Civil Laws

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Section 1 - Intellectual Copyright Protections

1.1 - The Ministry of Law shall enact intellectual copyright protections laws. All international copyrights shall be recognized and enforced by the National Patent Office (NPO)[1].

Section 2 - Marriage

2.1 - Marriage is legalised for adults of the age of majority regardless of sex, gender, or ethnicity [2] [3].

Section 3 - Gender Realignment

3.1 - It is legal for any citizen of Kodiak to choose their preferred gender and exercise their rights to self determination [3] [2].
3.2 - For the purposes of this section, Gender is defined as the social characteristics of a Male or Female and any special legal entitlements granted to those identities [3].
3.3 - Authorizes the Office of Records and Demographics to make changes to the gender data of citizens of The Kodiak Republic in the form of a no-cost "Gender Realignment" [3].
3.3.1 - The Age to Consent to a gender realignment shall be established at 21 years of age.
3.3.2 - Only 1 no-cost gender realignment may be applied for during a lifetime.

Section 4 - Abortion

4.1 - Abortion is decriminalised and legal [3].
4.2 - All mothers shall have the right to choose to undergo an abortion before reaching 14 weeks of pregnancy without the need for medical examination or consultation [3].
4.2.1 - After 14 weeks of pregnancy, Mothers seeking abortion shall be required by law to consult with a state certified OB-GYN, who will assess the situation and provide guidance based on the health risks to the mother or abnormalities in fetal development. Abortions at or after 14 weeks that do not first seek medical consultancy will be illegal under the law.
4.2.2 - In cases of non-consensual encounters, the requirement for medical consultation after 14 weeks is waived and they shall, under this law, retain the right to make the decision independently without consulting from the professional(s) proscribed in (4.2.1).


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