Law Enforcement and Crime Control

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Section 1 - National Kodiak Police (NKP)


1.1 - Establishes the central bureau of the National Kodiak Police (NKP) in the capital of Rykkburgh.
1.2 - Further central branches of the NKP shall be located within the Provincial Capitals.
1.3 - Establishes The NKP Academy at Rykkburgh.

Armed Police Division[2]

1.4 - Kodiak Police departments shall be compulsory to have an armed police division in the department for necessary criminal situations.
1.5 - Police officers are required to have a background check of their employment records and two firearm safety tests to be granted promotion to the armed police division.
1.6 - Armed police officers will be granted access to the following three classes of firearms:
1.6.1 - Class C, Armed Police Officers will be allowed to handle a semi-automatic rifle with a 15-round mag.
1.6.2 - Class D, Armed Police Officers will be allowed a handgun with no modifications and a 8-round mag.
1.6.3 - Class E, Armed Police Officers will be allowed all other ballistic weaponry that isn't above class C firearms.
1.7 - All Class C weaponry shall be put into the National Firearms Database under a special category for the division.
1.7.1 - The special category will be named "Kodiak Armed Police Weaponry."

Speed Cameras[2]

1.8 - To enable police officers to focus on more important criminal activities, speeding cameras will be set up near accident hotspots, school zones, and residential intersections.
1.8.1 - At accident hotspots, speeding cameras will be on at all times of the day with a speeding fine of 50F per ticket.
1.8.2 - At School Zones during the morning before school and afternoons right after school, speeding cameras will be on with a speeding fine of 200F per ticket if a driver violates the speed limit.
1.8.3 - In residential intersections, speeding cameras will on at all times of the day with a speeding fine of 200F per ticket if a driver violates the speed limit
1.9 - Police officers will be assigned to review footage from cameras and write out speeding tickets and reports to be submitted and mailed to the violator's home address.

Police Body Cameras[2]

1.10 - All police officers will be required to equip a new body-worn body camera to their uniform.
1.10.1 - The cameras provide unalterable video and audio recordings of the commission of crime, a police-citizen interaction, or a use-of-force incident.
1.10.2 - The technology will be worn in the middle of the chest of the police officer.
1.11 - The following procedures will be put into training and followed by all law enforcement:
1.11.1 - Video must be stored for a sufficient time to allow the accused to obtain evidence that is exculpatory or may lead to exculpatory evidence.
1.11.2 - Police Officers should not access body camera video before preparing their initial reports.
1.11.3 - Policies must prohibit the use of any biometric technologies in conjunction with body cameras
1.11.4 - An independent, non-police agency must retain and control access to body camera footage.
1.11.5 - Adequate resources must be available to ensure ongoing officer training on body camera use.

Section 2 - State Bureau of Investigations (SBI)

2.1 - Reforms the Kodiak Intelligence Agency into the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI)[1].
2.2 - Empowers the SBI to monitor, disrupt, and investigate syndicates of organised crime, internal terrorist threats, and incidents of foreign interference inside the Kodiaker Republic[1].
2.3 - Empowers the SBI with jurisdiction concerning organized crime.[3]
2.4 - Empowers the SBI with jurisdiction concerning state crimes.[3]
2.5 - An Organized Crime Division (OCD) will operate under the main Headquarters of the State Bureau of Investigations[4].
2.6 - The Organized Crime Division conducts operations targeted specifically towards crime organizations[4].
2.6.1 - Operations such as investigations into national and international crime organizations and gangs are to be performed.
2.6.2 - OCD has approved authority to prosecute any of the previously mentioned organizations under criminal law and controlled substances regulations.
2.6.3 - The Organized Crime Division does not have authorization to wire tap, set up up surveillance, or Searches without probable cause and a judge issued warrant.

Section 3 - Monitoring

3.1 - Wire and electronic communications interception and interception of oral communications is defined as monitoring of one party through technological means to intercept the voice communications of another party. Otherwise known as Wiretapping[5].
3.2 - Grants jurisdiction of Wiretapping to the Federal District Court judges[5].
3.3 - Establishes Single-Party consent as the requirement for application[5].

Section 4 - Counter Terrorism Service (CTS)

4.1 - Creates the Counter Terrorism Service (CTS) subordinate to the Ministry of Law and Order. The CTS shall act as the direct action force to subdue threats to the republic in the event local police are unable[6].
4.2 - Authorisations:[6]
4.2.1 - Authorizes the CTS the power to arrest citizens of the Republic under the charge of terrorism.
4.2.2 - Authorizes the CTS the power to arrest citizens of the Republic under the charge of espionage.
4.2.3 - Authorizes the CTS the power to arrest citizens of the Republic under the charge of treason.
4.2.4 - Authorizes the CTS the power to arrest citizens of the Republic under the charge of collusion with, aiding and/or abetting terrorism.
4.2.5 - Authorizes the CTS the power to arrest citizens of the Republic under the charge of collusion with, aiding and/or abetting espionage.
4.2.6 - Authorizes the CTS the power to arrest citizens of the Republic under the charge of collusion with, aiding and/or abetting treason.
4.2.7 - Authorizes the CTS the power to detain and question citizens of the Republic suspected of terrorism, espionage and/or treason.
4.2.8 - Authorizes the CTS to conduct domestic surveillance of individuals of interest suspected of charges relating to terrorism, espionage and/or treason.
4.2.9 - Authorizes the CTS to conduct domestic surveillance of individuals of interest suspected of collusion, aiding or abetting suspects of terrorism, espionage and/or treason.

Section 5 - Riot Control

5.1 - ...

Section 6 - Kodiak Drug Enforcement Agency[4]

6.1 - Funded by the Ministry of Justice and Law and Order, establishes the reorganization of the Drug Enforcement Task Force, into a new administration under the ministry known as the Kodiak Drug Enforcement Agency (KDEA).
6.2 - The KDEA will establish the Drug Enforcement Task Force (DETF) to enforce Controlled Substances Regulations.
6.2.1 - The KDEA has the authority to select Agents for the task force by board review.
6.2.2 - Selected Agents for the task force are required to have 5 years of Law Enforcement experience with a clean record prior to employment to the task force.
6.2.3 - Selected Agents will be required to go through a 2 month Training Course in the DETF Academy before being allowed into the force.
6.3 - The Justice and Law and Order Minister will select from a pool of qualified candidates to pick a Director of Operations.
6.3.1 - The Director of Operations will be the head of the Agency and will carry out orders from the ministry and Facilitate planned Operations of the Task Force.
6.3.2 - The Director of Operations will be in charge of selecting the officers to promote to the DETF after a board review.
6.3.3 - The Director of Operations' salary will be determined by the Justice and Law and Order Minister each budget year.
6.4 - The Headquarters of the KDEA will be in Rykkburgh, Olympiatus.
6.5 - Regional Headquarters will be set up in each established region of Kodiak.
6.5.1 - Each headquarters will be funded with the given budget with border regions and Major Port regions given higher priority.
6.5.2 - Regional headquarters will be lead by a Regional Director who reports to the Director of Operations.
6.6 - Support Staff will help the KDEA agents in investigations and administrative work.
6.6.1 - Main Support Staff will consist of an Intelligence Research Specialist, Forensic Analysts, and administrative staff positions.
6.6.2 - Intelligence Research Specialists and Forensic Analysts will be required to have a Criminal Justice degree and pass a licensing test at the to be qualified to these positions.
6.7 - Salaries for DETF Agents and Support staff will be determined by a board headed by the director of operations.


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