Ministry of Social Services 676 Mid-Term Report
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
A mid-term report of the Ministry of Social Services, detailing it’s budget, curreant and possible policies.
This Report goes into detail about the Current state about the staze of our welfare and other Social Services. What can be improvizaciju and what is already good. How much is being Spektakli to support our citizens or what isn’t being Done enough of. In this turboleous times we have to be there for our citizens and give them any help they can get.
This Report will first go into detail how much the government spents on a multitalent of programs and how much it Invest in it’s citizens. Public welfare and Social Services have never needed as much funding as in our Current situation. We’ve seen what disasters and economic instability can do to our citizens. This report will also show what Current policies are in effect and what their goals and their advantages and disadvantages. It lays the groundwork for future policies to improvizaciju our citizens Well being and to improvizaciju the structure.
Brook Vonz MGA for East Rykkburgh and Current minister of Social Services
Current Budget
Homelessnes: ₣195 million - Kodiak Homeless Outreach Program (KHOP) which is allocated as follows:
- ₣50 million - For outreach efforts, personnel, and operational costs
- ₣10 million - For setup and maintenance of resource centers
- ₣15 million - For on-site medical care, mental health services, and substance abuse treatment
- ₣20 million - For collaborating with local non-profits and community groups, and offering grants of up to 500,000 florins to partnering organizations.
- ₣20 million - For job training, educational programs, and counseling.
- ₣10 million - For resume building, interview preparation, and job search assistance.
- ₣5 million - For tax credits for employers hiring homeless individuals.
- ₣5 million - For campaigns raising awareness about homelessness.
- ₣1 million - Local advisory board of homeless individuals and service providers
- ₣5 million - For data collection methods to track progress of homeless individuals accessing services.
Children: ₣2.5 million - Child Protection Services
Uneployment: ₣25 million - Counseling And Welfare Program
Civil Service Systems budget as follows:
- 0.4 million - Electronic Document Management
- 3.5 million - Civil Service System
Housing: ₣1 billion - Department of Housing Administration
Welfare and funds
Children: ₣1,5 billion - Children and Dependents Fund
Uneployment: ₣100 million - Unemployment subsidies
Disability: ₣1 billion - Disability Support Fund
Pensions: ₣2 billion - Department of Pensions and pension payments
Total Budget
The total budget od the Ministry of Social Services accounts for 5,826,400,000 Florins.
Current Welfare Funds and Programs
Public Housing
1. Public Housing is available only after access assessment for housing provisioned through the DoHA shall only be permitted if the applicant is a citizen, naturalized citizen or a family with a dependent which at least one of the members is a Kodiaker.
2. Assessment shall be on a case by case with priority given to those earning a smaller percentage of the NIFTAI then such are put in priority brackets which determine priority of the applicants based on their earnings.
3.Payment shall be free or subsidised such that each month: 3.1 Units (family, couple, or individual) assessed under certain outlined sections shall be placed into housing for a nominal fee of no more than ₣50 as assessed by the DoHA. 3.2 Units (family, couple, or individual) assessed under certain outlined sections 2.2.5 through shall be placed into housing for a sliding fee not to exceed 25% of unit income as reported on a quarterly basis divided by 3. 3.3 Units (family, couple, or individual) assessed under certain outlined sections shall be placed into into housing for a flat rate of whichever is lower of either: The average price of a private domicile of similar description and location, OR; 35% of the combined taxable income of the unit from the prior year divided by 12
4. An independent commission within the DoHA will be tasked with analysing and selecting which residential facilities will best serve an area. The commission must concentrate on providing medium density housing. The commission must concentrate on providing cost effective designs appropriate to the area, with townhouses and/or mid-rises which are five stories or less. The commission must ensure the procurement of wheelchair accessible units at a ratio of at least 1:10. The commission must be involved in the vetting of local private construction companies and distribute housing construction to these companies after approval
Homeless Assistance
1. The Ministry of Social Services creates the Kodiak Homeless Outreach Program from now reffered as KHOP which connects the homeless population with essential resources and Services. Its components are Outreach Teams: Trained volunteers and professionals conducting regular outreach in homeless camps. Resource Centers: Centers providing access to food, clothing, hygiene products, and case management, with 10 million florins for setup and maintenance. And Mobile Units: On-site medical care, mental health services, and substance abuse treatment, funded with 15 million florins.
2. The Ministry of Social Services partners up with a multitude of bussineses and creates outreach programs. Allocates 20 million florins collaborating with local non-profits and community groups, and offering grants of up to 500,000 florins to partnering organizations. Partnerships with local businesses for job placements and internships, with 5 million florins for tax credits for employers hiring homeless individuals. Awareness Campaigns: 5 million florins for campaigns raising awareness about homelessness. Volunteer Programs: Encourage community members to engage with shelters and outreach programs. Local Advisory Board: Establish a board with homeless individuals and service providers, funded with 1 million florins for operational costs.
3. Annual Reporting: The Kodiak Homeless Outreach Program is required to provide annual reports to the General Assembly detailing effectiveness, challenges, and recommendations. Data Collection: Implement data collection methods to track progress of homeless individuals accessing services, funded with 5 million florins.
