Emissions Trading System Act(ESTA), 674

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An act to REGULATE our carbon emissions. An act HELP the environment.

Emissions Trading System Act(ESTA)

Article 1: Establishment

1.1 The Ministry of Commerce and Labour shall establish the Carbon Emissions Oversee(CEO) and a license which enables companies to produce CO².
1.1.1 The CEO shall be in charge of overseeing carbon emissions and license registration.
1.1.2 The CEO shall regulate the price of acquiring a license on a "cap and trade" system. Closer CO² emissions are to the caped amount, the price will be higher.
1.1.3 The CEO shall establish a CAP and shall review and if needed alter it every 5 years.

Article 2: Funding

2.1 The funding for establishment and the work of the CEO shall be set at 12 million quaterly.

Article 3: Regulation

3.1 If companies produce more CO² emissions than allowed by given license then they shall face a fine determined by the CEO.
3.2 If companies are found to be producing significant amount of CO² without a license they shall also face fines determined by the CEO.
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