Space Research Council

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Section 1: Formation

1.1 - The Space Research Council (SRC) exist within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1.2 - The Council shall cooperate with other space Research organizations via Joint Research agreements, non-compete agreements, and/or participation in space testing
1.3 - The SRC shall send reports and checks of their current status to the government

Section 2: Purpose

2.1 - The Space Research Council shall cooperate with other space Research organizations via Joint Research agreements, non-compete agreements, and/or participation in space testing.

Section 3: Partnership with Joint Research Institutes

3.1 - The SRC will cooperate with foreign nations, in space grounds, if it doesn't have a negative effect to the nation and/or its neighbors.
3.2 - The SRC shall seek to avoid non-beneficial competing with other nations in space grounds, whether Militarily or Technologically, however, the SRC is allowed to take part in friendly competitions which would benefit the nation improving innovation.

Section 4: Militarization of Space

4.1 - The SRC is not authorized to militarize space grounds
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