Insurance and Claims
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Section One - Private Insurance
- 1.1 - All non-citizens residing in Kodiak for a period 91 days or longer are hereby obligated to purchase emergency services insurance from their choice of private insurer. [1]
- 1.2 - Emergency care provided to a non-citizen shall be billed to that citizen at the internal cost rate to be covered by their insurer, or if uninsured, by the non-citizen personally. [1]
- 1.3 - Residents who are citizens of any nation whose public health service maintains an agreement of reciprocity with the Kodiak Republic Department of Health are exempt from the demands of this Article. [1]
Section Two - Medically Necessary Elective Surgery [2]
- 2.1 - The Ministry of Health and Education will establish a commission to establish and define specific necessary elective surgery procedures.
- 2.1.1 - Necessary elective surgery is defined by any surgery that is not an emergency surgery, but is required to alleviate any medical condition with serious or life-altering impacts.
- 2.1.2 - The established commission must review all items on the list of elective surgery at least once per year. The commission may add or remove items from this list at any time.
- 2.2 - Medical insurance is defined as any benefits consisting of medical care, provided directly, through insurance or reimbursement, or otherwise and including items and services paid for as medical care provided by any hospital or healthcare provider.
- 2.3 - Medical insurance shall be required to cover all medical elective surgery as defined by the Ministry of Health and Education. This coverage shall be no less than eighty percent of the final cost of all associated costs of surgery, including specialist consultation, anesthesia, and any pre- and post-operative care.
- 2.4 - The Ministry of Health and Education will ensure that all medical insurance providers comply with this legislation. The Ministry of Health and Education may issue fines and other punishments to any medical insurance provider that is found to be out of compliance with this legislation.