Military Support to Civil Law Enforcement

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Section 1: Use of Army, Navy, or Air Force as posse comitatus

1.1 - Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or a General Assembly Resolution, willfully uses any part of the Army, the Navy, or the Air Force, as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

Section 2: Use of information collected during military operations

2.1 - The Minister of Defense may, in accordance with other applicable law, provide to Federal, State, or local civilian law enforcement officials any information collected during the normal course of military training or operations that may be relevant to a violation of any Federal or State law within the jurisdiction of such officials.
2.2 - The needs of civilian law enforcement officials for information shall, to the maximum extent practicable, be taken into account in the planning and execution of military training or operations.
2.3 - The Minister of Defense shall ensure, to the extent consistent with national security, that intelligence information held by the Ministry of Defense and relevant to drug interdiction or other civilian law enforcement matters is provided promptly to appropriate civilian law enforcement officials authorized within Title I.

Section 3: Use of military equipment and facilities

3.1 - The Minister of Defense may, in accordance with other applicable law, make available any equipment (including associated supplies or spare parts), base facility, or research facility of the Ministry of Defense to any Federal, State, or local civilian law enforcement official for law enforcement purposes.

Section 4: Use of military personnel

4.1 - The Minister of Defense may, in accordance with other applicable law, make Ministry of Defense personnel available—
4.1.1 - to train Federal, State, and local civilian law enforcement officials in the operation and maintenance of equipment

Section 5: Support not to affect adversely military preparedness

5.1 - Support (including the provision of any equipment or facility or the assignment or detail of any personnel) may not be provided to any civilian law enforcement official under this chapter if the provision of such support will adversely affect the military preparedness of the Kodiak Republic. The Minister of Defense shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to ensure that the provision of any such support does not adversely affect the military preparedness of the Kodiak Republic.
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