Office of the Ministry of Commerce and Labour
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Section 1 - Anti-Monopoly Commission
- 1.1 - An Anti-Monopoly Commission is created under the Ministry of Commerce and Labour[1].
- 1.2 - The composition of the commission is formed at the minister's discretion [1].
- 1.3 - The Anti-Monopoly Commission is authorized to fine enterprises for using non-market methods of competition[1].
Section 2 - Entrepreneurial Aide Agency
- 2.1 - The Better Business Council (BBC) is created under the Ministry of Commerce and Labour to provide government loans and grants to businesses[1].
Section 3 - Kodiak Regional Renewal Administration (KRRA)
- 3.1 - Kodiak Regional Renewal Administration (KRRA) is established and headquartered in Mengtian and managed within the Kodiak Ministry of Commerce and Labour[2].
- 3.2 - The KRRA is authorised to administrate grants and subsidy payments for regional and rural community development[2].
Section 4 - Kodiak Agricultural Administration (KAA)
- 4.1 - Kodiak Agricultural Administration (KAA) is established and headquartered in Lobenz and managed within the Kodiak Ministry of Commerce and Labour[2].
- 4.2 - The KAA is authorised to administrate grants and subsidy payments for agricultural businesses or cooperatives[2].
Section 5 - Kodiak Central Reservoir (KCR)
Duties and Responsibilities
- 5.1 - It shall be the duty of the Minister of the Interior and the Deputy Minister of Interior for Energy (in this section referred to as "the Minister") to promote jointly a national water policy for water consumption and conservation in the Kodiak Republic[3].
- 5.2 - It shall be the duty of the Minister to secure the effective execution of so much of that policy as relates to—[3]
- 5.2.1 - The conservation, augmentation, distribution and proper use of water resources, and the provision of water supplies.
- 5.2.2 - Sewerage and the treatment and disposal of sewage and other effluents.
- 5.2.3 - The restoration and maintenance of the wholesomeness of rivers and other inland water.
- 5.2.4 - The use of inland water for recreation.
- 5.2.5 - The enhancement and preservation of amenity in connection with inland water; and the use of inland water for navigation.
- 5.3 - For the purpose of exercising functions conferred on of water them by or by virtue of this section, there shall be established in accordance with the following provisions of this section authorities to be known as regional water authorities, being the authorities named in 6.4 and 6.5 of this section[3].
Establishment of the KCR
- 5.4 - A state corporation "Kodiak Central Reservoir" (KCR) shall be formed by mandated acquisition of the private water utility corporations operating within the borders of the republic[3].
- 5,5 - Regional Reservoir Authorities shall be established at each provincial directorate to centralize local water facilities under the control of the provincial authority[3].
- 5.6 - The KCR shall be run by its management as an enterprise in line with market rates with operations and procurement to be paid for out of the company's general revenues [3][4].
- 5.7 - Compensation for private shareholders on creation of the KCR[3]:
- 5.7.1 - The Ministry of the Finance shall make available compensation to individuals affected by government policies not to exceed ₣5 billion.
- 5.7.2 - The Ministry of Finance shall open an investigative panel to ascertain the value of individual stakes and stock values for proper compensation.
Section 6 - Kodiak Electricity and Gas Utilities Company (KEGU Co)
Establishment of the KEGU Co
- 6.1 - The Kodiak Ministry of Commerce and Labour shall create the Department of Utilities Management - empowered to acquire 100% of the current standing energy infrastructure, including but not limited to transformers, lines, pumps, piping, monitoring stations, power plants, and energy resource distribution services[5].
- 6.2 - The Kodiak Electricity and Gas Utilities Company (KEGU Co) shall be created under the Department of Utilities Management within the Ministry of Commerce and Labour[5].
- 6.3 - KEGU Co is further authorised to maintain, administrate, and manage all clean/renewable energy source projects in the Kodiak Republic. [6]
- 6.3.1 - As part of this authorisation, KEGU Co may purchase land and compensate land owners where appropriate for the purpose of clean energy projects.
