675 General Election - 09 Dec 2024

From The Kodiak Republic Wiki

The 675 General Election was held on 16 October 2023, with campaigning beginning on 02 October 2023. Incumbent Chancellor Magnus Ward (NUP) was the only candidate to declare as a candidate. Braughn Kyros of the KWP and Jonn Stevens of the DPPK declared as candidates for.

The election ran for three days and was certified by the Public Service.

The election was run through the EasyPoll Software on Discord and the questions put were:

For whom do you vote as Chancellor of the Republic of Kodiak

🇦 Viktor Adler (KWA)
🇧 Spade Wilson (CAP)
🇨 Antonio Rufian (SHRIMP)
ᴅ Yungly Shoan (Ind)
ᴇ Andrew Williams (KSDP)
ꜰ Abstain

Final Result
🇦 ▓▓▓▓░░░░░░ [15 • 37%]
🇧 ▓░░░░░░░░░ [4 • 10%]
🇨 ▓▓▓░░░░░░░ [12 • 29%]
ᴅ ░░░░░░░░░░ [1 • 2%]
ᴇ ▓░░░░░░░░░ [6 • 15%]
ꜰ ▓░░░░░░░░░ [3 • 7%]
41 votes from 41 users


stopwatch: Poll already ended (12 days ago)
anonymous: Anonymous Poll
one: allowed choice
roles: Allowed roles: @Assembly Member
lock: No other votes allowed

Poll ID: d21cd300

For whom do you vote as President of the General Assemby?

🇦 Joanna Sousa (KWA)
🇧 Brook Vonz (KEP)
🇨 Abstain

Final Result

letter_a: ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░ [26 • 67%]
letter_b: ▓░░░░░░░░░ [5 • 13%]
letter_c: ▓▓░░░░░░░░ [8 • 21%]

39 votes from 39 users


stopwatch: Poll already ended (12 days ago)
anonymous: Anonymous Poll
one: allowed choice
roles: Allowed roles: @Assembly Member
lock: No other votes allowed

Poll ID: 8abd4d2e

Second Williams Cabinet

Chancellor: Viktor Adler (KWA)
Deputy Chancellor: Antonio Recio Rufián (SHRIMP)
Minister of Justice, Law, and Order: Coleman Ryle (SHRIMP)
Minister of Health and Education: John Wedgewood (KWA)
Minister of Revenue and Treasury: Antonio Recio Rufián
Minister of Commerce and Labour: William Barber (KWA)
Minister of Social Services: Brook Vonz (KEP)
Minister of Defence and Immigration: Christopher Blackadder II (NUP)
Minister of Transportation: Karl Imperio (KSDP)

Candidate Declarations


Viktor Adler (KWA)
People of Kodiak! When I was elected by this Assembly following the dismissal of Jack William's government, I pledged to make life better for you - the workers of this nation. In just one and a half years, my government has:

Made it mandatory for all corporate boards to include two worker-elected representatives. Signed a treaty with Wintercrest, and acquired a guarantee from Walbard. Restored funding for public housing.

Additionally, we have bills in the queue and at debate, namely the Public Service Promotion Omnibus Act, Kodiak Railways Service Promotion Act, Business Tax Break Act, and Worker Employer Agreement Enforcement Act respectively. By the election I hope that these bills will have been passed by the Assembly, further advancing you, the people of Kodiak.

Now, past achievements are all well and good, but what does the KWA offer for the future? What can I, Viktor Adler, promise you in the next three years?


1. WHEN our party is reelected to hold the Chancellery, we WILL reduce the burden of income tax on the lowest brackets.
2. WHEN our party is reelected to hold the Chancellery, we WILL strengthen the protections of unions.
3. WHEN our party is reelected to hold the Chancellery, we WILL sign a treaty with another major ally.
4. WHEN our party is reelected to hold the Chancellery, we WILL analyse and straighten out the budget in a fair and balanced manner to help reduce our government debt.

Once again, the KWA has a definite plan for Kodiak, we have concrete steps we will take, and we will once again achieve them! You, the workers of Kodiak, are still the people that matter, and the KWA is still the party that will listen. Therefore, I am once again humbly asking - VOTE ADLER FOR CHANCELLOR!

