Kodiak Law Code

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Revision as of 00:11, 2 February 2025 by Silmjlc (talk | contribs) (Resolutions)
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Constitution of the Seventh Republic

Standardized Templates

  1. Bill Proposal

Title I - Justice, Law, and Order

  1. Office of the Ministry of Justice, Law, and Order
  2. Justice, Law, and Order Budget
  3. Chancellor and Executive Powers
  4. Civil Rights
  5. Civil Laws
  6. Criminal Laws
  7. Judiciary and Judicial Procedure
  8. Law Enforcement and Crime Control
  9. Prison System
  10. Public Services and Initiatives
  11. Regulations
  12. Voting and Elections

Title II - Health and Education


  1. Office of the Ministry of Health
  2. Health Budget
  3. Emergency Services
  4. Food and Beverage Safety and Regulations
  5. Healthcare Standards and Rights
  6. Insurance and Claims
  7. Public Healthcare
  8. Public Health Programs
  9. Private Healthcare
  10. Safety Regulations


  1. Office of the Ministry of Education
  2. Education Budget
  3. Primary and Secondary Education
  4. Higher Education
  5. Education Directives and Initiatives
  6. Public Institutions
  7. Science and Research

Title III - Transportation

  1. Office of the Ministry of Transportation
  2. Transportation Budget
  3. Highways and Roads
  4. Motor Vehicles
  5. Public Transportation
  6. Rail
  7. Recreational Vehicles

Title IV - Social Services

  1. Office of the Ministry of Social Services
  2. Social Services Budget
  3. Child Protection
  4. Welfare
  5. Identity

Title V - Commerce and Labour

  1. Office of the Ministry of Commerce and Labour
  2. Commerce and Labour Budget
  3. Agriculture
  4. Business Aid and Loans
  5. Business Regulations
  6. Competition and Consumer Law
  7. Commerce and Labour Emergency Measures
  8. Culture and Tourism
  9. Employment and Labour Laws
  10. Employment and Labour Programs
  11. Energy
  12. Land use, Regional and Urban Development
  13. Mining
  14. Public and Community Service Initiatives
  15. Science and Technology
  16. Telecommunications
  17. Water

Title VI - Defense, Immigration, and Foreign Affairs

  1. Office of the Ministry of Defense
  2. Defense Budget
  3. The General Staff
  4. Regional Operating Commands
  5. The Army
  6. The Navy
  7. The Air Force
  8. Reserve Components
  9. Military Support to Civil Law Enforcement
  10. Space Research Council
  11. Border Patrol
  12. Immigration Control
  13. Refugee Status
  14. The Foreign Service
  15. Conscription
  16. Veteran Affairs
  17. Cyber Security

Title VII - Revenue and Treasury

  1. Office of the Ministry of Revenue and Treasury
  2. Revenue and Treasury Budget
  3. Taxation
  4. Foreign Investment

Title VIII - Administrative Affairs

Community Related Acts, Resolutions, and Procedures

  1. General Community Guidelines
  2. Community Code of Conduct Act 629
  3. MockGov Citizenship Rules

Kodiak Related Acts, Resolutions, and Procedures

  1. National Anthem
  2. National Holidays
  3. Standing Rules and Procedures of the General Assembly

Title IX - Treaties and General Resolutions


  1. The Treaty of Silver with the United Kingdom (643)
  2. Treaty of Taiping, Peace with the Great North (648)
  3. The Treaty of the Phoenix and the Risen Sun
  4. The Treaty of Snowfall 672
  5. Treaty of Pine


  1. Resolution against Fascist Ideologies (634)
  2. Resolution to Join the United Regions Alliance (636)
  3. Resolution to Join the Assembly of Nations, 652
  4. Declaration of War Against the Kodiak Commune (663)
  5. Resolution to Investigate Foreign Assistance to Internal Dissenters, (664)
  6. Resolution to Establish the Meritorious Awards of Kodiak
  7. Resolution to award FM Falkenridge the Guelderlaand Award
  8. Investigation Into Non-Participatory Civilian Deaths During Astroberg Uprising (665)
  9. Resolution for a National Victory Day and Civil War Remembrance Day
  10. Resolution to Review Evidence Gathered in 669 Investigation of Wintercrest involvement in The Civil War
  11. Resolution to Hold a State Funeral for The Late Chancellor Magnus Ward
  12. Impeachment of MGA Coleman Ryle
  13. Resolution to Conduct An Investigation into The Ryle Coup 676

Legislative Archive

Inactive Constitutions

Note: The 1st and 3rd Bromannikhan Constitutions as well as the Olympiatus Constitution are lost to time.
Note: While the First and Second Republics were total re-establishments, any major constitutional revision that changed the structure of the government has been termed a new "republic".

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