
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Section 1: Wartime Conscription

1.1 - Under the discretion of the Chancellor, the Ministry of Defense may enact Wartime Conscription to exceed the legal limits of the Army's end strength through mandatory service of citizens eligible for service.
1.2 - The Chancellor reserves the power to declare General Mobilization, bringing all Organized Reserve personnel to Active Duty regardless of legal strength caps.
1.3 - Eligibility for Conscription:
  1. All male citizens between the ages of 18-29, barring any exemptions determined by the Ministry of Defense, will be required to serve a minimum of 36 months within the Kodiak military.
  2. All female citizens between the ages of 18-27, barring any exemptions determined by the Ministry of Defence, will be required to serve a minimum of 24 months within the Kodiak military.
1.3.1 - Service may begin at the age of 17, if the citizen in question is granted written permission from both of their parents or legal guardians.

1.3.2 - Upon reaching the age of 18, or 17 if permission is granted following the requirements stated in Article 3, the Ministry of Defense shall be granted the authority to call citizens for medical screenings to determine eligibility for service

1.4 - Exemptions of Service
  1. Pregnant women and single parents shall be exempt from military service.
  2. Persons belonging to any government recognized religion that forbids violence shall be exempt from combat service but shall still be required to serve in a Non-Combat or Support position.
  3. Citizens suffering physical disabilities shall be exempt from military service.
  4. Citizens suffering from mental disabilities shall be exempt from military service.
  5. Citizens identified as unfit for duty during medical screenings shall be exempt from military service.
  6. Citizens currently pursuing Higher Education will be exempt for the time they are enrolled in a College or University but will be required to begin their service upon graduation or withdrawing.
  7. Citizens without any siblings or are the designated "sole survivor" of a family shall be exempt from military service.
  8. Citizens currently serving in any of the following job fields will be exempt from all military service: Education, Healthcare, Agriculture, Religion, Law, Law Enforcement, Engineering, Manufacturing.
1.4.1 - The Minister of Defense may determine exemptions from service for reasons other than those listed.
1.5 - Renewal and Suspension of Wartime Conscription
1.5.1 - Conscription shall be enforced for 30 months after enactment by the Ministry of Defense
1.5.2 - If deemed necessary, the Ministry of Defense, with a majority of approval from the General Assembly, may extend conscription in periods of six months.

Section 2: Peacetime Conscription

2.1 - Conscription in peacetime is illegal

Section 3: Transfer Opportunities

3.1 - When a Conscript has 6 months of their service remaining, they will have the option to transfer out of the military and serve the remainder of their time within the Kodiak Police or the Kodiak Border Guard.
3.2 - When a Conscript has reached their minimum service time they will be given the option to re-enlist, and become a volunteer soldier; continue their employment within the Kodiak Border Guard if they have transferred, or to exit the service.
3.3 - Conscripts who elect to re-enlist and hold a Bachelor's Degree or higher will be offered the opportunity to join the Officers Candidate School.
3.4 - Conscripts who do not yet hold a Bachelor’s Degree or higher, but show qualities befitting an Officer, may be offered free college tuition at a public university or military academy to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in a subject of their choosing, but must participate in a commissioning program, and enter a service contract as an officer upon graduation.
3.5 - Should a conscript choose to exit the service, provided they have a clean bill of service, they shall be honorably discharged at their current rank, and be granted a Certification of Skills for any trained role they had within the Military, which will be seen as equivalent to a Trade School Certification.
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