Talk:Kodiak Airport Act (675)
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Kodiak Airport Act (675) Joanna Sousa [KWA](Juliette/Sil) OP
— 25/01/2025 11:13 AM
Tabled by Shadow Deputy Chancellor Malia Marshall, MGA
Kodiak Airport Act (675) This act establishes the Kodiak Airport Authority (KAA), tasked with constructing and maintaining airports within the Republic of Kodiak. The funding mechanism includes fees on airport businesses and exemptions designed to incentivize economic activity and growth in the aviation sector. The Kodiak Republic Wiki Kodiak Airport Act (675) Preamble This act establishes the Kodiak Airport Authority (KAA), tasked with constructing and maintaining airports within the Republic of Kodiak. The funding mechanism includes fees on airport businesses and exemptions designed to incentivize economic activity and growth in the aviation sector. Joanna Sousa [KWA](Juliette/Sil) pinned a message to this channel. See all pinned messages. — 25/01/2025 11:14 AM Joanna Sousa [KWA](Juliette/Sil) OP
— 25/01/2025 11:14 AM
@Assembly Member Debate has commenced for the Kodiak Airport Act.
@Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] MGA Marshall, you are invited to present your statements to the GA. Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] — 25/01/2025 11:21 AM Good Evening everyone, I present this bill out of notice of a space that the government has yet to invest in. Our nation is terribly far behind the rest of the world when it comes to our air transportation as only the richest cities in the nation could afford to build it. The government currently doesn't support the building of airports around the country to allow many people to visit our beautiful country from abroad or for our citizens to explore the world with ease.
So this bill is a major step forward for Kodiak to catch up with the rest of the world . But investing more into airports, we will be able to introduce new businesses into our country and make it more attractive for investment and open ourselves up to the world. Catching up with all the other nations across the globe would put our nation on the map.
The bill is set up so that the KAA which is the agency to be created by this bill will be self funded once we pay our one time payment. This alone can bring in more tourism to our nation and make sure that we bring a new era of our nation of openness. Thank you and I look forward to your questions Joanna Sousa [KWA](Juliette/Sil) OP
— 25/01/2025 3:04 PM
With the initial ₣3 billion, is the intention that this be an immediate 3 billion spend?
Given that quarterly the transportation budget is: 413 million/quarter -> 1.65 billion per annum, but with a spending authorisation of 1.02 billion / quarter -> 4.09 billion per annum, this release of fund is almost the entire Transportation budget at once on top of the existing spend. Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] — 25/01/2025 11:39 PM I don't think that it should be spent all at once. It's not the intention but the idea is that the KAA would find an office, hire staff, and then start work on building Airports including studying sites. So I expect that it wouldn't be spent all at once but I also expect that once the KAA is fully operational, it would be self funded Bryan Reynholm [KWA] — 25/01/2025 11:40 PM How does this spending fit into the "cut all taxes in half" aspect of your party platform? Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] — 25/01/2025 11:42 PM It's a one time payment, the idea overtime is that once the KAA is fully operational, the Assembly would not have to put any more money into it as it can make money off Parking Fees, landing fees, etc Bryan Reynholm [KWA] — 25/01/2025 11:43 PM The time would be astronomical Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] — 25/01/2025 11:44 PM I'm open to adjusting the funding, because at the end of the day, I don't think anybody in this assembly would be against not building airports to support tourism and attracting international buesnesses Bryan Reynholm [KWA] — 25/01/2025 11:49 PM I am frankly shocked we'd be looking at borrowing an extra few billions when public credit is so absent business is going bankrupt and interest rates are through the roof. And to do so for a few hundred air passengers a day in possibly one city John Dundas Wedgewood [KWA] — 25/01/2025 11:52 PM ((Do we not already have airports and an airport authority?)) Katara Pavlov [KEP] — 25/01/2025 11:55 PM I mean what’s even the point of this act? Usually the excuse conservatives make when destroying the environment is “it’s for the economy” yet if this act won’t even do that what’s the point? We do not need more airplanes in this country, airplanes are one of the more inefficient ways of transport from a financial perspective outside of continental and ocean trips and also cause a great deal of damage to the environment through the amount of emissions they release into the atmosphere. So I strongly oppose this act Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] — 26/01/2025 12:00 AM Actually, Airplanes are more fuel efficient then you think, especially with better airplanes have gotten more fuel efficient in recent years Joanna Sousa [KWA](Juliette/Sil) OP
— 26/01/2025 12:00 AM
As written the 3 billion injection is immediate, so if the intention is to trickle in that should be handled here.
