overcoming any nations responsible for aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of the Kodiak Republic.
- 1.2 - The Department of the Air Force is separately organized under the Secretary of the Air Force. It operates under the authority, direction, and control of the Minister of Defense
- 1.3 - There is a Kodiaker Air Force within the Department of the Air Force.
- 1.4 - In general, the Air Force includes aviation forces both combat and service not otherwise assigned. It shall be organized, trained, and equipped primarily for prompt and sustained offensive and defensive air operations. It is responsible for the preparation of the air forces necessary for the effective prosecution of war except as otherwise assigned and, in accordance with integrated joint mobilization plans, for the expansion of the peacetime components of the Air Force to meet the needs of war
Section 2: Regulations
- 2.1 - The Executive Chancellor may prescribe regulations for the government of the Navy
Section 3: Authorized Strength
- 3.1 - The Air Force shall be authorized an end strength of 50,000 personnel.
- 3.2 - The Air Force Reserve shall be authorized an end strength of 100,000 personnel
Section 4: The Force
- 4.1 - The Air Force consists of-
- the Regular Air Force and the Air Force Reserve;
- all persons appointed or enlisted in, or conscripted into, the Air Force without component; and
- all Air Force units and other Air Force organizations, with their installations and supporting and auxiliary combat, training, administrative, and logistic elements; and all members of the Air Force, including those not assigned to units; necessary to form the basis for a complete and immediate mobilization for the national defense in the event of a national emergency.
- 4.2 - The Regular Air Force is the component of the Air Force that consists of persons whose continuous service on active duty in both peace and war is contemplated by law, and of retired members of the Regular Air Force.
- 4.3 - The Regular Air Force includes-
- the officers and enlisted members of the Regular Air Force;
- the professors, registrar, and cadets at the Rosalice Air Force Academy; and
- the retired officers and enlisted members of the Regular Air Force.
Section 5: Rank
- 5.1 - The commissioned ranks in the Air Force are the following:
- Air Marshal
- Air Vice Marshal
- Air Brigadier
- Group Captain
- Wing Captain
- Squadron Captain
- Flight Lieutenant
- Flight Officer
- Pilot Officer
- 5.2 - The enlisted ranks in the Air Force below Pilot Officer are the following:
- Warrant Officer
- Master Sergeant
- Technical Sergeant
- Flight Sergeant
- Sergeant
- Specialist
- Airman 1st Class
- Airman 2nd Class
- Trainee