Management of the KEGU Co
- 6.3 - KEGU Co shall be run by an independent board of 12 members, three representatives from the employees, six representatives as chosen by the parliament, and three expert representatives as chosen by the prior nine for five year terms[5].
- 6.4 - KEGU Co further be divided into two branches (gas and electricity) as well as no less than 15 regional districts[5].
- 6.5 - The KEGU Co shall be run by its management as an enterprise in line with market rates with operations and procurement to be paid for out of the company's general revenues[5][4].
Section 7 - Kodiak State Postal Service
Establishment of the Kodiak State Postal Service
- 7.1 - The Kodiak State Postal Service (the Service) is hereby established as a state-run agency responsible for the delivery of mail and other postal services within the boundaries of the Republic of Kodiak[7].
- 7.2 - The purpose of the Service is to provide affordable and efficient postal services to the citizens of Kodiak and to promote economic development and communication throughout the republic[7][4].
Duties and Responsibilities
- 7.3 - The Service shall have the power to[7]:
- 7.3.1 - Establish and operate post offices and other postal facilities throughout the republic;
- 7.3.2 - Collect, transport, and deliver mail, packages, and other postal items;
- 7.3.3 - Set rates and fees for postal services, subject to the approval of the Minister of Industry and Commerce;
- 7.3.4 - Enter into agreements with other postal services or government agencies to facilitate the delivery of mail and other postal items;
- 7.3.5 - Enforce federal and republic postal regulations and laws; and
- 7.3.6 - Carry out any other duties necessary for the operation of the Service.
- 7.4 - The Service shall be responsible for[7]:
- 7.4.1 - Ensuring the timely and accurate delivery of mail and other postal items;
- 7.4.2 - Providing customer service and support to users of the Service;
- 7.4.3 - Maintaining accurate records of postal operations and finances;
- 7.4.4 - Developing and implementing policies and procedures for the operation of the Service;
- 7.4.5 - Coordinating with federal postal authorities and other relevant agencies as necessary; and
- 7.4.6 - Any other duties assigned by the Minister of Industry and Commerce.
- 7.5 - The Service shall be funded through the Kodiak State Budget and shall be authorized to collect fees for postal services as set forth in Section 8.3.3[7].
- 7.6 - The Service shall submit an annual budget to the Minister of Industry and Commerce for approval, which shall include detailed information on the Service's expenses, revenue, and projected needs[7].
- 7.7 - The Service shall be run as a competing enterprise alongside private postal corporations in accordance to Section 8.2[7].
- 7.8 - The Service shall be managed by an Executive Director, who shall be appointed by the Minister of Industry and Commerce[7].
- 7.9 - The Executive Director shall be responsible for the overall management and operation of the Service, and shall have the power to appoint and remove employees as necessary[7].
- 7.10 - The Executive Director shall report to the Minister of Industry and Commerce on the activities and performance of the Service[7].
Section 8 - Kodiak State Telecommunications Company
Establishment of the Kodiak State Telecommunications Company
- 8.1 - The Kodiak State Telecommunications Company (the Company) is hereby established as a state-run agency responsible for providing telecommunications services within the boundaries of the Republic of Kodiak [8].
- 8.2 - The purpose of the Company is to provide affordable and efficient telecommunications services to the citizens of Kodiak and to promote economic development and communication throughout the republic[8][4].
Duties and Responsibilities
- 8.3 - The Company shall have the power to[8]:
- 8.3.1 - Establish and operate telecommunications infrastructure and facilities throughout the republic;
- 8.3.2 - Provide telecommunications services to individuals, businesses, and government agencies;
- 8.3.3 - Set rates and fees for telecommunications services, subject to the approval of the Minister for Revenue and Treasury;
- 8.3.4 - Enforce federal and republic telecommunications regulations and laws; and
- 8.3.5 - Carry out any other duties necessary for the operation of the Company.
