
From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

Section 1 - Agricultural Security and Development

1.1 - Payments via the Kodiak Agricultural Administration (KAA) may be made direct to primary agricultural businesses or cooperatives with a five year running average of annual gross income of less than ₣2,000,000[1].
1.2 - The KAA shall assess funding requests through an impartial selection process against a range of their own freely published criteria[1].
1.3 - Funding may be allocated for the purposes of[1]:
1.3.1 - Funding equipment replacement or repair.
1.3.2 - Funding infrastructure construction or repair.
1.3.3 - A partial repayment of annual water purchases.
1.3.4 - A direct payment per tonne of cereal, grain fodder, and oilseed.
1.3.5 - A direct payment per tonne of milk, beef, pork, lamb, and mutton.
1.3.6 - A direct payment per square hectometre of fallow arable land, increased year on year for a maximum and terminable limit of 5 years.
1.3.7 - Funding a portion of seasonal wage labour.
1.3.8 - Drought income insurance.
1.4 - The Ministry of Commerce and Labour shall grant funds to the KAA for grants and subsidy payments for agricultural businesses or cooperatives [1].

Section 2 - Agricultural Sustainability

2.1 - The Agricultural Control and Safety Commission (ACSC) shall be authorised to provide grants of 500,000 florins for approved independent agricultural businesses or farms in exchange for adopting sustainable agriculture practices[2].
2.1.1 - The business shall be family or employee owned and shall be solely based in Kodiak.
2.1.2 - The money shall be used as a priority to adopt sustainable agriculture practices.
2.1.3 - The businesses must provide proof of using at least 85% of the money towards adopting sustainable practices.
2.2 - The ACSC shall determine a select number of business and farms to give out the grant and for that number to be exactly as the budget allows or lower[2].
2.2.1 - The ACSC shall determine the number of businesses given the grant based on need and their expertise.
2.3 - The ACSC shall give out 200 thousand florins to businesses that do not fall under 2.1.1 but is solely based in Kodiak[2].
2.3.1 - The ACSC shall select a lower number of businesses to give out the grant.
2.4 - The ACSC shall manage programs to promote sustainability[2].
2.5 - There shall be a program put in place to clean and protect water sources and improve it's quality[2].
2.5.1 - The ACSC shall identify valuable water sources and put measures in place to protect them and improve their quality.
2.6 - As a part of the grants the ACSC shall conduct soil testing and provide businesses with equipment and ways to improve it's fertility[2].
2.6.1 - The improvement of the soil shall be done in eco-friendly ways such as compost and other natural ways.
2.6.2 - The ACSC shall also provide businesses with ways to maintain soil nutrients and slow down soil degradation.
2.7 - The ACSC shall give businesses measures to stop using pesticides and convert to more natural ways[2].


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