Spade Wilson (IND)
Spade steps on the podium with his face curling up into a smile. He waves out to his fan with a motto on a sign behind him “Kodiak March On!”

Greeting my fellow patriots of the Kodiak Republic! I have fought tooth and nail to counteract the WOKE Socialist’s deep state propaganda, I have fought to defend our dearest countrymen’s safety from these treacherous red tides! The great veterans who have sacrificed to defend the country’s stability are all shocked to see the same enemies taking a hold on the government during the last snap election, DISGRACEFUL! This was the work of the Socialist deep state, corrupting and meddling the government’s election! The Winter Organization for Kodiak's Extinction are working with Wintercrest and the Association of Socialist States to control our government and people LIKE A BUNCH OF PUPPETS!

The crowd cheers for him as the speech drags on about the Socialist deep state and then his plans

If you elect me as your Chancellor, I PROMISE WITH YOU ALL, I will reforms the constitution all together! I will make sure the terrorist bootlicking, red blood huffing, baby eating Communists like the KEP, KSDP and KWA pay for their crime! To all the disenfranchised veterans out there, I WILL NOT DISAPPOINT YOU ALL! I will do my best to undo the pardon of these scumbags and make them pay, throw them in jail! I will cut income taxes for our people, making sure that I am doing the right thing for our people! I will help lowering some budgets, while increasing others to balance it all out! Especially education and military budget! We must increase our military budget to combat against the Marxist Space Laser Society, we will develop our own project Star Wars and build glorious space weapons and space exploration!

Vote Spade, vote for patriotic revolution and vote for true justice for the fallen patriotic veterans! KODIAK SHALL MARCH ON FROM TODAY TO THE FUTURE!

Antonio Recio Rufian (SHRIMP)
I'd like to announce I'll be running for chancellorship, as expected, and still under the coalition between SHRIMP and the NUP.

As the rest of the center and left parties have chosen to stay by the side of the polarizing socialists, even if it's more damaging and they like to claim wish to bring stability and union in the nation, it seems Kodiak is left once again with the choice of voting for something they don't really know which way will go — except for those that vote for us.

I've already mentioned my plan for the next three years, and will develop it further as time passes. It seems that our plan, often seen with an antagonistic view from the left parties, has led to them changing plans and outright stealing them from us too. But anyways.

I'll be here for all of you who wish to see a true change in our nation, and for the better, to defend and prioritize those wishes.

For a fairer Kodiak, vote Antonio Recio for chancellor in 675.

Yungly Shoan II (IND)
Hello people of Kodiak, since my father's passing I have been *mostly* silent since my father's passing, I would like to announce my entering into the 675 election for Chancellor, just as my father had before, I make a promise now to every Kodiakian, if elected, I shall ensure a rich, and happy Kodiak, and ensure a free, and fair market for all.

Andrew Williams (KSDP)
Andrew Williams stands With His Father, Jack Williams in Front of the Williams Estate to Address the Crowd of Press Jack Williams steps up to the podium with a smile and quick gesture to his son After much deliberation between Andrew, the family, and I, my son has decided to take a big leap in his early career. I am proud of his achievements already as Minister of Defense and Foreign Affairs, creating treaties with Wintercrest, Walbard, and even Augustin....Andrew whispers in his ear...Apologies, no treaty for Augustin.

As MGA of North San Chico, he has proposed a detailed and monumental Advanced Tech bill into the energy sector which I hope will see passed for Andrew's first big bill in the General Assembly. This big leap is huge and I can't wait to see him succeed as he continues to build upon his legacy as a member of the Kodiak General Assembly. I will now give it to Andrew to make his big announcement.

Jack steps back as Andrew approaches the microphones, pictures are taken and he smiles to begin

Good Day everyone! I know I had told the public many times that I wasn't running for office, and truly yes, I didn't believe this early in my career would be a good time but after much convincing from not only my father but my whole entire family here in San Chico, that includes the workers at the San Chico Boat Yard and my friends at the firm, and of course EVERYONE here in this amazing city, I have decided to throw my name into the hat for the prestigious office of Chancellor.

