Talk:Amendment to the Standing Rules and Procedures (673)
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Joanna Sousa [KWA] (Juliette) OP
— 10/17/2024 10:36 PM
Tabled by President Joanna Sousa, co-sponsored by Acting Chancellor Joseph Fala.
Amendment to the Standing Rules and Procedures (673)
NOTING that special resolutions that require expediency cannot be voted upon in haste
FURTHER noting that the General Assembly lacks clarification on withdrawal of acts and resolutions beyond precedence.
HEREBY the General Assembly resolves to amend the Standing Rules and Procedures of the General Assembly. *
--- The Kodiak Republic Wiki Amendment to the Standing Rules and Procedures (673) . Joanna Sousa [KWA] (Juliette)
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— 10/17/2024 10:36 PM
Joanna Sousa [KWA] (Juliette) OP
— 10/17/2024 10:39 PM
@Assembly Member Debate may begin on the proposed Amendment to our Standing Orders.
As President, I have observed (and no doubt some MGAs have as well), some inefficiencies in our standing orders after special cases have arisen.
So this amendment seeks to try and resolve some issues: Allow for special votes to skip debate, if they do not have legislative or executive relevance. Such as the Resolution for Ward's state funeral.
Clarity on withdrawal of proposals, which has been something we have done in the past without any formal ruling. This should hopefully make it clearer.
Shortening the suspension vote time, I still think some voting time is essential to prevent abuse but there probably is no reason why it should be equivalent to a formal vote to pass a bill as that will prolong debate overly much, in my opinion.
I do ask the Assembly to review this, especially the wording in Article I and II.
I am also open to other ideas to address these three pain points.
Andrew Williams (KSDP) — 10/18/2024 2:45 AM I have no issue
J.F. Sassoon [HIATUS] — 10/18/2024 7:32 AM Madame President, this would clear a lot of issues up, I believe. This enjoys my support.
Antonio Recio Rufián [SHRIMP] — 10/18/2024 7:58 AM I am all for checks and balances on possible loopholes the state can abuse.
Phoenix Adams [Ind] — 10/18/2024 11:53 PM I have no issues with the proposal
Saka Dakota ( SHRIMP ) — 10/19/2024 6:03 AM Motion to vote as I have no issues
Billy-Club Barber [KWA] — 10/19/2024 6:46 AM It hasn't been 72 hours.
Saka Dakota ( SHRIMP ) — 10/19/2024 6:47 AM sorry
Joanna Sousa [KWA] (Juliette) OP
— 10/20/2024 11:14 PM
If this is satisfactory, we may as well move to vote if we can have some motions from the floor.
J.F. Sassoon [HIATUS] — 10/20/2024 11:29 PM I motion to Filibuster while I read the entirety of the Bible in Ancient Egyptian Vote.
Andrew Williams (KSDP) — 10/20/2024 11:34 PM Motion to vote
Joanna Sousa [KWA] (Juliette) OP
— 10/20/2024 11:35 PM
To the vote we go! EasyPoll APP
— 10/20/2024 11:36 PM
Question Does the General Assemly approve the 'Amendment to the Standing Rules and Procedures (673)'?
- letter_a: Aye
- letter_b: Nay
- letter_c: Abstain
Final Result
- letter_a: ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░ [20 • 91%]
- letter_b: ░░░░░░░░░░ [1 • 5%]
- letter_c: ░░░░░░░░░░ [1 • 5%]
22 votes from 22 users
- stopwatch: Poll already ended (18 hours ago)
- anonymous: Anonymous Poll
- one: allowed choice
- roles: Allowed roles: @Assembly Member
- lock: No other votes allowed
Poll ID: 8db248a6 Joanna Sousa [KWA] (Juliette) OP
— 10/20/2024 11:37 PM
@Assembly Member The vote has opened for the proposed amendment to our standing rules and procedures. Please review them and vote.
Joanna Sousa [KWA] (Juliette) OP
— Yesterday at 11:39 PM
The General Assembly has passed the amendment with 20 Ayes, 1 Nay, 1 Abstain. The Procedures will be amended accordingly.