- 8.4 - The Company shall be responsible for[8]:
- 8.4.1 - Ensuring the timely and accurate provision of telecommunications services;
- 8.4.2 - Providing customer service and support to users of the Company's services;
- 8.4.3 - Maintaining accurate records of telecommunications operations and finances;
- 8.4.4 - Developing and implementing policies and procedures for the operation of the Company;
- 8.4.5 - Coordinating with federal telecommunications authorities and other relevant agencies as necessary; and
- 8.4.6 - Any other duties assigned by the Minister for Industry and Commerce.
- 8.5 - The Company shall be funded through the Kodiak State Budget and shall be authorized to collect fees for telecommunications services as set forth in Section 9.3.3[8].
- 8.6 - The Company shall submit an annual budget to the Minister for Revenue and Treasury for approval, which shall include detailed information on the Company's expenses, revenue, and projected needs[8].
- 8.7 - The Company shall be run as a competing enterprise alongside private telecommunications companies in accordance with Section 1.2[8].
- 8.8 - The sum of ₣ 37,800 million is authorized for the cost of nationalizing existing private enterprises and acquiring any necessary telecommunications infrastructure[8].
- 8.9 - The Company shall be managed by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who shall be appointed by the Minister for Industry and Commerce[8].
- 8.10 - The CEO shall be responsible for the overall management and operation of the Company, and shall have the power to appoint and remove employees as necessary[8].
- 8.11 - The CEO shall report to the Minister for Industry and Commerce on the activities and performance of the Company[8].
Independence and Political Neutrality
- 8.12 - The Kodiak State Telecommunications Company shall operate with independence and political neutrality[8].
- 8.13 - The Executive Director and all employees of the Company shall carry out their duties without favoritism, discrimination or influence from any political party, individual or organization[8].
- 8.14 - The Company shall adhere to all applicable laws and regulations regarding political neutrality, and shall maintain accurate records of any contact with political parties, individuals or organizations[8].
- 8.15 - The Executive Director and all employees of the Company shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, for any violation of the political neutrality requirements set forth in this article[8].
Section 9- National Volunteer Service Association (NVSA)
Establishment of the NVSA
- 9.1 - The NVSA authorizes the creation of the Volunteer Service Association (VSA), which will be split up into four departments: The Volunteer Statistics Department (VSD), The Volunteer Recruiting Department (VRD), The Volunteer Upkeep Department (VUD) and The Volunteer Executive Department (VED) [9].
- 9.2 - The VSA's primary goal is to help the economy, environment and people in need whilst simultaneously helping young people develop their skills[9].
Duties and Responsibilities
- 9.3 - The VSA is not responsible for any injuries or incidents involving the volunteers unless proven so[9].
- 9.4 - The VSA is responsible for the organization of any and all volunteers working with the government. This includes but is not limited to: Volunteers from local and regional clubs/associations/organizations, Volunteers from international funds/etc. and so on[9].
- 9.5 - The VSA will give quarterly reports and collaborate with the Ministry of Labor, Commerce and Education. The VSA will also be allowed to collaborate with other institutions such as the military or church[9].
- 9.1 - Each Department is responsible for its part in the VSA[9].
- 9.2 - The VSD is responsible for data analytics such as recommendations for new projects and logistics data[9].
- 9.3 - The VRD is responsible for the manpower side of the logistics. Its sole purpose is to attract as many reliable volunteers as possible[9].
- 9.4 - The VUD is responsible for every other aspect of logistics such as food and shelter for the volunteers[9].
- 9.5 - The VED is responsible for the execution and conformation of initiatives. The VED's vote is most powerful, as no plan can be initiated without its approval. Similarly, if a plan is deemed obsolete, the VED can veto and stop it completely. The veto can only be overridden by the Minister of Labor and Commerce if they deem it necessary[9].