In my brief couple of years in the General Assembly, we have seen a sharp turn to the deep radical left, too many bills focused on tearing away the financial profitability of our economic institutions. I do applaud the bills focused on worker's rights, however we are facing a economic and financial breakdown in the coming years and instead of trying to ease our debt crisis, we have doubled down on spending money in the wrong places. I plan to change to political direction. here in Kodiak. I want to be a leader of the middle. I want to bring all parties to an agreement in multi-partisanship to better the next generations of Kodiakians. We need to look into the future with open eyes towards AI and more advanced technology in the most important fields like Energy, Education and Healthcare. We need to focus on lessening our continued debt crisis and pull Kodiak away from financial and economic instability. We need to spend our money in the right places by building up our small businesses and allowing workers to grow within their company while also not losing our biggest domestic producers. So with all that being said, VOTE FOR WILLIAMS as the next Chancellor of The Kodiak Republic!

Thank you! Andrew steps back and shakes his father hands before pulling into a hug and waving to the crowd


Brook Vonz (KEP)
Brook walks on stage with a smile from ear to ear. He waves to the crowd and sends air kisses. He looks ecstatic. The crowd is cheering loudly and is chanting "Green is good!".

Hello, hello, hello. Wow this is what a crowd looks like. So many happy faces and great voices. From acne filled college dropouts to Rykkburgh council and now this. We have come so far and we are only going to get farther and we will continue to grow. We are here united by one mission, to make Kodiak healthier and to make Kodiak a better place for our kids and their and their kids and so on... We are strong and we have proven through multiple bills that we are meant to be here. But now let's get to the good, to the green, the great stuff!

I am announcing my candidacy for ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT, yes you heard me right. I can assure that we are going to make a change and that I will be running a fast, a government acknowledging your voices and most importantly a tremendous assembly. Or FAT in short if you're like that. These past presidencies have been commendable and without a doubt great, but we are the new generation and we are going to be on par and if not better than them. While the presidency will be my main focus I can assure you that we shall continue our stride and continue putting out new bills and new reforms so we all can have a better life. But most importantly as president everyone will have a say. No matter if you're green, red, right or left every bill shall be added to the queue and given a fair fight. We are in a troubling time and we have to fight through but with spirit. Not with meaningless shouting matches in the assembly.

Brook is getting a bit teary eyed and he looks at the crowd which gives him an incredible roar of an applause

Mhm, so yeah... That's my goal and I know that it is yours too. Many people have brought me where I currently am. Special thanks to my mom and especially my dad, and industry worker who brought me to his factory and showed me the disgust and harm it does to the environment. I'd like to thank my fellow activist all across the country, the KEP you guys... Man... You're not guys... You're the guy. And a person who really helped with my bills and with my infant party, current president Sousa... Crowd gives an applause Yes, yes and finally good luck to my to-be enemy in the race for presidency I hope we both do a stellar job and we make this assembly a better place! But we are not going to bow down to any enemy not even oil! We are here to spread the word of the trees, and to protect them! We are here to stay and we are here to fight! Thank you all, really thank you! Have a good day!

Brook leaves the stage all in tears of joy and embraces a hug with his fellow KEPers, the crowd chants The light is green!

Joanna Sousa (KWA)
My fellow Kodiakers,

I am officially declaring my run for President.

As President I have been the stabilising figure of Kodiak’s Government. This is ever more important given the political strife in our nation. As President, I have served the people first and foremost and have always sought fruitful debate from all sides of the Assembly. I therefore ensured that the peoples representatives can do their jobs regardless of our political views.

Additionally, every single party has known me as someone that is open to working together. Party leaders across Kodiak know that they can approach me for help and counsel. As President I have proven that I will be impartial to politics even if I disagree, and this I promise shall continue.

So what happened this term? I have never run for an elected position just to do the bare minimum and in my opinion the office of the President as more than just a ‘manager of debate’, the Presidency is best placed to improve the General Assembly for the sake of the people.

I have demonstrated my fit for the role in the last term through: Aiding MGAs with their work and crafting of legislation.

