
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Section 1 - Controlled Substances


1.1 - Alcohol is prohibited for purchase or consumption by any individual before the attained age of 18 years.
1.2 - The sale or provision of Alcohol to a prohibited person shall be categorised a class E felony.
1.3 - The repeated sale or provision of Alcohol to a prohibited person shall be categorised a Class D felony.

Schedule A Narcotics[1]

1.4 - Drugs to be listed as Schedule A Narcotics:
1.4.1 - Heroin
1.4.2 - Cocaine
1.4.3 - Methamphetamine
1.4.4 - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (aka ecstasy)
1.5 - All schedule A narcotics are prohibited from sale, possession, manufacture, and consumption.
1.6 - The sale, possession, or manufacture of Schedule A narcotics shall be categorised as a Class D Felony.
1.7 - The repeated sale, possession, or manufacture of a Schedule A narcotic shall be categorised as a Class B Felony.
1.8 - The consumption of a Schedule A narcotic shall be categorised as a Class A Misdemeanour.

Schedule B Narcotics[1]

1.9 - Drugs to be listed as Schedule B Narcotics:
1.9.1 - Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
1.9.2 - Psilocybin
1.9.3 - Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) - Defined as the chemical substance named Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or C[21]H[30]O[2].
1.10 - Schedule B to be defined as controlled substances under vise of pharmaceutical practice.
1.11 - Drugs defined in Schedule B may be prescribed by health care professionals.
1.12 - The consumption of a schedule B drug without a known prescription by a health care professional shall be categorized as a class D misdemeanor
1.13 - The sale, possession, or manufacture of Schedule B drug shall be categorized as a Class A misdemeanor.
1.14 - The repeated sale, possession, or manufacture of a Schedule B drug shall be categorized as a Class D Felony.

Schedule D Drugs[1]

1.15 - Schedule D is defined as drugs or substances that can act as a stimulant, depressant, or sedative.
1.16 - Schedule D Drugs must be prescribed by a licensed medical professional to be legally sold to the individual.
1.17 - Legalization of the manufacturing and sale of Schedule D drugs to be limited to licensed facilities within the region.
1.18 - The following to be labeled as Schedule D Drugs:
1.18.1 - Cannabidiol (CBD) - Defined as the chemical substance named C[21]H[30]O[2].
1.19 - The consumption of a schedule D drug without a known prescription by a Licensed medical professional shall be categorized as a class D misdemeanor
1.20 - The sale, possession, or manufacture of Schedule D drug shall be categorized as a Class A misdemeanor.
1.21 - The repeated sale, possession, or manufacture of a Schedule D drug shall be categorized as a Class D Felony.

Schedule E Drugs[1]

1.22 - Schedule E is defined as drugs or substances that can act as either a stimulant or depressant.
1.23 - Legalization of the sale, manufacture, and consumption of Schedule E drugs to people 18 and above.
1.24 - The following will be labeled as Schedule E Drugs:
1.24.1 - Nicotine - Defined as the chemical substance named 3-(1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidynyl) pyridine or C[10]H[14]N[2], including any salt or complex of nicotine. - Levels of nicotine per tobacco product to be constrained to: - Cigarettes, to not exceed 1.8 milligrams (mg) per cigarette. - Cigars, to not exceed 15mg per cigar. - Mini-cigars, to not exceed 3.8mg per mini-cigar. - Chewing/Dipping can, to not exceed 88mg per can of chew/dip. - Loose leaf pouch, to not exceed 144mg per pouch. - E-liquid, to not exceed 18mg per 1 milliliter of e-liquid.

Section 2 - Sex Work[2]

