Chancellor and Executive Powers
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki
Section 1 - Term Limits
- 1.1 - No individual may serve as Chancellor of the Kodiak Republic for longer than 2 terms consecutively[1].
- 1.2 - There is no total term limit upon the office of Chancellor[1].
- 1.3 - The term of government shall be no greater than three years[1].
- 1.3.1 - Gameplay: In the common parlance, this may be referred to as (12 weeks).
Section 2 - Emergency Powers
- 2.1 - In time of national crisis, the Chancellor may be empowered through the General Assembly by majority vote with Emergency Powers to enact decrees after submission of the draft resolution ahead of the final vote[2].
- 2.2 - Emergency Powers are withdrawn at the will of the General Assembly by simple majority[2].
- 2.3 - In times of war the Chancellor is granted the power to:[2].
- 2.3.1 - Declare Martial Law over declared theaters of conflict.
- 2.3.2 - Suspend Habias Corpus for a period of 90 days.
- 2.3.3 - Impose Curfews for periods of 90 days.
- 2.3.4 - Nationalize Key Industries for the duration of a conflict or emergency period.
- 2.4 - The General Assembly may overrule Executive Actions through a resolution passed by simple majority[2].
- 2.5 - The High Court of the Republic may overrule Executive Actions under the basis of unconstitutionality[2].
Section 3 - Executive Powers
- 3.1 - The Chancellor has authority to approve pardons to charges of terrorism, espionage and/or treason[3].