Resolution to Review Evidence Gathered in 669 Investigation of Wintercrest involvement in The Civil War
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Recognizing the Previous Investigation set by former Minister of Defense/Foreign Affairs, Bernard Glocke into Wintercrest's involvement with the sinking of several Kodiak Navy Vessels during the Civil War. Organize a panel to review the evidence found during this investigation and declare if Wintercrest did or did not have any involvement in the sinking of these vessels or other involvement related to the civil war
Article 1 – Establishment of Panel
- 1.1 – The Panel shall consist of individual assessors with backgrounds in investigation, including but not limited to private citizens, public Police, Military, etc. This panel shall have no political affiliation.
- 1.2 - The review will occur over a one month period immediately after approval and then submit findings after.
Article 2 – Purpose of Review
- 2.1 – The panel will review the findings from the investigation conducted back in 669-670.
- 2.2 – The panel will interview investigators from the investigation to get further statements on their findings.
Article 3 – Presentation of Findings and Recommendations
- 3.1 – The panel will present their findings to the government once the review has concluded.
- 3.2 – The panel will make recommendations for future actions aiming to determine if Wintercrest was involved in the sinking of the navy vessels.
- 3.3 – The results of the review will be freely available to all MGA’s.
Article 4 - Funding
- 4.1 - funding for this panel will be under the Ministry of Defense/Foreign Affairs and is set at F65,000 florins per quarter.
Authored by Defense/Foreign Affairs Minister, Jack Benjamin in joint with Chancellor and Law-and-Order Minister, Jack Williams.