Talk:The Treaty of Silver

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Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 07/07/2022 @Assembly Member The Treaty of Silver A Treaty of Friendship between The Kodiak Republic and The United Kingdom Proposed by Chancellor @Patrick Barber Voting will take place on July 11, 2022. (Under the presented Standing Rules and Procedures of the General Assembly, voting for treaties must take place within one week.) (edited)

The Kodiak Republic Wiki The Treaty of Silver A Treaty of Friendship between The Kodiak Republic and The United Kingdom Introduced by Patrick Barber, Chancellor PASSED on ## MMMM 2022 with ## Aye, ## Nay, ## Abstain CONSIDERING the mutual will of our regions to improve their relationship, RECOGNIZING the compatibility between our regions that are bound through community and visions about th...

Patrick Barber — 07/07/2022 As I mentioned in my message to the President, I am pleased to present to the Assembly the Treaty of Silver with the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is a storied and active nation which has graciously approached and recognised our government as one to be especially notable. Together, the Deputy Chancellor and I have worked with their Foreign Minister and Prime Minister to create this Treaty of Friendship which has Already found itself approved by their House of Commons.

Janine Jordan [KWP] (Jocelyn) — 07/07/2022 Mind sending a link to the United Kingdom region? [11:55 PM] Or are there rules against this

Patrick Barber — 07/07/2022

Chad Clerkson — 07/07/2022 This should be one of The treaties that could prove Kodiak's and United Kingdom's diplomacy, And that violence shouldn't be the answer and Diplomacy is the answer

Janine Jordan [KWP] (Jocelyn) — 07/07/2022 You have to be a citizen to see what's going on inside? July 8, 2022

Patrick Barber — 07/08/2022 to snoop on their forum you'll need to sign up for an account and be masked - i am unsure if visitor masks have vision.

Janine Jordan [KWP] (Jocelyn) — 07/08/2022 Hmm not really keen since the general chat was last active yesterday [12:08 AM] Also a foreign ambassador had to fulfill the role of welcome wagons

Patrick Barber — 07/08/2022 did you join the forum or the discord?

Janine Jordan [KWP] (Jocelyn) — 07/08/2022 Discord

Patrick Barber — 07/08/2022 they are forum based mostly, the discord is just social @Patrick Barber they are forum based mostly, the discord is just social

Chad Clerkson — 07/08/2022 Should I go to Forum?

Patrick Barber — 07/08/2022 also, these aren't really points of conversation about the treaty [12:10 AM] we are in the assembly i remind you

Janine Jordan [KWP] (Jocelyn) — 07/08/2022 I mean what's the point of a treaty if there's no one active to uphold it

Patrick Barber — 07/08/2022 they are certainly active enough to fulfil the obligations of the treaty. [12:11 AM] their filled government positions are greater in number than ours

Janine Jordan [KWP] (Jocelyn) — 07/08/2022 I mean I can't know since forums never work for me

Patrick Barber — 07/08/2022


John Edwards [KWP] — 07/08/2022 Looks promising and quite helpful. They appear to be a fairly large group. How are they likely to be represented in the RP side of things? So I can "news" it properly.

Patrick Barber — 07/08/2022 i'm not entirely sure because it is a bit fourth-wall like to refer to the United Kingdom [8:29 AM] Maybe the United Kingdom of Stewart is the safest (edited) [8:30 AM] though they refer to themselves as british so it may be tough either way [8:30 AM] do we think we feel capable of referring to the UK and Britain and recognising they may be a 'fictional' version without confusion?

John Edwards [KWP] — 07/08/2022 I'm leaning toward leaving out the "British" part and just referring to them as the United Kingdom. We already have The Great North so it's not a massive stretch in that department.

Patrick Barber — 07/08/2022 the great north isn't a real place though July 10, 2022

John Edwards [KWP] — 07/10/2022 The nomenclature is similar though and a name like "United Kingdom" is generic enough to drop into almost any setting without seeming out of place.

Janine Jordan [KWP] (Jocelyn) — 07/10/2022 To be honest I think I'd get confused between this United Kingdom and the real United Kingdom lol @Janine Jordan [KWP] (Jocelyn) To be honest I think I'd get confused between this United Kingdom and the real United Kingdom lol

Chad Clerkson — 07/10/2022 You could name The Real Uk Britain [12:08 AM] I mean, The people are called British there

President Erin Leži [K.E.P] — 07/10/2022 Yeah like how we are called Kodiakers Patrick Barber though they refer to themselves as british so it may be tough either way

Janine Jordan [KWP] (Jocelyn) — 07/10/2022 .

Klaus Mikaelson — 07/10/2022 I don't know if this is at all helpful or not, but UK often uses the acronym "NSUK" to avoid any confusion


July 11, 2022

Patrick Barber — 07/11/2022 I'm just postulating how it would fit into the fictional world we've put Kodiak into since the name of the planet isn't "nation states" @Patrick Barber I'm just postulating how it would fit into the fictional world we've put Kodiak into since the name of the planet isn't "nation states"

Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) — 07/11/2022 Yeah we wouldn't want to confuse people. [12:50 AM] A guy joined today who I had to explain to that the server is almost fully disconnected from NS. [12:50 AM] And he promptly left. [12:51 AM] But RP is going to attract some and repulse others, because of no fault of our own.

Patrick Barber — 07/11/2022 I mean, the mock government is disconnected. We do still offer NS RP as well. We do both @Patrick Barber I mean, the mock government is disconnected. We do still offer NS RP as well. We do both

Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) — 07/11/2022 True

Patrick Barber — 07/11/2022 It wasn't strictly right to say we are totally separated from. nS. Only the mock gov is (edited) @Patrick Barber It wasn't strictly right to say we are totally separated from. nS. Only the mock gov is (edited)

Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) — 07/11/2022 Yeah thats what I meant. [12:52 AM] He didn't want any part in disconnected RP, aka our mock government.

Patrick Barber — 07/11/2022 Sure but without the clarification that wasn't quite how it looked like what you meant when I read it this morning (edited) [12:53 AM] And we do still have an NS RP also. @Patrick Barber Sure but without the clarification that wasn't quite how it looked like what you meant when I read it this morning (edited)

Símôn Kalimeno [Myguystan] (NUP) — 07/11/2022 Oh I'll try to explain better next time.

Patrick Barber — 07/11/2022 It has like three channels devoted to it [12:54 AM] It's ok. There will always be others


[12:55 AM] The vote is scheduled to take place within the next day so if anyone has anything else to add about the treaty now would be the time to mention it Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) used

EasyPollBOT — 07/11/2022 (edited)

Question Do you support the treaty? Choices Aye Nay Abstain Final Result ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░ [18 • 86%] ░░░░░░░░░░ [0 • 0%] ▓░░░░░░░░░ [3 • 14%] 21 users voted Settings Poll already ended (2 days ago) Anonymous Poll allowed choice No other votes allowed Allowed roles: @Assembly Member Poll ID: teh5bycWiB




Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 07/11/2022 @Assembly Member the treaty is up for vote. (edited)

July 13, 2022

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — 07/13/2022 @Assembly Member only 12 hours remain for the vote.


July 16, 2022

Tobias Virstürm (Vikstein) — Today at 11:06 AM @Assembly Member Apologies for the delay, the treaty has passed.

[11:06 AM] I will be archiving the channel and deleting it in 24 hours.

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