Rykkburgh Affordable Housing Redevelopment Act (675)

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

A Bill to Reclaim the Rykkburgh National Swamp Lands Wildlife Refuge for Redevelopment as an Affordable Housing Community

Article 1: Purpose

To address the housing crisis in the Republic of Kodiak by reclaiming and redeveloping the Rykkburgh National Swamp Lands Wildlife Refuge into affordable housing for Kodiakers.

Article 2: Definitions

  1. Rykkburgh National Swamp Lands Wildlife Refuge: A protected wetland area located in the Rykkburgh region.
  2. Affordable Housing: Residential housing units made available for purchase or rent at rates no greater than 30% of household income for low-to-middle-income Kodiakers.
  3. Reclamation: The process of draining, clearing, and preparing wetland areas for development purposes.
  4. Development Authority: The government entity responsible for overseeing reclamation and housing development under this Act.

Article 3: Reclamation of the Rykkburgh National Swamp Lands

  1. The Rykkburgh National Swamp Lands Wildlife Refuge shall be de-designated as protected land.
  2. The Kodiak Development Authority is hereby authorized to:
    • Drain and reclaim the wetland areas.
    • Undertake environmental assessments to mitigate any risks posed by reclamation.
  3. Reclamation shall commence no later then 1 year after passage, and shall be completed within 18 months of commencement.

Article 4: Development of Affordable Housing

  1. Upon reclamation, the reclaimed lands shall be designated for residential use only.
  2. The Development Authority shall oversee the construction of the Rykkburgh Affordable Housing Community, with a focus on:
    • Construction of 10,000 residential units.
    • Allocation of at least 70% of units for low-income families.
    • Allocation of 30% of units for middle-income families.
  3. Units must be priced to ensure affordability:
    • Rent or mortgage payments must not exceed 30% of monthly household income.

Article 5: Funding

  1. The project shall be funded through:
    • A 10 million Florin allocation from the national budget.
    • Public-private partnerships with developers and construction firms.
    • Affordable housing grants from the National Housing Fund.
  2. Proceeds from the sale or lease of units will be reinvested into future affordable housing projects.

Written by Malia Mackenzie Marshall (CAP)

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