Immigration Control

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Section 1: Formation

1.1 - The Ministry of Immigration exist under the Minister of Defense, Immigration, and Foreign Affairs
1.1.2 - The Ministry of Immigration may establish subordinate branches within territories of the Kodiak Republic to carry out the official duties.

Section 2: Visas

2.1 - The following are considered major visas classes;
  1. Visitors Visas, temporary for non-commercial visitors and holiday-makers;
  2. Training Visas, temporary or permanent for industrial and commercial training, as well as study in a Kodiaker secondary or tertiary education institution;
  3. Family Visas, permanent for civil partners, immediate family members, or orphaned non-immediate relatives of Kodiaker Citizens;
  4. Skilled Visas, temporary or permanent for in-demand skilled work gaps, exceptional global talent, or temporary skilled commercial activity;
  5. Diplomatic Visas, temporary for foreign officials serving in a diplomatic capacity;
  6. Miscellaneous Visas; temporary for bridging visas, long-term medical treatment, airline and maritime employees.
2.2 - The minimum requirements for a permanent visa;
  1. Pass a background criminal, character, and integrity check;
  2. Attachment documentation to a Kodiaker Citizen such as a marriage certificate, birth certificate, authorized immediate family form DI3846, or skilled work contract with minimum employment of three years;
  3. Medical background check precluding a list of unapproved adverse medical conditions or evidence of substantial health insurance prepaid to a minimum of five years;
  4. Be under the age of 45, except in the case of a Family visa.
2.3 - The minimum requirements for a temporary visa;
  1. Evidence of impending exit OR evidence of 20,000 florins in savings to cover fees and costs to leave;
  2. Evidence of activity to be undertaken, except in the case of a Visitor Visa;
2.4 - The Skilled Worker Incentive provides preferential status for immigrant applicants in key industries identified;
  1. Primary and nursery education teaching professionals
  2. Secondary education teaching professionals
  3. Higher education teaching professionals
  4. Nurses/Midwives
  5. Medical Practitioners
  6. Chemical Scientists
  7. Biological scientists
  8. Physical scientists
  9. Civil Engineers
  10. Mechanical Engineers
  11. Electrical Engineers
  12. Programmers and software development professionals
2.4.1 - A panel of assessors exist to assess the Priority Industry List and the effectiveness of the program
2.4.2 - All applicants must possess qualifications from nations with training systems that have been approved by the assessment panel
2.4.3 - The assessment panel will have the capacity to add addendums to the approved nations list based on political factors, under the advice of the Ministry of Immigration

Section 3: Path to Citizenship

3.1 - Establishes a path to Kodiaker Citizenship for permanent residents who:
  1. has resided legally in Kodiak for five years AND been a permanent resident for at least three years;
  2. speak a national language of Kodiak with a certified proficiency of at least (B2) according to the URA Framework of Reference for Languages, OR;
  3. holds a certificate of completion for any Associates or higher tertiary classification from a Kodiaker institution;
  4. may pass a background criminal, character, and integrity check;
  5. passes the Kodiak History and Citizenship Exam;
  6. and swears allegiance to Kodiak and her Laws in a public ceremony on Kodiak Day
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