Reserve Components
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Section 1: Formation
- 1.1 - Reserve components are created within each service component under authority of Service Chiefs of Staff subordinate to the General Staff and Minister of Defense
- 1.2 - The purpose of each reserve component is to provide trained units and qualified persons available for active duty in the armed forces, in time of war or national emergency, and at such other times as the national security may require, to fill the needs of the armed forces whenever more units and persons are needed than are in the regular components
- 1.3 - The reserve components of the Armed Forces of Kodiak are:
- The Standby Defense Forces.
- The Army's Organized Reserve.
- The Navy Reserve.
- The Air Force Reserve.
Section 2: Authorized Strength
- 2.1 - The Standby Defense Forces shall adhere to the manning requirements of the provincial governors unless otherwise directed by the Minitser of Defense for national security considerations.
- 2.2 - The Organized Reserve shall be authorized 700,000 personnel of all ranks
- 2.3 - The Naval Reserve shall be authorized 100,000 personnel of all ranks and ratings
- 2.4 - The Air Force Reserve shall be authorized 100,000 personnel of all ranks
Section 3: Activation of Reserves
- 3.1 - Whenever the Minister of Defense determines that more units and organizations are needed for the national security than are in the regular components of the ground and air forces; the Standby Defense Forces, or such parts of them as are needed, together with units of other reserve components necessary for a balanced force, shall be ordered to active duty and retained as long as so needed.