Office of the Ministry of Education
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Section One - Kodiak Education Board
- 1.1 - Establishes the Kodiak Education Board, headquartered in Rykkburgh with satellites in all major provinces, under the authority of the Ministry of Education[1].
- 1.2 - The board is responsible for the oversight of funding arrangements, school quality standards, curriculum guidance, and overseeing education licensing for private schools[1].
- 1.3 - The board is responsible for coordinating with major provinces to ensure that all eligible students are legally enrolled in a school[1].
Section Two - Kodiak Innovation and Science Research Agency (KISRA)
- 2.1 - The Kodiak Innovation and Science Research Agency (KISRA) shall be established in the capital city of Rykkburgh[2][3].
- 2.2 - KISRA shall be responsible for coordinating research standards and policy between private and public entities within the Kodiak Republic[2].
- 2.3 - KISRA shall be quarterly funded by the Ministry of Health and Education to perform research as determined by their directorate[2].
- 2.4 - Authorises the KISRA Bureau of Private Innovation to review and identify projects which may, by its own standards, prove promising for the advancement of science and technology currently under development by private or non-governmental enterprise[3].
Section Three - National Committee for Stem Cell Research (NaSCRL)
- 3.1 The National Committee for Stem Cell Research (NaSCRL) is established under KISRA [4].
- 3.2 - The Committee’s purpose is to provide grants to Kodiak researchers currently developing stem cell technology [4].
Section Four - Kodiak Tertiary Education Standards Agency (KTESA)
- 4.1 - Establishes the Kodiak Tertiary Education Standards Agency (KTESA) [5].
- 4.2 - The KTESA shall be staffed by independent non-Ministry of Education executive staff and public servants[5].
- 4.4 - The KTESAs’ objective is to set tertiary education standards and assess and rank both state and private universities annually purely on education-relevant metrics. These assessments shall be published annually[5].
- 4.5 - The KTESA additionally shall assess and rank all state and private universities against international standards annually[5].