Kodiak Law Code
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Constitution of the Seventh Republic
Standardized Templates
Title I - Justice, Law, and Order
- Office of the Ministry of Justice, Law, and Order
- Justice, Law, and Order Budget
- Chancellor and Executive Powers
- Civil Rights
- Civil Laws
- Criminal Laws
- Judiciary and Judicial Procedure
- Law Enforcement and Crime Control
- Prison System
- Public Services and Initiatives
- Regulations
- Voting and Elections
Title II - Health and Education
- Office of the Ministry of Health
- Health Budget
- Emergency Services
- Food and Beverage Safety and Regulations
- Healthcare Standards and Rights
- Insurance and Claims
- Public Healthcare
- Public Health Programs
- Private Healthcare
- Safety Regulations
- Office of the Ministry of Education
- Education Budget
- Primary and Secondary Education
- Higher Education
- Education Directives and Initiatives
- Public Institutions
- Science and Research
Title III - Transportation
- Office of the Ministry of Transportation
- Transportation Budget
- Highways and Roads
- Motor Vehicles
- Public Transportation
- Rail
- Recreational Vehicles
Title IV - Social Services
Title V - Commerce and Labour
- Office of the Ministry of Commerce and Labour
- Commerce and Labour Budget
- Agriculture
- Business Aid and Loans
- Business Regulations
- Competition and Consumer Law
- Commerce and Labour Emergency Measures
- Culture and Tourism
- Employment and Labour Laws
- Employment and Labour Programs
- Energy
- Land use, Regional and Urban Development
- Mining
- Public and Community Service Initiatives
- Science and Technology
- Telecommunications
- Water
Title VI - Defense, Immigration, and Foreign Affairs
- Office of the Ministry of Defense
- Defense Budget
- The General Staff
- Regional Operating Commands
- The Army
- The Navy
- The Air Force
- Reserve Components
- Military Support to Civil Law Enforcement
- Space Research Council
- Border Patrol
- Immigration Control
- Refugee Status
- The Foreign Service
- Conscription
- Veteran Affairs
- Cyber Security
Title VII - Revenue and Treasury
- Office of the Ministry of Revenue and Treasury
- Revenue and Treasury Budget
- Taxation
- Foreign Investment
Title VIII - Administrative Affairs
Community Related Acts, Resolutions, and Procedures
Kodiak Related Acts, Resolutions, and Procedures
Title IX - Treaties and General Resolutions
- The Treaty of Silver with the United Kingdom (643)
- Treaty of Taiping, Peace with the Great North (648)
- The Treaty of the Phoenix and the Risen Sun
- The Treaty of Snowfall 672
- Treaty of Pine
- Resolution against Fascist Ideologies (634)
- Resolution to Join the United Regions Alliance (636)
- Resolution to Join the Assembly of Nations, 652
- Declaration of War Against the Kodiak Commune (663)
- Resolution to Investigate Foreign Assistance to Internal Dissenters, (664)
- Resolution to Establish the Meritorious Awards of Kodiak
- Resolution to award FM Falkenridge the Guelderlaand Award
- Investigation Into Non-Participatory Civilian Deaths During Astroberg Uprising (665)
- Resolution for a National Victory Day and Civil War Remembrance Day
- Resolution to Review Evidence Gathered in 669 Investigation of Wintercrest involvement in The Civil War
- Resolution to Hold a State Funeral for The Late Chancellor Magnus Ward
- Impeachment of MGA Coleman Ryle
- Resolution to Conduct An Investigation into The Ryle Coup 676
Legislative Archive
Inactive Constitutions
- The Constitution of the Sixth Republic
- The Constitution of the Fifth Republic
- The Constitution of the Fourth Republic
- The Constitution of the Third Republic
- Second Constitution of the Second Republic
- First Constitution of the Second Republic
- The Code of the First Republic
- Fourth Constitution of the Bromannikhan Kingdom
- Second Constitution of the Bromannikhan Kingdom
- Constitution of the Praetorian Empire
Note: The 1st and 3rd Bromannikhan Constitutions as well as the Olympiatus Constitution are lost to time.
Note: While the First and Second Republics were total re-establishments, any major constitutional revision that changed the structure of the government has been termed a new "republic".