Refugee Status

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Section 1: Formation

1.1 - There exist the Refugee Resettlement Agency within the Ministry of Immigration
1.2 - The Refugee Resettlement Agency can establish subordinate offices in the provincial offices of the Ministry of Immigration
1.3 - A civilian director is appointed by the Minister of Immigration
1.4 - The function of the Agency and its Director is to fund and administer (directly or through arrangements with other Federal agencies), in consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, programs of the Federal Government under this subchapter.

Section 2: Refugee Status and Visa

2.1 - Refugees will only be accepted by the Kodiak Republic if they can demonstrate
  1. They are fleeing from a direct and ongoing conflict area, as defined by the Directorate, OR;
  2. They are fleeing a major disaster area (natural or man-made), as defined by the Directorate, OR;
  3. They are fleeing religious or political persecution which would otherwise be legal with the Republic AND constitutes a serious risk to life or limb.
  4. They are not indirectly or directly related to the belligerent leadership personnel of an ongoing conflict.
2.2 - Establishes a Permanent Class Refugee Visa under the supervision of the Minister of Immigration
2.3 - Refugees will undergo a preliminary background investigation from within immigration detention not to exceed three months in length.
2.4 - If the Refugee Resettlement Agency believes more time is necessary to complete a background check, refugees must be released on auto-renewing three-month bridging visa
2.4.1 - Bridging visas may not exceed a maximum length of 12 months from arrival.
2.4.2 - A determination for or against refugee resettlement must be made prior to this time.
2.4.3 - A refugee may be obligated to remain in detention if the Resettlement Agency finds evidence of crimes which constitute a Violent Felony within Kodiak, which does not constitute an automatic denial, with approval of the provincial court. An Individual Integration Plan will be required for release from detention.
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