Defence, Immigration, and Foreign Affairs White Paper 676

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Guelderlaand Executive Building,


The Purpose of this report is to outline the current situation of the Ministry of Defence, Immigration, and Foreign Affairs (hereafter "the Ministry"). The report consists of four main parts; a summary of the major events since January 675 related to the Ministry and its departments, the quarterly budget of the Ministry with yearly figures also given, the current situations facing the Ministry, and the policy plans for the next three legislative terms.

Term in Review

Treaty of Pine
The Treaty of Pine, the work almost entirely of the Minister's predecessor Mr Andrew Williams, MGA, was introduced and passed in 675. The treaty formalised the relation between the Serene Republic and the Augustin Alliance; a coalition of seven nations, four with United Regions Alliance (hereafter "URA"). It passed almost unanimously in the General Assembly, with 174 votes to 18 with 8 members abstaining
Bothnian Crisis
In January 675, the democratically elected government of Bothnia was removed in a military coup d'état. The coup was led by General Antii Helevesco of the Bothnian People's Army and occurred following a long standing economic depression caused by a collapse of trade relations with the United Republics of Donovia. A large strike by industrial workers in Bothnia as well as elements of the People's Army under General Helvesco were met with a crackdown by the military government. The crisis is being closely monitored for any human right abuses by the military government.
Review of the Military Staff
The Minister was requested to evaluate the staff officers of the Armed Forces of Kodiak (hereafter "AFK") for promotions and if need be, their replacement. The Minister out forwards General Merritt to replace the retiring Admiral Buch as Chief of the General Staff, and General Geim to replace General Calloway as Army Chief of Staff. The sudden retirement of General Hammond of the Army Forces Command as a result of the review is deeply regretted.
Astroburg Earthquake
The city of Astroburg in the province of Karputska was struck by a magnitude 6.8. The city's centre was almost completely destroyed with nearly two-thirds of the city damaged in some way. Support was requested by the Minister from the divisions of Military District III based in Joint Base Astroburg. Approximately 400 soldiers were deployed for humanitarian purposes in medical aid and the distribution of supplies to those affected.
Foreign aid was coordinated by the Ministry. Both humanitarian aid and currency was received from the governments of Avaldonia as well as various nations of the URA and dispersed to the relevant authorities in Astroburg.

Budget for Q2, 676

  1. Kodiaker Army - ₣600,000,000
  2. Kodiaker Navy - ₣1,240,000,000
  3. Kodiaker Air Force - ₣1,012,500,000
  4. Kodiaker Coast Guard - ₣582,500,000
  5. Joint Research Institute - ₣500,000,000
  6. Veterans Affairs - ₣1,050,000,000
  7. Cyber Security - ₣55,000,000
  8. Hardware Procurement - ₣2,845,000,000

Total: ₣7,885 million (₣31,540 million per year).

  1. Kodiak Border Patrol - ₣82,000,000
  2. Refugee Resettlement Program - ₣90,000,000
  3. Skilled Workers Incentive Scheme - ₣150,000,000

Total: ₣322 million (₣1,288 million per year).

Foreign Affairs
  1. Department of the Kodiak Foreign Service - ₣90,000,000

Total: ₣90 million (₣360 million per year).

Total Budget

Total: ₣8,297 million (₣33,188 million per year)

Current Situations

Armed Forces
The AFK consists of three main branches; the army, the air force and the navy, with a coast guard as part of the latter. The army has had combat experience in the Darrent and more recently in Sjokalade, with mixed results. They have been continually hampered by outdated equipment and doctrine. Foreign intelligence reports have noted that the navy and the air force have poor standings. Sending elements of the AFK abroad to aid our allies, such as the three corvettes sent to Thegye to combat piracy, has indeed had an effect on the standing of the navy and air force amongst said allies, but it has been negligible for other powers.

A full white paper on the state of the armed forces is expected to be published around 680.

Foreign Affairs
The diplomatic relations have expanded over the past two legislative terms. The Ministry and the nation as a whole are deeply indebted to former Minister Mr Andrew Williams for his negotiations with the People's Republic of Wintercest and the Augustin Alliance. Mr William's treaties have allowed the blossoming of relations, in Augistin's case, and the healing of relations, in the case of Wintercrest.
The Nuku Parumoana Republic (TNP) launched an attack on offices of the Assembly of Nations which resulted in a Kodiaker hostage and numerous stolen classified documents over Kodiak's stance on a particular issues before the Assembly. The crisis was concluded without further escalation; an apology was issued by the Republic.
One of the closer allies of the Serene Republic is the United Kingdom of Thegye. Our relation has remained strong. As mentioned previously, three Kodiaker Navy corvettes aided in the combatting of pirates off the Thegyan coast. However, the recent economic problems facing the Serene Republic have spilled over into the United Kingdom, with a major bank collapsing and a fall in grain price due to poor agricultural harvests in Kodiak.

Plans for the Ministry

National Service
National Service will be a large scale volunteer programme for the young adults aged between 18 and 25. It will be a joint effort between the Ministries of Law and Order and Healthcare and Education as well as private civilian firms. There will be a choice for national serviceman for which service they wish to enter; where it be in the army, police, medical services, charitable services etcetera. It will result in a lower long term costs and increased efficiency for the national government and its ministries whilst also boosting national cohesion and citizenship amongst our young adults. National Service will be rolled out in the early 680s.
Audit of the AFK
Despite being moderately well funded and legislated plans for upgraded and refurbished equipment, reports show an antiquated and undermanned armed forces. In one clear example, the nation's marine forces are the most funded of the branches. However, the fleet is in an "aging and antiquated state" with many vessels being from the 650s, with the submarine fleet dating from the 640s. An audit of the AFK expenses and finances will be conducted in join with the Ministry for Law and Order to ensure integrity of the AFK in 678. If the AFK is found to have committed any breach of trust in their finances, funding will be cut.
Sanctions on States Developing Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear weapons are a strict negative for humanity and the planet. However, economic, political, and military conflict can result in some nations pursuing a nuclear weapons program. To reduce nuclear proliferation and prevent development of other weapons of mass destruction, the Ministry will impose sanctions upon states that have nuclear weapons programs.

Christopher Blackadder II, MGA
Minister for Defence, Immigration and Foreign Affairs
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