Ethanol Act 651
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
The Ethanol Act of 651
ACTION on ## MONTH #### with ## Aye, ## Nay, and ## Abstain.
Article One: Amendment to the Commodity and Services Tax Act
- 1.1 - Raises the Petroleum Tax to 20% of the gross sale price.
Article Two: Ethanol-Based Fuel Tax Break
- 2.1 - Reduces the Petroleum Tax by 25% for each 15% Ethanol in the Petrol to a maximum of 100% reduction.
Article Three: Alcohol Sales Levy Reduction
- 3.1 - Reduces the Alcohol Sales Levy for ethanol manufacturers selling to fuel manufacturers to 15% of the gross sale price.
- 3.2 - Section 3.1 only applies if the ethanol is intended for mixing into petroleum.
- 3.3 - Reduces the Alcohol Sales Levy for fuel manufacturers selling at least 15% ethanol petroleum to fuel distributors to 10%.
- 3.4 - Removes the Alcohol Sales Levy for consumers buying at least 15% ethanol petroleum.
Written by Mivod Hlaja, MGA, KWP.