Foreign Investment

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki


Some sectors of the Kodiak economy have limits on the maximum permissible percentage of foreign ownership in a company.

Tier 1

No foreign ownership is permitted in the following sectors:

1.1 Defence
1.2 Mining

Tier 2

Foreign ownership of up to 25% of a company's total equity is permitted in the following sectors:

2.1 Agriculture
2.2 Transportation
2.3 Rail infrastructure
2.4 Port infrastructure
2.5 Airport infrastructure

Tier 3

Foreign ownership of up to 49% of a company's total equity is permitted in the following sectors:

3.1 Healthcare
3.2 Energy
3.3 News
3.4 Real estate

Tier 4

4.1 There is no regulation on the amount of foreign investment in all other sections.


  1. Foreign Investment Regulation Act 651
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