- 9.6 - The VSA and all its departments function separately from the government. Whilst direct ties with it remain the government can only be more of a watching eye to resolve unnecessary power struggles. It cannot dictate what the VSA does[9].
- 9.7 - The quarterly budget will be redistributed among the departments by the Minister of Labor and Commerce. The budget redistribution is confirmed once three out of the four departments accept it[9].
Section 10 - Agricultural Control and Safety Commission (ACSC)
- 10 .1 - An independent third party commission shall be founded to oversee regulations and agricultural practices, called the Agricultural Control and Safety Commission (ACSC)[10].
- 10 .2 - The ACSC shall be made of 10 independent individuals with background in agricultural practices and sustainability[10].
- 10 .3 - The ACSC is authorised to provide grants for the adoption of sustainable agriculture practices[10].
- 10 .4 - THE ACSC shall be authorised to manage programs relating to water source health and sustainability in relation to agriculture[10].
Section 11- Natural and Cultural Heritage Authority (NCHA)
- 11.1 - The following definitions relate to this section, unless context otherwise requires[11]:
- 11.1.1 - "the Minister" means the Junior Minister for the Environment, or any persons appointed by the Junior Minister or Senior Ministers to perform the functions of the Junior Minister under this Act.
- 11.1.2 - "NCHA" means the Natural and Cultural Heritage Authority henceforth established by the Natural and Cultural Heritage Act 673.
- 11.1.3 - "Natural Heritage Site" means a geographic area of particular interest due to —
- - its biodiversity;
- - the existence of an endangered species;
- - its lack of alteration by humanity; or
- - its general ecological or environmental value or significance.
- 11.1.4 - "Cultural Heritage Site" means a location of historical, archaeological, spiritual, or artistic significance. 1.2.5 - "Intangible Heritage" means the traditions, languages, rituals, performances and knowledge that form part of a community's cultural identity.
Duties of the Minister
- 11.2 - The Minister shall have the power to – [11]
- 11.2.1 - appoint and dismiss the Director-General of the NCHA
- 11.2.2 - establish guidelines and regulations for the functioning of the NCHA
- 11.3 - The Minister must – [11]
- 11.3.1 - submit annual reports to the General Assembly on the state of managed Heritage Sites and the activities of the NCHA.
- 11.3.2 - ensure the proper functioning of the NCHA in line with its mandate as defined by this Act.
Provision of Funds
- 11.4 - The NCHA shall be apportioned funds from the annual national budget as requested by the Minister[11].
- 11.5 - A portion of the NCHA budget shall maintain a dedicated fund for the acquisition of heritage sites[11].
- 11.6 - The NCHA may accept financial support in the form of donations and grants from private entities, charities, non-governmental organisations, or international bodies[11].
- 11.7 - The NCHA may raise revenue from visitors to Cultural Heritage Sites through entrance fees or retail means[11].
- 11.8 - The NCHA may not charge entrance fees, nor raise funds through any retail means that would disrupt the site at Natural Heritage Sites[11].
- 11.9 - There shall be created a Natural and Cultural Heritage Authority[11].
- 11.10 - The purpose of the NCHA shall be to – [11]
- 11.10.1 - protect, preserve, and promote the natural, cultural, and intangible heritage of Kodiak;
- 11.10.2 - identify and register locations of natural, cultural, or intangible heritage;
- 11.10.3 - develop strategies, policies, and regulations for the use, development, and management of heritage sites; and
- 11.10.4 - raise public awareness and community engagement in heritage conservation efforts.
- 11.11 - The NCHA shall be lead by a board of directors and chaired by the Director-General[11].
- 11.12 - The NCHA shall have a framework for both volunteer workers and salaried staff[11].
- 11.13 - The NCHA shall maintain a registry of identified natural and cultural heritage sites[11].
- 11.14 - The NCHA will be empowered to – [11]
- 11.14.1 - create regulations on the usage of heritage sites; and
- 11.14.2 - issue permits for the development and/or usage of heritage sites.