Using my experience to provide impartial expert counsel to the Chancellor and cabinet.

Creating a more flexible queue which allows members to prioritise the policies that they wish to push forward. I have ensured that all MGAs have the opportunity to be heard in a timely manner. I have done this rather than strictly adhering to an old queue system that was collapsing under its own weight and threatened to see MGAs not heard for years.

-((OOC: This was also a gameplay issue and we found that potential wait times could have been many months in real life time! Unfortunately, feedback was that people get bored of waiting for their one chance of a debate and would give up on the game)).

I have been proactive in identifying flaws in how the GA is run and fixing them immediately, which you also see in proactively changes to the standing orders.

I have repaired existing law code errors in a conscious bid to ensure that our laws are accurate, especially errors that have existed for decades.

I mediated a critical and politically defining motion of no-confidence, ensuring that debate was fair and captured all sides and views. I ensured that the debate did not get derailed with contempt and behaviour unbecoming of the people’s representatives.

My targets this term:

1) Law code reform - My commitment to launching the new Kodiak law code this term. ((See ⁠Law Code rework)). This project is something I feel will be the most important change in the General Assembly for sometime from a practical gameplay perspective. I have led the resumption of the law code reform ((OOC: originally started by Atlantic States/logansrun)) and we have since gone from no progress for much of the year to being very nearly complete and ready for launch. The final goal of the reform is to make it simpler to find information for MGA and Executive alike!

My next action will be to ensure a smooth transition AND help all MGAs in writing legislation to work with the new system. I will be developing the best way to do so in as simple a manner as possible to ensure the barrier of entry remains low (e.g., simple templates and guides). I will use this opportunity to train the next generation of legislators, and future Presidents alike.

2) Accountability - Our Governments must be held to their promises. As President, I am targeting Government accountability. We have seen that political chaos was a net negative for Kodiak. Part of this reason is an unresponsive Government that appears to not consider the GA’s views which led us to multiple motions of no-confidence. Before we jump to the gallows we should build a culture of accountability instead.

I believe a Government that is required to answer to the General Assembly will seek to work hard and work with the General Assembly throughout their term, not just during elections. There will be no coasting in Kodiak.

This means: Working with the public service to introduce a midterm GA special inquiry session. The goal is to give MGAs the opportunity to make inquiries of the Chancellor and cabinet and demand answers to matters that they believe are important. The Government will have their chance to adjust and share their plans to address the prevailing issues.

We will end with approval votes so the people can voice their approval/disapproval explicitly. A truly poor performing Government shall have the impetus to improve or become unelectable.

Working with the public service and the cabinet to introduce required Ministry reporting for the GA to coincide with the GA inquiries - allowing for a more informed debate.

3) Making it easier for people to get involved One of my key initiatives that I will introduce as President is the formation of a group of volunteer veteran legislators. I have always believed that part of the shepherding role of the President is to aid our legislators in getting their ideas to debate. I see the opportunity to improve this aspect and help it endure long after I am gone.

((Admittedly this is an OOC initiative but just as important if we want to aid newer members in their first steps into the General Assembly.))

The goal is simple - become a resource for newer MGAs and aid them in turning their ideas into tangible legislation that meets the standards of the General Assembly. This aid can be direct aid and it can also be creating resources. This initiative aims to spread our collective knowledge out, and gain more interesting debates in the GA as people become more experienced.

Expect me to continue to be a proactive President. I believe that a proactive and more involved President can represent the GA and act as a foil to a bad Chancellor, and an able partner to one that serves the people well.

The Presidency needs to be strong and capable of dealing with all sides of the Assembly in a fair manner, whilst being proactive to ensure that the people are properly represented; lest the entire state grind to a halt. That is something I have always upheld in the last term.

The Presidency needs to do more than the bare minimum of cycling through debates and votes. As President I also proactively work on the integrity of gameplay to ensure the simulation has the most accurate information available.

This is what you will get when voting Joanna Sousa for President.

Thank you Kodiak. I sincerely wish the other campaigns well. May we all have a campaign that priortises the people first.

President Joanna Philippa Zari Sousa.

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