Office of the Ministry of Revenue and Treasury
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Section 1 - Kodiak Revenue Directorate
1 - Administration
- 1.1 The Kodiak Revenue Directorate is headquartered in Rykkburgh[1].
- 1.2 The Directorate shall be directed by a 9 person board, chaired by the Minister of Revenue and Treasury[1].
- 1.2.1 This board shall select a Chief Executive Officer for the Directorate.
2 - Responsibilities
- 1.3 The Directorate receives all tax filings within the Republic[1].
- 1.4 The Directorate shall verify the continued status of small businesses[1].
- 1.5 The Directorate shall oversee the collection and compliance with all taxes within the Republic[1][2].
Section 2 - Foreign Investment Council
- 2.1 The Foreign Investment Council is subordinate to the Ministry of Revenue and Treasury[3].
- 2.2 The Foreign Investment Council shall have the following responsibilities:
- 2.2.2 Managing tiers of restriction on foreign investment in the Kodiak economy[3].
Section 3 - Kodiak Bank
- 3.1 Kodiak Bank is managed by a Director of the Kodiak Bank, appointed by the Minister of Revenue and Treasury[5].
- 3.2 Kodiak Bank is the minter of all legal tender within the Republic[5].
- 3.3 Kodiak Bank is responsible for overseeing and facilitating all inter-bank transactions within the Republic[5].
- 3.4 Banks within the Republic may take out loans from Kodiak Bank[5].
- 3.4 All banks within the Republic must hold a minimum amount of money with Kodiak Bank[5].
- 3.5 Kodiak Bank may seize assets held within it[5].