Counseling and Welfare
1. Unemployed citizens will be assigned a specialist counselor who'll monitor their job hunting and provide information to learn new skills if considered by the counselor as necessary to help with attempting to find a job. Said counselors will monitor several citizens in the activities mentioned in the statement before and will inform if the requestor of the payments and benefits is actively and correctly attempting to obtain employment. If the counselor believes the citizen that is being assisted needs more time to obtain a job and they are following the counselor's suggestions accordingly, they can be granted no more than 6 more months of Unemployed Pay. Every unemployed citizens are eligible for this counseling program regardless of whether they receive unemployed pay.
Welfare and Funds
1.Any family with at least one child or dependent is eligible to receive monthly financial assistance from the payment. Provincial branch offices will take into account each family’s general financial situation in assessing how much financial assistance said family will receive from the Fund.
- 1.1 Families with a combined income of less than or equal to ₣30,000 shall be eligible for ₣2000 per month, per child or dependent.
- 1.2 Families with a combined income of between ₣30,001 and ₣60,000 (inclusive) shall be eligible for ₣1000 per month, per child or dependent.
- 1.3 Families with a combined income of between ₣60,001 and ₣120,000 (inclusive) shall be eligible for ₣500 per month, per child or dependent.
’2.' Families that qualify under 1.1 are eligible to continue receiving assistance from the Fund so long as they have child(ren), or so long as they have dependent(s) whose continued reliance on the family’s income is justified by the family and/or dependent(s)’ circumstances. Families will be required to submit quarterly declarations of income and employment details to the Ministry of Social Services via a branch office, headquarters in Patal, or via authorised online channels, as per instructions and requirements laid out and administered by the Ministry of Social Services.
1.Unemployed Kodiakers who are eligible for unemployment payments will be granted up to ₣1000 monthly for a determined amount of months. In order to determine the time that this payment shall be granted, the periods are as follows:
- If worked less than 360 days: 3 months of Unemployed Pay.
- If worked from 360 to 539 days: 4 months of Unemployed Pay.
- If worked from 540 to 719 days: 6 months of Unemployed Pay.
- If worked from 720 to 899 days: 8 months of Unemployed Pay.
- If worked from 900 to 1079 days: 10 months of Unemployed Pay.
- If worked from 1080 to 1259 days: 12 months of Unemployed Pay.
- If worked from 1260 to 1439 days: 14 months of Unemployed Pay.
- If worked from 1440 to 1619 days: 16 months of Unemployed Pay.
- If worked from 1620 to 1799 days: 18 months of Unemployed Pay.
- If worked from 1800 to 1979 days: 20 months of Unemployed Pay.
- If worked from 1980 to 2159 days: 22 months of Unemployed Pay.
- If worked 2160 days or more: 24 months of Unemployed Pay
1. To be eligible for disability welfare there are a few regilations and factors in place. First of which are Non-medical such as:
- The applicant is over the age of 16.
- The applicant is not currently a dependent supported by another payment of reasonably equivalent value as determined by the Ministry of Social Services.
- The applicant is a citizen of The Kodiak Republic, or a permanent resident.
- The applicant does not currently earn more than ₣40,000 annually.
Second of which are medically related such as:
- The applicant has proof of disability that either prevents the applicant from obtaining full-time work, or prevents the applicant from gaining any employment.
- Proof is provided by a registered medical practitioner
2. Additional measures are in place and they are as follows:
- If the applicant is incapable of reasonably understanding requirements or making decisions, then a nominated Carer may apply on behalf of the applicant. The carer must provide proof that they are able to act on behalf of the applicant, as directed by the Ministry of Social Services.
- Applicants are required to provide an annual Medical Exam to the Ministry of Social Services regarding their current health and working conditions, unless a waiver is granted for a longer time period.
- The Ministry of Social Services is required to maintain and update medical conditions (physical or mental) that are eligible for the Disability Support payment.
Future and Possible Policies
Food stamps
1. The Ministry of Social Services would implement a Food stamp system to provode nutritional Aid to those who are not Well off or those who can’t afford groceries. This would heavily benefit low-income individual or households. This assistance would provode them with a chance to better care for themselves and their families as well as help them get out of the poverty line. The Food stamp system will be based on monthly benfits which would be determined by a persons income and current situation. Eligible participants will get Said benefits on a Electronic Benefits Transfer card (EBT) which can be usedmas a sort of coupon at all groceries and retailers.
2. The Ministry of Social Services will lead a media campaign which shall focus on tobacco an alcohol awareness to potentialy lower consumption and detter our citizens from its use. The campaign will also focus on their side effect and what they can do for your help. One of the campaigns bigger goals will be to detter kids and teenagers from getting addicted and trying those substances. Alcohol especially is a big proponent in family violence so this campaign will combat that.
3. The Ministry of Social Services will build kindergartens and home for the senior as well as implement programs and campaigns to provode help to Children and their families as well as senior citizens. Currently there is a lackmof legislativom regarding both points and that ought to change. We as a country must provode help to our most experienced and our Children which will one day replace us and Carey the new dawn. Child care will help with the development of the kids as well as helping them socialize. Our elderly need help because they otherwise can’t care for themselves and more frequently than not are alone and don’t have family member to hold on to.