Office of the Ministry of Justice, Law, and Order

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Section 1 - Office of the Police Commissioner

1.1 - The Police Commissioner is appointed by the Ministry of Law and Order until such a time replaced or retired from service[1].
1.2 - The Commissioner shall oversee the enforcement of all police regulations and administrations[1].
1.3 - The Commissioner shall hold regular, public meetings to discuss community concerns and policy issues related to law enforcement[1].

Section 2 - Kodiak Electoral Commission (KEC)

2.1 - Establishes the Kodiak Electoral Commission (KEC) to oversee and manage the electoral process in Kodiak[2].
2.2 - The Kodiak Electoral Commission (KEC) is authorised to employ personnel and premises in multiple locations in each electorate to conduct unbiased elections within The Kodiak Republic[2].

Section 3 - National Patent Office (NPO)

3.1 - The National Patent Office (NPO) shall be created under the Ministry of Law & Order to review, protect, and enforce intellectual copyright inside the Kodiak Republic[3].

Section 4 - Crime Database Department

4.1 - This Article is to establish a database department to cover crime statistics to make sure that crime rates are lowering[4].
4.1.1 - The Crime Database Department is established under the Minister of Justice, Law, and Order.
4.2 - The Department establishes Crime Database sectors in each province in its capital city with three employees set up in each sector[4].
4.2.1 - Each sector will create reports based on the data they retrieve from each province.
4.3 - Crime reports will be uploaded to a public database website and sent to the Minister of Justice, Law, and Order for review[4].


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