Talk:State school funding cuts 672
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Joanna Sousa [KWA] (Juliette) OP
— 10/13/2024 9:52 PM
Tabled by Minister of Revenue & Treasury, Redmin P. Apple
State school funding cuts 672
An act to lower unnecessary funding for State Schools
Hereby amends the Emergency Education Appropriations Act and all bills it amends.
--- The Kodiak Republic Wiki State school funding cuts 672 An act to lower unnecessary funding for State Schools Hereby amends the Emergency Education Appropriations Act and all bills it amends
Joanna Sousa [KWA] (Juliette)
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— 10/13/2024 9:52 PM
Joanna Sousa [KWA] (Juliette) OP
— 10/13/2024 9:54 PM
@Assembly Member Debate commences for the 'State school funding cuts 672'.
@Redmin P. Apple (SHRIMP) I invite you to present your statements as soon as you are able.
Redmin P. Apple (SHRIMP) — 10/13/2024 9:58 PM Good day to all members of the general assembly, I am going to keep this short and clean. Our school system has been overfunded by a big margin. By 18 billion almost. This bill is here to remove too high of costs while maintaining education available for all and keeping schools and education to a high standard.
Tiberius Brown — 10/13/2024 9:59 PM SHRIMP attacks the elderly first, then the unemployed, then the homeless, and now the schoolchildren. What demographic is safe from their budget cuts?
J.F. Sassoon [SHRIMP] — 10/13/2024 10:00 PM Generally, I am in favour of budget cuts for unnecessary spending - but education is almost certainly not unnecessary. How can the author assure the assembly that these cuts will, in the long run, be beneficial?
Billy-Club Barber [KWA] — 10/13/2024 10:00 PM I think we should at least be comforted that the bill isn't hidden behind some faux patriotic name.
Tiberius Brown — 10/13/2024 10:01 PM Or, worse, the Bones Archeo-Education Bill.
Redmin P. Apple (SHRIMP) — 10/13/2024 10:06 PM This bill has been tailored to hit points that have been analysed that don't need so much support. For example the 7,200 funding was originally made so schools could be build and since time has passed this funding reduction to 6,500 is still enough to provide schools with necessities and build additional schools.
Joanna Sousa [KWA] (Juliette) OP
— 10/13/2024 10:18 PM
So the Government's intent is to strip back state funding for higher education to only an income-test based system, correct? Can 650M even support income brackets? My understanding that at this point we will have dropped to only just being able to support low income students, with anyone outside 'low-income' unlikely to get even scraps. (Semi OOC Source:
Secondly what of ongoing funding for existing students, are they suddenly thrust into these income tests and potentially lose all or part of their funding, or is the Government intending for their tuition funding being honoured?
Is reducing the budget for school meals to that level even feasible to fund free meals for Kodiak? (Same source, scroll to Free School meals).
With State Schooling we are teetering close to going from what experts term 'moderately funded' schools towards 'low funding', but I suppose is still within the range of moderate funding and likely a large chunk of our budget. (Same source)
While I understand the need for budget cuts, I'd like to understand the implications on these budgets cuts to the education system. If the Government can provide or seek out such information that would be ideal. Education is after all extremely important for the future of this nation, and is a great equaliser and enabler for the workers and so called 'low income' families.
Redmin P. Apple (SHRIMP) — 10/13/2024 11:03 PM For the first concern yes it can because the original funding of 800 million was meant to fund everyone's tuition and now this 650 million will pay off everyone who fall under the brackets by percentage. Your worry is that everyone outside low income will get the scraps but (( im just guessing because it's not worded anywhere)) that 800 million in the last bill would first fund the whole tuition of low income families the move on. And students who are currently being paid for their tuition will be paid whole no matter if this bill started.
For the second concern I see now your point and I am willing to bring it up to 200 million.
Yes state school funding takes a lot out of our budget and while it may fall on the lower half of moderate we feel that it's enough to support our education and children while not overspending and hurting our budget.
While I can not give you exact information in this moment all reductions don't hurt our education program our the quality of education. 6,500 million funding will still be more than enough to keep our education on a high standard, provide the children good conditions and new schools.
Redmin P. Apple (SHRIMP) — 10/13/2024 11:04 PM I hope that this answers your concerns.
Christopher Blackadder II [NUP] — 10/13/2024 11:11 PM Now I'm a proponent of private education and thus not a particular fan of state-run schools, but surely there are services more deserving of cuts! Perhaps the billions we spend of trains should be first to go!
Viktor Adler [KWA] — 10/14/2024 6:39 AM Was education already not cut back to a sustainable level under the Ward Chancellorship in order to avoid the budget crisis?
Redmin P. Apple (SHRIMP) — 10/14/2024 6:41 AM Since that was before my time I can't speak with certainty but I would say no because education is still the highest cost by almost 18 billion florins.
