Future Leaders of Kodiak Program (FLKP) 672
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
"An act to bring together Kodiak youth to participate in mock government and political clubs to build leadership skills within our young communities."
Article 1 - Future Leaders of Kodiak Program
- 1.1 - Future Leaders of Kodiak Program is a government-funded program to allow high school and college students to sign up and participate in monthly mock governments and leadership conferences in Rykkburg.
- 1.2 - During the program, students will run for the offices of Chancellor and General Assembly President.
- 1.2.1 - The student who wins the Office of Chancellor can have a full cabinet selected from the students in the program
- 1.3 - Students will propose bills, they craft themselves during their mock government sessions.
- 1.4 - During Leadership Conferences, students will learn vital leadership skills from college level professors and guest speakers.
Article 2 - Funding
- 2.1 - The program will be granted F5,000 quarterly to be formed, F20,000 annually.
Authored by Chancellor Jack Williams in joint with Health and Education Minister, Jean-Paul Deleuze.