Land use, Regional and Urban Development
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Section 1 - Regional and Rural Community Development
- 1.1 - Payments via the Kodiak Regional Renewal Administration (KRRA) may be made to regional municipalities with a population less than 50,000 people, or to rural non-municipal government commissions with a population density under 15 persons per square kilometre, or to Kodiaker owned and managed non-profit organisations in these regions, or locally owned businesses with an annual gross revenue under ₣2,000,000 in these regions[1].
- 1.2 - The KRRA shall assess funding requests through an impartial selection process against a range of their own freely published criteria[1]
- 1.3 - Funding may be allocated for the purposes of[1]:
- 1.3.1 - Transportation infrastructure maintenance.
- 1.3.2 - Public Utility maintenance and improvement.
- 1.3.3 - Offsetting temporary tax incentives for small and medium locally owned businesses.
- 1.3.4 - Upgrading telecommunications infrastructure to encourage activities of the digital economy.
- 1.3.5 - Funding independent consultant organisations for the purposes of building a regional development plan
- 1.3.6 - Offsetting costs of non-state entities for upgrading or maintaining plant, infrastructure, and buildings.
- 1.3.7 - Offsetting costs for annual community festivals.
- 1.4 - The Ministry of Commerce and Labour shall grant funds to the KRRA for grants and subsidy payments for regional and rural community development [1].
Section 2 - Vacant Land Exploitation
- 2.1 - Vacant land: Any land that is not owned/protected by an individual, by a private corporation, nor by a state-owned agency[2].
- 2.2 - All vacant land can be used freely as long as the following regulations is respected[2].
- 2.3 - Infrastructure that is not made for farming purposes can not be added on these parcels of land[2].
- 2.4 - Governmental agencies from the Kodiak Republic as well as local governments have the right to expel a worker from occupied vacant land without any justification needed[2].
- 2.5 - Farmlands are the only authorized type of exploitation allowed on vacant lands[2].
- 2.6 - The prices of products produced on these parcels of vacant land is set by the Ministry of Agriculture and indexed on inflation[2].
- 2.7 - Individuals who do not have equipment to farm can apply for a loan from the government to pay for equipment. This loan shall be paid back in full with no interest. Failure to pay back the loan will result in the repossession of the farming equipment[2].
- 2.8 - The Ministry of Agriculture shall set the price at MSRP and then let the free market adjust the price due to inflation and other factors[2].
- 2.9 - Loans issued for farming equipment shall be paid on a minimum basis of 5% the total value of the loan each month[2].
- 2.10 - The Ministry of Agriculture will handle the buying, selling, and distributing of all goods produced in these parcels of land. They shall be bought from the farmers at 98% of the retail price and sold to consumers with a 2% profit margin that will be allocated to the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture[2].