I leave it to the GA to determine if 3 billion is a lot. Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] — 26/01/2025 12:05 AM Also, most people in this country travel by train or car anyway to get to domestic places, larger Airports would be built for larger cities and would connect for international destinations I don't think that fact will change anytime soon Brook Vonz [KEP] — 26/01/2025 1:04 AM I must agree with my KEP colleague, aircrafts pollute a lot. I get that we have to develop air travel but also, 3 BILLION? That's a bit much Juan Corazón Flores [KWA] — 26/01/2025 1:23 AM Frankly, this sort of spending is very irresponsible considering the government's current financial situation. Most surprisingly, this bill has been presented by a member of a party that criticizes "wasteful government spending" and whose austerity platform promises to reduce government spending. Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] — 26/01/2025 1:24 AM If I lowered funding to 1 billion, would that be ok Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] — 26/01/2025 1:24 AM In this case, we are improving infrustructure which is nowhere near a waist Juan Corazón Flores [KWA] — 26/01/2025 1:26 AM Improving infrastructure that does not benefit the average Kodiaker, but instead benefits rich foreign tourists. Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] — 26/01/2025 1:27 AM But building new airports would create new jobs and spur economic growth from other nations and their companies which is what we need right now to rebuild our economy. Kodiak needs to be a more attractive place to invest and this is a step in the right direction to do that And so what the problem of having rich foreign tourist here like its a bad thing, they are coming here to spend their money right here in our nation which is... Ahem... GOOD FOR THE ECONOMY Brook Vonz [KEP] — 26/01/2025 1:38 AM Two wrongs don't make a right. You will use this 3 billion to further deepen our crisis in turn for a most likely long construction and establishment of a industry which may even not be of use to our impoverished citizens. Juan Corazón Flores [KWA] — 26/01/2025 1:38 AM The government has made great efforts to attract foreign capital through tourism in recent years. However, most of the country's infrastructure is in dire need of investment, and often makes in difficult for Kodiakers to travel to work or for goods to be shipped across the nation. There are many other areas of infrastructure in which 3 billion could be invested that would have a greater impact on Kodiakers' lives and the economy. Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] — 26/01/2025 1:45 AM But it doesn't fix the fact that Kodiak still lags behind the rest of the world. We would open ourselves up to more tourism by building an airport because it would open us to across the ocean and make it more accessible to access those nations.
Kodiak doesn't have an overall authority that looks over airports. The Ministry of Transportation doesn't put any money into it and I am proposing a 1 time payment to create an agency which would eventually be funding itself once its fully operational. You know what else was also not cheap to build, Railroads! But because we put money into it, the Railroad Company eventually made a profit and was self funded. This is the same model we are building here.
By putting this money into use, we can create new jobs in construction and maintaining our airports for the long term. People need jobs, people need secerity and something to believe in. Building An Airport makes ourselves more attractive to foreign investment as we can take in better cargo and improve assembly processes here at home, along with making it more eficent for product made here to go abroad to be sold This overall would improve our infostructure long term Senator Sanders — 26/01/2025 3:30 AM Airplanes? Do we use those? We like trains here. You can take a train anywhere. Even on the ocean. A water train… that’s what this money should go towards Bryan Reynholm [KWA] — 26/01/2025 8:42 AM I don't see why if there is a legitimate use case for air travel why the existing private airports aren't enough. If they don't think there is enough for the investment return, why would the government fund it arbitrarily? think of the schools we could build or the research we could fund with 3 billion florins. Why sink it into additional air capacity? Viktor Adler [KWA] — 26/01/2025 9:59 AM I also wonder why the charges are sufficient to cover expenses once more airports are built, but not at the start, by applying charges to existing airports while having no building projects? Joanna Sousa [KWA](Juliette/Sil) OP
— 29/01/2025 12:03 AM
@Assembly Member Any more comments?
@Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] Is there anything you would like to address? Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] — 29/01/2025 12:12 AM When I get back from work I will edit the bill Joanna Sousa [KWA](Juliette/Sil) OP
— 31/01/2025 10:56 AM
@Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] — 31/01/2025 3:25 PM Funding was lowered to 500 Million Florins which should be enough to contruct 1 airport Joanna Sousa [KWA](Juliette/Sil) OP
— 31/01/2025 5:13 PM
@Assembly Member Malia Mackenzie Marshall [NUP] — 4/02/2025 1:58 AM Because there is no comments left. I motion to vote please. Pierre Torrey (KWA) — 4/02/2025 2:20 AM I second the motion EasyPoll APP
— 4/02/2025 8:46 AM
Question Does the General Assembly approve the Kodiak Airport Act ?
- letter_a: Aye
- letter_b: Nay
- letter_c: Abstain
Final Result
- letter_a: ▓▓░░░░░░░░ | 21.7% (5)
- letter_b: ▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░ | 60.9% (14)
- letter_c: ▓▓░░░░░░░░ | 17.4% (4)
23 votes from 23 users
- stopwatch: Poll already ended (13 hours ago)
- anonymous: Anonymous Poll
- choices: 1 allowed choice
- roles: Allowed roles: @Assembly Member
- lock: No other votes allowed
Poll ID: bbb09fe2 Joanna Sousa [KWA](Juliette/Sil) OP
— 4/02/2025 8:47 AM
@Assembly Member We may now vote on the Kodiak Airport Act. Please review the act and debate, and then exercise your vote. Joanna Sousa [KWA](Juliette/Sil) OP
— Yesterday at 9:24 AM
@Assembly Member Less than one day to go for the vote, if you have not voted yet - do so! Joanna Sousa [KWA](Juliette/Sil) OP
— Today at 9:22 PM
The Kodiak Airport Act has been rejected by the General Assembly with 5 Ayes, 14 Nays, 4 Abstains. It will be archived accordingly.