2.1 - Sex work shall be defined as any sex act bought or sold by any means within the confines of a brothel or a private residence. Sex work shall not be permitted to take place on any public or state property, in any public place, or in any place of business, except for licensed brothels. Private rooms in a place of business that offers temporary lodging shall be considered a private residence for the purpose of this act.
2.1.1 - A sex worker is defined as any registered person who sells any sex act within the confines of a brothel or a private residence.
2.1.2 - A client is defined as any person who buys, by any means, any sex act from a sex worker within the confines of a brothel or a private residence.
2.1.3 - A brothel is defined as any licensed place of business solely operated as a place of work for sex workers.
2.2 - Sex workers shall be registered with the Ministry of Commerce and Labor. Sex workers shall carry proof of registration while providing sex services and must display proof of registration upon the request of an authorized individual for official purposes.
2.2.1 - Sex workers must be 25 years of age. Sex workers must be of sound mind and able to make informed and reasonable decisions.
2.3 - Brothels shall be licensed by the Ministry of Commerce and Labor. Brothels must meet all workplace safety requirements. Additionally, brothels must provide free access to prophylactics for any sex worker, encourage safe-sex practices, and provide regular and frequent testing for all sexually transmitted diseases.
2.3.1 - Operating a brothel without a license or in violation of 1.3 of this act shall be defined as a felony.
2.4 - Any sex worker may refuse to provide sex services at any time for any reason and must be compensated for partial sex acts or hours worked.
2.5 - Compelling any sex worker to provide any sex act without due compensation, consent, or safety precautions shall be defined as assault. Inducing any sex worker to provide any sex act by use of threats or influence of any kind shall be defined as assault.
2.6 - Allowing for any minor to engage in any sex work as defined in Article One shall be defined as child abuse.
2.7 - A brothel withholding wages lawfully earned by any sex worker for any reason shall be defined as a felony.
2.8 - Any act of harm against any person based on their status as a sex worker shall be defined as a hate crime.
2.9 - The Ministry of Commerce and Labor shall be authorized to enforce these regulations.
2.10 - The tax upon the purchase of sex work shall be set at 30%.
2.11 - The hourly wage of a sex worker within a brothel shall be set at no less than thrice the established minimum wage.

Section 3 - Firearms Registration and Database[3]

Firearms Registration

3.1 - Firearms shall be broadly categorized as follows:
3.1.1 - Class A: Military Grade Weaponry - determined as a weapon manufactured primarily for the elimination of enemy personnel. May include rockets, grenades, or mines.
3.1.2 - Class B: Machineguns - determined primarily by a rate of fire above 700 rounds per minute. May also be classified as weapons lacking a non-automatic-fire mode or by weapons designed exclusively to be belt-fed.
3.1.3 - Class C: Automatic Weapons - determined primarily as a weapon with an automatic mechanism firing under 700 rounds per minute.
3.1.4 - Class D: Handguns - determined primarily as a weapon fired in the hand or hands without the need of support.
3.1.5 - Class E: All Other Ballistic Weaponry
3.2 - All citizens age 21 and over shall enjoy the privilege of owning and operating any and all Class D and Class E weaponry subject to registration.
3.2.1 - All Class D and Class E weaponry requires registration of the make, model, serial number and owner.
3.2.2 - All registered weapons shall be recorded and the information stored on the National Firearms Database (NFD).
3.2.4 - All Class D and Class E firearms can not be modified to have any advantage that strays from the original model. - A modified handgun would be for example if there was an "extended mag" to replace the stock magazine in the handgun.

Firearms Licensing

3.3 – All firearms owners are required by law to obtain a “Firearms Owners License” that states the owners name, picture, license number and the activities permitted by the license (collector, agricultural, competition, etc.). A License is valid for 3 years.
3.4 – A Firearm owner is not permitted to possess any firearm without a valid license. Any owner found in possession of a firearm is required to be able to produce a Firearm license for verification upon request by authorities.
3.5 - Possession of a firearm without a valid license is a criminal offense.
3.6 – The cost of obtaining a firearms license is to set at ₣100 per owner.

Background Checks

3.7 - All Firearms sellers are required to conduct background checks for all citizens who want to buy a firearm.
3.7.1 - To acquire a firearm license, citizens are required to have a background check conducted prior to issuing of firearm license.
3.8 - The following types of citizens are not allowed to acquire a firearm or firearm license legally:
3.8.1 - Minors and individuals under the age of 21
3.8.2 - Those who live in Kodiak illegally
3.8.3 - Fugitives from Justice
3.8.4 - Convicted Felons
3.8.5 - military personnel that is dishonorably discharged
3.8.6 - Those who renounced their citizenship
3.8.7 - Those convicted of domestic violence offenses
3.8.8 - Those who have history of mental illness


3.9 - Foreseeing the issue of the illegal issuing and sell of firearms to those mentioned in Section 3, Background Checks, The following punishments will be administered for the action and repeated action.
3.9.1 - F5,000 florins fine for the first offense.
3.9.2 - F20,000 florins fine for the second offense and a class A misdemeanor.
3.9.3 - Seizure of business and the suspension of business license indefinitely.


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