Tiberius Brown — 10/14/2024 8:00 AM And what, in Mr. Apples's opinion, shoud be the highest cost?
Redmin P. Apple (SHRIMP) — 10/14/2024 2:51 PM I guessing by your comments agree that education should be the highest cost but it doesn't need to be this high.
Saka Dakota ( SHRIMP ) — 10/15/2024 11:30 AM This bill is highly outrageous and unesscary. I agree that this nation spends far too much money on many things, but the schools are the wrong place to cut funding. What may seem like a budget cut to make a spreadsheet look better, will lead to students not having the resources to be successful, and to become productive citizens. As someone who was from a rural town of only 5,385, I can tell you that underfunded schools affected me, and my classmates. Our school was over 10 years behind the rest of the nation in its technology teaching, and many angry meetings were had on what to decide how to spend the little money that was had. Unfortunately I have to go against my party for this one.
Dakota Bones (SHRIMP) — 10/15/2024 12:10 PM I had no education, ahem…apart from my degrees of course!
Look where I am now! I say slash schools completely! If people want education they can pay for it!
Joanna Sousa [KWA] (Juliette) OP
— 10/15/2024 12:16 PM
They do, through taxes, and they give us a return on their potential future contributions to society and the nation (and taxes if you like).
Redmin P. Apple (SHRIMP) — 10/15/2024 2:56 PM Mr. Dakota, while I understand where you are coming from I assure you that the quality of education won't be harmed and lowered. The budget of the original 7,200 million florins was meant for school building and improvement. This lowered funding won't harm education and its quality. Billy-Club Barber [KWA] — 10/15/2024 2:57 PM Can you provide for us the evidence in Hansard showing this money was "only for buildings and improvements"?
Redmin P. Apple (SHRIMP) — 10/15/2024 3:12 PM I may worded it wrongly, it wasn't used just for building and improvement. What I meant this budget was put in place to keep up with the technology and make necessary upgrades since it was put in place 15 years ago.(( It doesn't say anywhere, but counted when it was August 2023)) I think we can all agree that schools are up to date and very efficient. 6,500 million will still allow them to make necessary repairs, upgrades and still allow for schools to be built.
Billy-Club Barber [KWA] — 10/15/2024 3:28 PM The most recent budget was a cut though wasn't it. So how do we justify another cut after a cut if the upgrade costs were already cut
Joanna Sousa [KWA] (Juliette) OP
— 10/15/2024 3:37 PM
What about staff, operations, maintaining education standards etc? There is more to the education funding than building or maintenance. The pool for all state schools gets smaller, so it is incorrect to assume the quality of education won't be affected - whether it is harm or standards lowering much over time remains to be determined of course and it is most certainly something the Government and GA will need to be mindful of in balance of funds and capability.
In any case, it appears the Government's assessment is that this will not detrimentally affect educational standards.
Redmin P. Apple (SHRIMP) — 10/15/2024 3:43 PM We believe that the lowered funding won't hurt anyone's pay, or any operations.
Billy-Club Barber [KWA] — 10/15/2024 4:03 PM I find it hard to believe that a 10% across the board reduction in funding won't hurt programs or pay or conditions.
Billy-Club Barber [KWA] — 10/15/2024 4:23 PM In it's realist sense, it must represent an increase in class size by 10-12%.
Redmin P. Apple (SHRIMP) — 10/17/2024 4:45 AM Since a lot of voices from both sides of the assembly were raised about the funding cuts I would be willing to raise it to 6,750 million florins.
Redmin P. Apple (SHRIMP) — 10/17/2024 3:22 PM Since no arguments were raised the last few days I motion to vote.
Billy-Club Barber [KWA] — 10/17/2024 3:22 PM I agree. Lets vote against this as quickly as possible EasyPoll APP
— 10/17/2024 5:28 PM
Question Does the General Assembly approve the 'State school funding cuts 672'?
- letter_a: Aye
- letter_b: Nay
- letter_c: Abstain
Final Result
- letter_a: ▓▓▓░░░░░░░ [9 • 29%]
- letter_b: ▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░ [20 • 65%]
- letter_c: ▓░░░░░░░░░ [2 • 6%]
31 votes from 31 users
- stopwatch: Poll already ended (an hour ago)
- anonymous: Anonymous Poll
- one: allowed choice
- roles: Allowed roles: @Assembly Member
- lock: No other votes allowed
Poll ID: 97f7e370
Joanna Sousa [KWA] (Juliette) OP
— 10/17/2024 5:28 PM
@Assembly Member Voting commences. MGAs are asked to review the proposed cuts and then vote.
Joanna Sousa [KWA] (Juliette) OP
— Today at 6:02 PM
The 'State School Funding Cuts Act of 672' has been rejected by the General Assembly with 9 Ayes, 20 Nays, and 2 Abstains.
This debate will be archived and the results recorded.