- 11.15 - To fulfil its duties, the NCHA shall – [11]
- 11.15.1 - create and implement conservation and restoration plans;
- 11.15.2 - monitor the physical condition of heritage sites; and
- 11.15.3 - enforce the sanctions specified in this Act against individuals who violate heritage regulations.
- 11.16 - The NCHA will be responsible for facilitating academic research at heritage sites[11].
Section 12 - Directorate for Workplace Agreements[12]
- 12.1 - The Directorate for Workplace Agreements (the Directorate) is hereby established as an independent government department.
- 12.1.1 - The Directorate shall operate with independence, fairness, and political neutrality.
- 12.1.2 - The Director, who has executive authority over the Directorate, shall be appointed by the Minister for Commerce and Labour, taking into account section 12.1.1.
- 12.2 - The Directorate shall have power to rectify breached agreements, either referred to them by a party to an agreement or on their own initiative.
- 12.2.1 - The Directorate shall declare what actions it considers sufficient rectification, which may take whatever form necessary for all parties to comply with the agreement.
- 12.2.2 - If such actions are not taken, then it shall be considered a matter for the courts to adjudicate and enforce.
- 12.3 - 30 million Florins shall be allocated per quarter to fund the Directorate's operations, although this may be reduced if they receive income from fines or other sources as a result of their operations.
Section 13 - Kodiak Coastal Planning Agency (KCPA) [13]
- 13.1 - Establishes the Kodiak Coastal Planning Agency (KCPA) to be headquartered in San Chico and managed within the Ministry of Commerce and Labor.
- 13.2 - The KCPA shall work together alongside the eligible cities to create tourist accommodation plans on beaches, with methods such as expansion of land area, approval of establishing businesses in coastal areas, approval of parking spaces and trash disposal zones, dog beach and private beach areas, lifesaver services and customer service facilities, and wildlife protection areas. It's objective is to develop beach and coastal areas in order to appeal to both local citizens
Section 14 - Clean Energy Safety Commission (CESC)
- 14.1 - The Clean Energy Safety Commission shall oversee certain aspects of clean energy projects.[6]
- 14.1.2 - CLEAN ENERGY is defined as energy which comes out of renewable sources, zero emission sources which don't pollute the earths atmosphere.
- 14.2 - An independent Clean Energy Safety Commission (CESC) shall be appointed by the Ministry of Commerce and Labour to oversee the feasibility, safety, and impact of proposed renewable energy projects. [6]
- 14.2.1 - The CESC shall be led by an independent appointed board of five industry experts to oversee the commission.
- 14.2.2 - The CESC is delegated the authority to approve or reject clean energy projects proposed by the KEGU Co.
- 14.2.3 - The CESC is delegated the authority to enforce regulations laid out by the Ministry of Commerce.
- 14.3 - The Ministry of Commerce may enforce additional regulations not legislated in relation to clean energy.[6]
Section 15 - Emissions Trading Regulatory Body (ETRB)
Ref: [14]
- 15.1 - The Ministry of Commerce and Labour shall establish the Emissions Trading Regulatory Body or ETRB.
- 15.2 - The purpose of the ETRB is to administer the Emissions Trading System.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The_Business_Competition_Act_(Inter)
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Regional Development Act 630
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Water Act 641
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Public Service Promotion Omnibus Act
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 National Energy Act 641
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Renewable Energy Act 674
- ↑ 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 Kodiak State Postal Service Act, 652
- ↑ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 Kodiak State Telecommunications Act 652
- ↑ 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 National Volunteer Service Act, 672
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Improving Agricultural sustainability Act(673)
- ↑ 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 Natural and Cultural Heritage Act 673
- ↑ Worker Employer Agreement Enforcement Act 674
- ↑ Beach Tourism Act 673
- ↑ Emissions Trading System Act(ESTA), 674